
One Versus All...

Chapter 17 - One Versus All...

- I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength. -

"Shoto Todoroki is out of bounds! Izuku Midoriya wins!" Midnight yelled out as she raised her whip up high after she recovered from her shock.

For a few moments, the entire stadium was dead quiet. Everybody was still trying to process just what the heck happened. And after their minds registered Midnight's words, they immediately started cheering at the top of their lungs.

"IZUKU MIDORIYA FROM CLASS 1-A, WINS FIRST PLACE IN THE SPORTS FESTIVAL!" Present Mic yelled out as fireworks were shot up and rainbow confetti fell down throughout the entire stadium.

"He did!" Ochaco yelled out as she jumped out of his seat.

"Amazing… I have never seen anything like it! Our Class President truly is something else!" Tokoyami said as he and everybody else got over their shock.

Katsuki scoffed, "He better have won. Or else, our fight would have been pointless." Even after saying that, if one looked hard enough, they would be able to see a small smile on Katsuki's face. He may act tough on the outside, but deep down, he was really happy for Izuku.

Aizawa sighed, "Man, that was something else. I honestly didn't know who would come out on top after that big clash. Good thing they turned out okay, though. Nice job, Midoriya. You worked hard, and those who work hard achieve great things. You earned it, kid."

After hearing the official announcement and seeing all of the confetti falls on his face, Izuku smiled in relief. "I did. I won."

He looked up in the teacher's box and locked eyes with Toshinori.

Izuku gave a thumbs up, "I told you, I would win!"

Toshinori couldn't help but smirk in pure Pride. His Successor had made a vow to win, and he kept his promise as a True Hero would. Izuku had surpassed all expectations and on won the big one. He had just told the world that he is here, and will become the greatest Hero possible. Toshinori wanted to transform to his Hero Form and jumped straight towards Izuku, hug him, tell him how proud he was and give him his medal right now, but of course, he restrained himself. It would be way too suspicious if All Might of all people just started congratulating Izuku right after he won. His congratulations would have to wait until they met in private.

After giving the thumbs up to Toshinori, Izuku's body started to get really heavy. He didn't notice it before due to the adrenaline rushing through him, but his body was exhausted due to him using Kaioken stacked on top of his One For All: Full Cowl. He was about to collapse onto the floor, but right before he hit the ground, a soft pair of arms caught him and stopped his fall.

"Don't worry, I got you. You're really tired, aren't you? I can imagine after seeing you go all out like that." Midnight said as she held Izuku.

Izuku smiled sheepishly, "Thanks, Midnight-Sensei. I really pushed my body to limit, didn't I? I actually wasn't supposed to that. Using Kaioken multiplies my power but in return, it saps away at my stamina and makes my body more vulnerable. It was too dangerous for me to use, which is why I saved it as my trump card. But, I had to use it in this fight. Todoroki was just so strong!"

Many females in the crowd were shaking in anger and jealousy. A lot of them thought that it wasn't fair that Midnight got to hold Deku like that. They wanted to feel his abs and pecs too! Seeing him shirtless like that made them drool over him like a hot piece of meat, Mt. Lady wanted to step on Midnight like a bug for getting all handsy with him.

"Man, that was a crazy Main Event! So Midoriya won the finals by beating Endeavor's son, huh?"

"He egged him on to use his flames. I don't know why he would do that since he had the advantage and could have won much earlier."

"Maybe that was his plan? He provoked Todoroki to use all of his power so that he could get a challenge and prove just how strong he really was even if Todoroki used his flames."

"Yeah, you might be right. He did end up winning anyway so it didn't really matter. But he was able to show off even more of his power after Todoroki activated his flames. So he probably wanted to show the Pro Heroes that were watching, his true potential. That way, he could possibly get even more internships."

"Either way, that was some crazy power… I have never seen anything like it!"

"Yeah, and it seems like he has excellent control over it. He will definitely become a monster Pro Hero when he graduates."

"He's got spirit too. His speech made me shed a tear!"

Toshinori smiled as he heard all of the comments about Izuku that Pro Heroes and others were making after evaluating his performance throughout the entire Sports Festival.

'You heard, my boy?! You've impressed a lot of people! Just wait until you see the number of internships you'll get!'

"If Midoriya is Number One, then Todoroki and Bakugo are a close Second and Third. Those two gave him a really good fight. Those two fights were definitely the highlight of this whole Festival. And the rest of the Freshmen were good as well. Oh man, this year's draft is going to something else!" One random Pro Hero said in the crowd as everybody silently agreed on his observations.

"Yup those three kids are monsters! They're already stronger than the Average Pro! Just imagine when they are in their Primes! Oh man, the future generation of Heroes sure is looking bright!"

