

Hours later, multiple police cars showed up, and so did an all-black car, which All Might stepped out of. "All Might!" Izuku rushed over to him. "I want a full sweep of the predetermined, and any villains that are still here captured. Am I clear?" Kenji, the head of police, barked. "Yes, sir!" The cops answered, and while some ran into the building, a few others told Izuku to set the villains down on the cots, so he did. All Might looked him over. "Midoriya! What happened to you? You've got so many injuries!" "Well, I remember being kidnapped, and passing out after some random explosion. But I don't know how long I've been gone, or what happened while I was out cold. And I don't-" His leg started to burn more, as did every inch of his, and he was suddenly overcome with dizziness and exhaustion. "Midoriya!" All Might fripped his shoulders so he would stand upright. "Looks like you were filled with adrenaline during all of this. Hang on, kid, I've got you." Then, All Might took out his phone, and called someone. Unfortunately, Izuku was our before they got there, left to sink into the darkness.