

"Did I miss something?" Iida asked, once class had been dismissed, and it was just the three of them again. "Oh-uh-kind of-I-I mean, um..." Izuku stuttered, rubbing the back of his head. Uraraka blushed. "W-we...kinda...confessed that we...like each other..." Iida smiled with excitement. "Oh, my, you did? Midoriya, Uraraka, I'm so happy for you both! Have you started, uh, dating?" Izuku glanced at Uraraka. "We...haven't discussed it yet." Suddenly, Uraraka grabbed his arm. "Then we should do that! Better to get it over with than wait, right?" Iida nodded. "Right! I'll leave you to it! But I better be the first one to know, alright?" Both of them nodded. Then, Iida left, and Uraraka dragged Izuku into an empty classroom. "So, I know the way I told you was weird-Well, not exactly weird, but you-" "Uraraka." Izuku cut her off, smiling softly. He took a few steps toward her. "I don't think it was weird. You know what I think?" Now, he stood directly in front of her, cupping her cheek in his hand while pushing a piece of her hair behind her ear. He was flustered, but she was beyond that, at this point. When she looked up at him, he nearly melted. "No." He leaned toward her. "I think it was cute." And they shared a warm, passionate kiss.