Shoto groaned as he sat up on the floor. His entire body, mainly his chest, was in a lot of pain. But nevertheless, he was fine. Just a lot of bruises and maybe a couple of broken ribs. Nothing too serious. He was going to be fine.

"That Izuku, sure has a hard head… man that hurt!" Shoto said as he struggled to get back on his feet.

Izuku saw this and decided to give him a hand. "Excuse me, Midnight-Sensei." He slowly walked towards Shoto and outstretched his hand.

Shoto looked at his hand and then looked to the floor,

"I lost."

Izuku frowned, "And?"

Shoto raised his eyebrow and turned his attention to Izuku, curiously.

"Didn't you say, you wanted to be a Hero too? You can't become a great Hero if you just quit every time you lose at something. Look at me. You have no ideas how many times I got knocked down. But, guess what? I sucked it up and got right back to work. I worked my butt off and look where I am now. I just won the U.A. Sports Festival! Do you remember what I said in my Student Pledge? It's not about how hard you get hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. You may get knocked down, but no matter what, you have to keep getting back up! That's how winning is done. You have so much potential and talent. Just imagine how much better you can get if instead of quitting every time you fall, you actually work hard, do your best and surpass your limits! That's what a True Hero does to improve each and every single day!"

Todoroki gasped as he just took in everything that Izuku said. How could he have been so blind?! All of this time, he had been limiting himself because of a vendetta to his father. But what if he just… let go? What if he just got over that and instead focused on being the best Hero that he can be and perfect his own craft and not worry about if he was using Endeavor's power or not. It's just like Izuku had said. 'It's your Quirk, not his!'

"So will you take my hand? Will you accept the Path to True Power. I promise you that if you take my hand, you will gain true strenght. The strength that you couldn't even dream of. You won't be bounded to Endeavor any more. You will become your own person and you will do it all with YOUR own power that you were Blessed with. So, do you accept, Shoto Todoroki?!" Izuku yelled as his right hand remained outstretched to the bi-colored teen.

He grabbed it with absolutely no hesitation.

"Yes, I accept. And thank you Izuku… " Shoto said as he Izuku pulled him back up to his feet.

"No problem. What are friends, for right?"

Shoto smiled at that, "Friend, huh?" Now that Shoto thought about it… Izuku truly is his first friend.

"That was a good match, though! You really are strong, Shoto! You surpassed my expectations. You pushed me to my limits. Let's do it again sometime when we both get stronger!" Izuku smiled sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Of course. I will be waiting for my rematch! You may have been the stronger one today, but next time, I will be using both my fire and ice right from the start. And I will be aiming for the win!" Shoto said as he smirked.

Izuku nodded his head and stretched out his fist.


Shoto graciously accepted the offer and bumped his fist with Izuku's.

"Rivals! Remember, you owe me a rematch!"

Everybody applauded the two for their excellent sportsmanship. Midnight was gushing over the youthfulness. Endeavor was happy that his son finally got a friend. Shoto rasied Izuku's arm up high, pretty much respecting the fact that Izuku was the better out of the two and he gratefully thanked him for finally lmaking him see the light.

"Oh, look, Bakugo, looks like you got some competition for being a rival to Midoriya!" Kirishima said as everybody was finished their applause.


Shoto was walling through the tunnel until he stopped mid-way to see somebody that he honestly should have expected.

" 'You're in my way.' You're not going to say that?" Endeavor said with a smug and fatherly smirk on his face. He noticed that Shoto's entire left side of his shirt was torn off. "You need to control your left side… You're just letting it all out, and it's dangerous. Izuku opened the door for you but you still need to train even harder now to master your power."

The fire Hero spread his arms out, "But you have abandoned your childish tantrum and finally become a perfect upgrade of me. You can take today off, but as soon as you recover, I will personally train you on how to master your left-side." He stuck his hand out, "After you graduate, come work for me. I will lead you down the path of the mighty!"

Shoto looked at his father suspiciously, "Why are you so happy?! You do realize I still lost, right? Shouldn't you be disapointed that your 'masterpiece' got second place?"

Endeavor raised an eyebrow and then waved his hand, "Oh no, don't worry about it! To be honest, I really was not expecting you to win anyway."

Now Shoto was shocked.

"What?! Why not?! Don't you want me to surpass All Might?!"

Endeavor sighed, "Well yeah. But you see, do you remember about my old friend that I told you and your siblings stories about? The one who has the Quirk, Dragon's Breath?"

Shoto was now intrigued, "Yeah of course. You were always going on about how he was the only one who could match your flames and how he was a dragon. You even bragged about how he can somehow fight All Might on an equal playing field, which I still find hard to believe. But, why are you bringing that up? What's your point?"

"Well, his name is Hisashi Midoriya. And he is the Father of Izuku Midoriya, the guy that you just lost to."

