

The first one to tackle Ozuku was Uraraka. But the first one to ask a question- "Dek-uh, Izuku, you damn nerd, where the Hell did you go?" Bakugo shouted, scowling. Izuku buried his head in his girlfriends shoulder, a but too tired to answer. "Are you ok?" Yaoyorozu asked, rushing over. "Dude, you don't look so great." Kaminari added, looking over at him as he also walked toward them. "Maybe you should take a seat!" Kirishima suggested, his eyes and facial expression showing how worried and concerned he was. Everyone started asking questions, and kept saying he should sit down, or try and get some rest. Then everyone's voices mixed together, and he couldn't make anything out. "HEY!" All Might shouted, loud enough to be heard over the students, and they all fell silent. "I know everyone has questions, but I'll explain everything. And you might want to take a seat, all of you." Minutes later, everyone was sitting down in the commons area, and Uraraka was still holding onto Izuku like her life depended on it. He gave a small smile and ran his fingers through her hair. "Hey, it's ok, Uraraka. I'm back, I'm safe, I'm healed, and I do t plan on going anywhere." After All Might explained, he said, loud enough from everyone to hear, "I'm sorry for making you all worry, and I'm sorry that you're all just now finding out about Shigaraki. I didn't mean for anything like this to happen, honestly, and-" "Midoriya." Todoroki cut him off, and he looked at his classmate, waiting for whatever it was he had to say. "Its not your fault, nor will anything that happens to you ever be your fault. I mean, you can't control what happens, and you shouldn't apologize for the villain's actions." Izuku just looked at the floor. "Yeah. You're right, Todoroki." "Deku." Uraraka muttered, her voice soft. "Hmm?" "Don't do that again." "I won't." He promised, kissing the top of her head. All Might raised an eyebrow. "I missed something, didn't I?"