Shoto eyeballs comically grew to the size of dinner plates.

"What?! Since whe-" But then Shoto remembered his conversation with Izuku right after the Cavalry Battle.

"What? No! Th-That's not it! All Might is not my dad! Like, come on, we look nothing alike! My real Father is a man named Hisashi Midoriya. He works overseas, so I have not really seen him in a really long time. His Quirk is called Dragon's Breath. Anything but All Might! Why would you even suggest that?"

Shoto facepalmed.

"Wow… he literally told who exactly is his Father and I still didn't even figure it out until you just told me right now."

But then, Shoto widened his eyes as he just realized something.

"Wait a minute! You and Hisashi Midoriya are best buddies, right? And Izuku is the son of my father's best friend. And the son of my father's best friend turned out to actaully be my… first ever friend. And he was the one to open my eyes to the Truth… Is this Fate?!"

Endeavor shrugged his shoulders, "Hell, if I know. I'm just not surprised that he beat you since he acts, thinks, and fights exactly like his old man. Seeing you and him fight to the limit made me feel nostalgic. It reminded me of how I and Hisashi used to fight in the good old days."

"Yes, yes, I have heard all of the stories already." Shoto cut him off before he could go any further into his memories.

"Anyways, we can talk about that later. I'm just letting you know that there is no way that I can abandon anything." Shoto said.


Shoto raised his left hand and looked at it deeply, "It's not something that can be so easily reversed. It's just back… then… when Izuku and I were both pushing each other to the limit… For that one moment… I forgot about you."

Endeavor gasped.

Shoto walked passed him and began to go on his way, "Whether that is a good thing or a bad thing… Whether it is correct or not… I need to think about it. But just know that from now on, I will be accepting both sides of myself. I am no longer associating my left side with you. It's just like Izuku said. It is my Quirk, not yours."

Endeavor processed his words and decided that now was the time to tell him.

"Wait, Shoto."

Shoto stopped and turned around to look at the Number Two Hero.

Endeavor sighed. It's going to be hard for him but he had to do it anyway. He had to swallow his pride.

"I'm sorry… for everything."

Shoto's eyes widened as he thought that his ears were playing tricks on him. Endeavor? Apologizing? No way. Those two don't go together. He must be dreaming!"

"I understand that I have been a scumbag of a father. To you and your siblings. I was so hell bent on having one of you surpass All Might that I didn't even realize what I was doing until it was too late. I abused you and your mother. As a father and a husband, I should be caring and protecting you guys. But I was so blinded by my own selfish ambitions that I lost sight of what was truly important. And that was raising my family. It was my fault that our family is so messed up the way it is. As the Man of the home, I take full responsibility for that and I promise to you that it will never happen again. No matter what, I will be a real Father and Husband from now on. Seeing you and Izuku's fight made me realize something. And thanks to him, you have finally seen the light. So, I'm sorry my son. Do you accept my apology?"

Shoto could not form words… His father was giving him a genuine apology. This was the first time he has ever heard him say the word, sorry! He felt the emotion in his words. Shoto had gotten over his issues with his father. He was ready to finally forgive him… but there was one thing he still had to do to prove that he was truly sorry and really wanted to turn over a new leaf.

"... I will forgive you and accept your apology… on one condition."

Endeavor paid heed, "What is it, my son?"

"Release my Mother from the mental hospital you put her in all those years ago!"


Shoto almost fell on his head when he heard the immediate response. "What?! Just like that?! You're not going to argue saying that she 'hurt your masterpiece.' Nothing like that?! It's that fast and easy?!"

Endeavor shook his head, "Right after your fight with Izuku, I already called the hospital and told them to discharge her. They said they will get her ready as soon as possible. She's coming back home, tonight."

Shoto gasped. His father had already done this even before asked?! There was no way he knew he was going to ask that, right? So he just did it out of the kindness of his hear?! Was this even Endeavor anymore?! It almost seems like an entirely new person!

"Well, if you have already done that, then there's nothing much else to say, I guess. Yes, I forgive you and accept your apology."

Endeavor smiled, "Thank you, my son."

"No problem…. Dad."

"Man, I really need to stop tearing up my shirt! Soon enough they're going to run out!" Izuku said as he walked through the halls. He had just gotten another brand new P.E. shirt since his shirt got completely destroyed during the fight with Shoto. Recovery Girl warned him to learn how to control his power a little more because if he kept on destroying his P.E. Uniform, he's going to have to go to Gym class, shirtless. When he thought of that, he blushed in embarrassment and promised to be more careful and not try to destroy any more shirts.

When Izuku was about to turn the corner, he bumped into Toshinori.

"HEY! Just the man, I was looking for! Nice job, kid! You won! And you did it with style! You've told the world that you are here! This is only the beginning. You still have a long road ahead of you, but damn it, it's a really fantastic start!" Toshinori exclaimed as he gave Izuku a high-five.

Izuku smiled sheepishly, "Thanks, Toshinori-Sensei! You've been a big help." But then, Izuku stared at the floor as a mor gloomy expression covered his features.

Toshinori noticed the change in his Successor's demeanor and wondered why he was like that. "Hey, kid why the sad face?! You just won the Sports Festival! What's the matter?

"Toshinori-Sensei… you originally became a teacher at U.A. to find a Successor, right?"

"Yes, that is correct. Why do you bring this up?"

"Putting everything I had into the U.A. Sports Festival, I could physically feel everyone's strong emotions of not wanting to give in. So I… "

"...think that someone else should be my Successor?" Toshinori finished the sentence for him.

Izuku gasped, but then sadly nodded his head. "Yes. To be honest I felt like I was cheating when I was using your power."

Toshinori sighed. He really should have expected this from Izuku. They were really similar so he should know how Izuku is feeling right now.

"It's true that this place is filled with wonderful potential Heroes. One For All is the crystallization of power. For those who have Quirks… For example, if Young Todoroki were to inherit it, then with the super strength on top of his Half-Cold, Half-Hot, he would probably become a Superhero.

Izuku balled his fists, "-Then-"

"-But you know…. I was Quirkless, too."

Izuku eyes widened. His mouth opened widened and gasped as he looked straight up at Toshinori.

"Quirkless…? You were… ?"

Toshinori pointed a thumb towards himself, "Yup! Just like you, my boy! It wasn't as rare as for your generation, but it was still uncommon. My master had a Quirk, but even so, my master believed in me and gave One For All to me, and raised me to become a Hero."

Inside Izuku's mindscape, Nana Shimura nodded her head. "You betcha! That's my Toshi!"

Inner Deku grew a tick mark, "Be quiet! I'm trying to listen. This is a very important conversation that they are having!"

Izuku sputtered on his words, "B-But y-y-you never t-told me tha-"

"Because you never asked. Even though I thought you would. I'm sorry… I should have told you sooner. And thinking about it just makes me feel even more guilty about what I said when we first met when you asked me if somebody that's Quirkless could become a Hero. I wanted to tell you but I didn't want my secret to be public knowledge. But I know I can trust you!"

Izuku still could barely comprehend it, "All Might… You were Quirkless, too…?"

"Yeah! At first, I saw the old me in you. But you have gone beyond what I imagined, time and time again. There is something that only you can draw out. I truly believe that with all of my heart. I don't regret at all, passing One For All onto you. Even after seeing all of the students in U.A., I still believe you were the perfect Successor that I could ever find. Izuku Midoriya… do you remember what I said, right before I passed on One For All to you?!" Toshinori asked.

Izuku shook his head.

"This is what I said. Someone told me this once. There's a difference between being lucky and deserving: One's an accident and the other, a reward. Never get the two confused! Take that to heart young man. This gift… you earned it with your owned valued effort."

Nana Shimura gasped, "He remembers that, after all of these years?!"

"Of course he does. Why wouldn't he? That's a very important lesson that you should remember for the rest of your life." Inner Deku replied.

"I-I remember! Yes! You did say that?! Oh man, how could I forget." Izuku facepalmed at his own stupidity.

"You earned it kid. Everything. You deserved One For All and you deserved to win first place. Don't ever sell yourself short. You have to know your worth!" Toshinori exclaimed.

Izuku wanted to cry. He really did feel Blessed. He and All Might may have met upon chance, but he still proved himself to be a worthy Successor. He just could not believe how far he had come from being a Quirkless loser to the first place winner of the U.A. Sports Festival! Hard work really does pay off.

"I'm sorry… for ever doubting myself. I promise from now on, I will make sure to believe in myself and work even harder to become the Number One Hero!"

Toshinori smirked, "That's the spirit, my boy! But don't start crying! You have an awards ceremony to get to, don't you?!"

Izuku's eyes widened, "Oh crap, that's right! I'll talk to you in a bit!" Izuku proceeded to run towards where the award ceremony was going to take place.

Toshinori chuckled at seeing his Successor's antics. "That boy really is something else, huh? He's going to be something Great someday… I just know it!"

"All of the first-year events for this year's U.A. Sports Festival have been completed! And now we will begin the award ceremony!" Midnight announced as she gave the signal. Smoke erupted from the ground as three podiums appeared from below the ground.

On the third place podium was Katsuki won third place when he and Mina fought for it when the ring was restored back by Cementoss. Obviously, Bakugo won with ease, but he was a lot more gentle than before, for some reason. He was surprisingly calm and had his arms crossed. One would think that he would be much more pissed off at the fact that he didn't get first place as he wished. They thought that somebody would have to tie him up so that he didn't go on a rampage. But no, that didn't happen. He was completely chill.

On the podium for second place was Shoto Todoroki. Just like Izuku, he got a brand new P.E. shirt to replace his torn one. Shoto had a genuine smile on his face. He was clearly in a good mood ever since he heard the news from Endeavor that his Mother will finally be coming back home tonight.

And finally in the middle podium, was Izuku Midoriya who won first place. He still coudln't believe it. He was going to get the gold medal award that he saw be awarded for all of the years he had seen the Sports Festival on his TV back at home. But instead of watching it from a screen, he was actually there… experiencing how it felt for all of his hard work to be rewarded. He really wanted to cry tears of joy, but Toshinori told him that he needs to have better control of his emotions if he's going to be representing the aboslute best that U.A. has to offer in regards to all of the Freshmen in the high school.

Every First Year was standing in the floor below as they applauded the three students have won the first, second, and third place medals. However, there was one person that was missing. Izuku then gained a sad look as he remembered what Iida told him and the others earlier.

"Uraraka, Midoriya, Yaoyorozu. This is sudden, but I must leave early. A Villain got my older brother."

"Your brother? You mean Ingenium?!" Izuku asked in shock.


"How's he doing?" Ochaco asked worriedly.

"Yeah, is he going to be alright?!" Momo added.

"I don't know the details. So I'm going to visit him directly to see. He is a likable Hero who honors the rules and leads people. I set my sights on being a Hero because I want to be like my brother."

'Why am I getting such a bad feeling in my gut… that something really bad is going to happen really soon. Ingenium… For Iida's sake, too, I hope that you're okay.' Izuku thought as he prayed for Iida's brother to be okay.

"Now, we will award the medals! The presentation of the medals will, of course, be by this man-"


"Huh?! Is that All Might?!"

At the top of the stadium in his Hero Costume was none other than the Symbol of Peace, and Number One Hero, All Might!

"-Our very own Hero, All Might!"

"-I have brought the medals, here!"

All Might landed beside Midnight as there was silent pause of awkwardness.

"I talked over you… my bad" Midnight apologized as she clasped her hands in embarrassment.

"This year's first years are so lucky."

"They've got the Number One Hero watching them!" Various spectators from the crowd commentated as they were not expecting All Might of all people to show up with the medals.

"Now then, All Might, please present the medals, starting with third place." Midnight said as she handed over the medals to All Might.

He placed the bronze medal over Katsuki's neck, "Young Bakugo, congratulations! You have the heart of a Warrior! Your fiery rage and spirit will help ignite the future generations of Heroes to come. You are very talented and have a bright future ahead of you! Keep on training and you will be a great Hero someday, I promise you. Just don't let your anger blind. You have to make sure to find some Inner Peace one day!"

"Thanks, All Might! Just watch! One day, I'm going to even surpass you!" Bakugo exclaimed as he pridefully accepted his medal.

"Hehe, I don't doubt that you will!" He then gave Katsuki a hug and moved onto to the next person.

"Young Todoroki, congratulations." He placed the silver medal over his neck. "I assume there is a reason you didn't use your left side until the finals?"

"I had an opportunity during my match with Izuku. There was something about him that just sparked something in me to push myself to the absolute limit and in order to try to win. And even though I still ended up losing, I still learned something important from our battle. I think I understand a little of why you are interested in him. I wanted to become a Hero like you. But I didn't think it would be right for me to be the only one to break away. There is still something I must settle." Shoto finished as he replied to All Might.

All Might nodded, "The look on your face is completely different from before." All Might gave Shoto a hug as he whispered in his ear, "I won't ask for the details. I'm sure that you will be able to do what you need to do."


All Might then moved onto to the next and final award.

"Now then, Young Midoriya! Excellent job on doing what you said you would during the Player Pledge! You made a vow to win and you kept your promise! You completely surpassed all of our expectations and shocked the world in each and every round of the Sports Festival. And in your last two matches, you pushed Young Bakugo and Young Todoroki to the absolute limit and changed them for the better. Your actions and words have inspired us all. Izuku… accept this Gold Medal as a tribute to all of your hard work and effort. You truly deserve more than anyone else!" All Might exclaimed as he placed the Gold Medal around Izuku's neck.

"Thank you, All Might! Those words really mean a lot to me. I will keep on training harder and I will get even stronger to achieve my dream to become the Greatest Hero in the World!" Izuku graciously accepted the Gold Medal as it shined in the sunlight. The Golden color for some reason looked very good on Izuku. It's as if the Golden color was always meant to symbolize the Hero Deku….

All Might gave Izuku a big and strong hug and whispered in his ear, "I can't tell you enough how proud I am of you! You've become much stronger than even I anticipated. One day… my work will be done. And then you will take my place as the Symbol of Peace and the Number One Hero. Keep up with your training and studies. And always keep your ideals with you!"

"I promise you, I will, Toshinori-Sensei!" Izuku whispered back.

All Might then turned around to face the rest of the Freshmen.

"Well, they were the winners this time! But listen here! Anyone here could have ended up on these podiums. It's just as you saw-Competing! Improving each other! And climbing even further! The next generation of Heroes is definitely sprouting! So I have just one more thing to say! Everyone, please say it with me! Ready, go-"

"-Thanks for your hard work!"

"-Plus Ultra!"

"WHAT?! It should've been 'Plus Ultra!' there, All Might!" Everybody shouted in unison.

"Well, I thought everyone worked hard… "

"Oh, by the way, the Sports Festival is not over just yet!" Midnight suddenly said.

"Huh?!" Everybody asked at the same time. Didn't the finals just finish? So what was she talking about.

The R-Rater hero adopted a sadistic smirk, "Remember when I said after the Obstacle Course that there was going to be another opportunity for all of you after the official games over?"

"Oh, yeah she did say that!" Kaminari exclaimed.

"But what other event could she be talking about?! I thought every Festival ended in One-on-One tournament and the award ceremony?! So this has to be something completely new and has never been done before!" Kirishima deduced.

"Kirishima is right!" Midnight flicked her whip and out of nowhere, the spinning wheel from before appeared and started spinning extremely fast. "The staff members discussed after the final match between Midoriya and Todoroki. And we decided it would be much more fair to at least give everyone a fighting chance. Its clear that the top three would dominate everybody else in a One-on-One match. So we decided on a stipulation and match-type that would make things a lot more interesting!"

"But what could that be?" Izuku asked. He didn't expect for there to be an entirely different event after his final match. He thought everybody was supposed to leave after the award ceremony. But he couldn't deny the fact that he was still in the mood for a good fight! He just wondered what type of event this would be.

"You're going to find out, right… now!" After Midnight gave the cue, the spinning wheel stopped and finally landed on the match type.

And when it did, it was something that nobody at all was expecting.

The wheel had landed on the words… Royal Rumble!

"A Royal Rumble?! Is that what I think it is?!" Shoto anxiously asked. He knew exactly what those words meant.

"The rules are simple! Cementoss is going to create another ring, but this one will be big enough to fit in all of the First Year students. There will be three ropes on each side of the ring with three turnbuckles, just like a wrestling ring! You are eliminated from the Royal Rumble once you are thrown over the top rope and both feet hit the floor! There are no disqualifications, which means that anything goes! Just make sure that there are no Villain antics going on or I will remove you! Remember, this event is completely optional. Meaning that you don't have to participate if you don't want to. But for those that didn't go far into the Sports Festival, this will be an excellent way to showcase your skills since you did not have much of a chance to. Everybody is allowed to enter. The first, second, and third place winners will not lose their places or standings. This round is for all of you students to show what you got! You all have ten minutes to decide if you're entering or not! You can work together or you can do it solo, it doesn't really matter. In the end, there will only be one sole survivor and winner so it's every man and woman for him and herself! This will test how well you can do when the odds are stacked against you! Once you have decided to that you wish to participate, just enter the ring and wait for Present Mic's signal to begin. Good luck everyone! And remember to go Plus Ultra!" Midnight finished her explanation of the rules as Cememtoss just finished preparing the super-sized three-roped wrestling ring. However instead of a mat, the floor was made of tiles just like before."

Down on the field, Izuku was starting to sweat a little and was in deep thought. 'Okay I already won and showed off what I can do, but this can help me more and show the world what I can really do when the odds are even less in my favor. If I'm able to win… then who knows how many opportunities I will get in the future! I won't let ALL MIGHT down but for sure everyone is going to be after me again just like before but for some reason, I'm more excited than I am scared or nervous….'

"Just do it already!" Inner Deku yelled out of nowhere.

'Huh? Are you sure?!'

"Yes, kid! Why not? You have nothing to lose! And you may not know it, but I definitely do! You want to challenge yourself, don't you? Yeah, Shoto and Kacchan were really tough but you still had a plan up your sleeve, so you knew you were always going to win in the end. But this is much different. This is EVERYBODY in your whole entire grade that's going to be in the picture. You have no idea what to expect! I can feel the Saiyan Blood in your veins demanding you to take the challenge and prove to the world that even if everybody is against you, you will still come out on top, no matter the odds! Do you understand what I'm saying?!"

Izuku pondered in thought but then nodded. 'Alright! You make a really valid point that I have no choice but to agree with! I don't know what, but something inside of me is just urging me on to enter and to win. I should be getting nervous… but I'm getting excited! Alright, let's do it!"

Izuku then used One For All: Full Cowl: 25% to dash all the way back to the locker rooms to put away his Gold Medal and then dashed back in only a couple of seconds. He then jumped over the ring and planted his feet onto the tiles.

"Okay, let's do it! I'm ready whenever you guys are!"

"HUH?! Midoriya, but you already won the whole Sports Festival! Why do you need to participate in this event too?!" Mineta cried out in shock. After seeing all of what Izuku could do, he didn't want to even step foot in the same ring as him!

Kirishima began to look at his classmates and decide to speak, "So who's going to enter? I am because it's manly!"

"Dude are you crazy?!" Denki shouted. "We all know how strong Midoriya is, plus you know Bakugo and Todoroki are going to fight him again! Do you really want to go up against those three?! You must have forgotten what Todoroki did to you in your match with him in the quarterfinals!"

"Yeah!" Mineta added. "Those three can pretty much take out everybody here! We won't even stand a chance against those three monsters!"

"You guys are right but you heard what they said. This is to show what we can do so we can get scouted out by awesome Heroes. So I'm going down there and giving it my all! Who's with me?!"

Just then some of the 1-A students stood up and said "YEAH!" They started to walk down to the ring. Bakugo watch as his classmates were waking to the ring and began walking to Cementoss deep in thought.

'Deku beat me. Beat me…ME! I won't accept that. I am going to beat him and show that I am BETTER THAN HIM, THAT I AM NUMBER ONE, THAT I AM THE BEST. I'm going to MURDER HIM! DEKU!'

"SHOTOOO YOU BETTER WIN THIS TIME SHOW THEM WHO YOU ARE AND WHY YOU'RE BETTER THEN ALL OF THEM!" Endeavor screamed so that his son could hear him, but Shoto just kept walking lost in his thought as well.

'I'm thankful to Izuku for helping me with my fire problem. So this time I am going to fight and show him what I can do and WIN!'

Everyone who wanted to fight was already inside the ring. Even some students from 1-B were there with fire in their eyes.

Just then Midnight used her whip to get the students attention.

"Alright listen up, let me quickly recap all of the rules. You all are going to fight each other it's a free for all, so do what you want. You can work by yourself, team up or just run around hide and try to last as long as you can. This special event is to show off what you can do. Remember, you're elimainated once you are thrown OVER the top rope and both of your feet hit the floor. The Royal Rumble will end when the last student or students are left standing in the ring. You will have one hour, however, most likely we will stop it at 30 minutes if it feels like it's dragging."

'Wait, if I win the Royal Rumble, doesn't that mean I get an opportunity for the Universal or WWE World Heavyweight Championship in the Main Event of Wrestlemania?!' Izuku asked himself.

"No you buffoon! This is not WWE! Just win!" Inner Deku replied.

"Okay everyone you're all going to make a circle around the ring. Once you hear Present Mic's signal go after the person you want. It can be the person to your left your right, across the ring or center. Get going, everybody! Except for you Midoriya. You're going to be in the center."

"WHAT?! Ah man, how come?! How is that fair?!" Izuku cried out in shock of how he was going to be right smack in the middle, where everybody will easily be able to get him.

Just then Midnight did a sadistic smile and said, "Because you're First Place. Plus we want to see who will go after you."

"….. Shit."










Everybody immediately had their eyes locked and ready on Izuku. Izuku noticed all of the predatory glare. At first, it was making him nervous, but then he smirked in confidence.

"I guess there's no point in holding back anymore. All of the odds are stacked up against me like never before. It would be foolish for me to suppress myself when all of you are going to go after me. It truly is… One Versus All."

Izuku balled his fists and spread his legs shoulder-width apart.

"It's been One Versus All this entire time! So here you go! Here's all of my unsuppressed power in my base form!"

Izuku then began yelling, as his milky white aura of Ki sprung to life. Rocks were levitating around him as the entire stadium and beyond was shaking. People struggled to stay on their feet as Izuku kept powering up, further, and further. His milky white aura kept on expanding and enveloping him to bring all of his power and energy to life. There seemed to be no end to his power until…


With one last mighty roar, there was a large gust of wind that pushed everybody back to the ropes and turnbuckles. But luckily for them, none of them got thrown over the top rope. When the dust cleared, everybody gasped in shock.

"Well, here you go. Here is my unsuppressed full power in my base form. Let's see how far you can all push me when I'm this serious!" Izuku finally said as around his whole frame was a swirling aura of pure Ki that was enough to put fear into the hearts of even some Pro Heroes. The pressure of his energy was so strong, that it could be felt by everyone in the stadium and even a couple of blocks away. And this was just his base form! He hasn't even used One For All or Kaioken yet!

'What in the world?! He's been holding back this much power, this whole time! It's unreal! He completely outclasses nearly all of his peers without even needing to use One For All!' Toshinori thought in shock. He had no idea that his Successor had gotten this much poweful in such a short span of time. Just what kind of training did he do between the USJ incident and the Sports Festival?!

Izuku spread his arms wide, "What happened?! Aren't you all going to attack me all at once. I was put in the middle for a reason, wasn't I? Or are you all scared now that I'm serious!"

Nobody said anything before a certain Silver-Haired metal head from Class 1-B yelled out.

"What did you say, you Green Monkey punk?! You think I'm scared of you?! You may have won first place, but you have still yet to face me!"

All of a sudden, Tetsutetsu came out from the pack of students that surrounded the interior of the ring and jumped straight to the middle, face to face with Izuku.

"That may be true, but guess what? Your match with Kirishima ended in a draw. Which means that you two are pretty much equal. Then in the quarterfinals, Shoto completely decimated Kirishima only using his ice. And I beat that same Shoto who used BOTH his fire and ice against me. So with all of that being said, what makes you think you can take me on?" Izuku explained as he casually crossed his arms.

"Tetsutetsu, he's right! There's no way you can take on Izuku-kun all on your own with no plan at all! Get out of there, and come back so we can form a plan as a class to take him out together!" Itsuka cried out to her metal headed classmate. She hated when he did things like this.

"Who said he's taking on Midoriya on his own?"

Suddenly, Kirishima appeared right beside Tetsutetsu.

Izuku raised an eyebrow, "What's this? Kirishima, you want to fight me too?!"

Kirishima activated his Hardening Quirk and bumped his fists together, "Of course! I've been itching to fight you ever since school started! I always wondered how our Quirks would combat each other. My unbreakable skin versus your monster strength! Hey, Tetsutetsu! He may be stronger than us individually, but if we work together, we at least stand a chance! So let's see if he can tear down our defenses!"

Tetsutetsu nodded, "Alright, so let's take out this Green-Haired punk! He may look big and scary, but there's no way he can take us both out. We will win for sure!"

Izuku chuckled and got into his Turtle Hermit stance, "We'll just have to see about that!"

In the blink of an eye, Izuku appeared right behind the two defense Quirk users without them even realizing in a bright flash of speed.

Aizawa widened his eyes, "So fast!"

"Huh?! When did you get there?!" Both Kirishima and Tetsutetsu shouted in unison.

Izuku responded with two punches straight to the gut to the two students.

They both spat out saliva. "W-What?! I wasn't supposed to feel that! Our Quirks are supposed to make us indestructible for as long as we can sustain them!" Tetsutetsu said as held onto his gut in pain.

Izuku followed up with a roundhouse kick to Kirishima and an uppercut to Tetsutestu, the former was sent across the ring and the latter flew into the air and then landed back on the ring with a loud thud.

"That's it! We're not going to be taking a beating! I'm going to knock you into next week!" Tetsutetsu and Kirishima both attacked Izuku at the same time. Izuku yawned in boredom and effortless dodged all of their simultaneous punches and strikes.

"Why can't we hit you?!" Kirishima asked as he panted due to using a lot of energy attempting to land a hit on Izuku.

"Oh, that's simple. You're too slow!" Izuku followed up his taunt with a counterattack that made the two land in opposite turnbuckles.

"AHHHH! NOW IM PISSED OFF!" Both said in unison as they charged Izuku at full speed and each aimed a punch to the Green-Haired Saiyan. To Izuku, they were moving in slow-motion and could've knocked them out right then and there, but he was waiting for the right time because he wanted to show them something really interesting.

Izuku met both of their punches with his own fists as he connected with two fist-bump like clashes.

When Izuku connected his fists with theirs, Kirishima and Tetsutetsu's respective body shields started cracking and breaking apart.

"What?! My Quirk is breaking apart!" They both said in shock.

"Quirks are like physical abilities. All of them have a certain limit. That's why you have to train your Quirk so that you can have better control of them and increase your limit. You two got some bright hot passsion. Keep on working hard and one day you two will be true tanks! But for now…. "

Izuku fired two blue Ki blasts at Kirishima and Tetsutetsu which sent them flying over the top rope and both landed on the floor outside the ring with a large thud.

"Get some rest." Izuku finished.

"Kirishima and Tetsutetsu are the first two to be eliminated from the Royal Rumble! Well, they didn't last long!" Present Mic announced.

Izuku turned around and faced Class 1-B, "You want some?! COME AND GET SOME!"

Class 1-B was stoic for a moment before one person yelled…


Everybody in Class 1-B all rushed Izuku at once, intending to eliminate the most dangerous student from the Royal Rumble so that all of their chances of winning were much higher.

Izuku smirked, "Finally! This is what I was expecting!"

Needless to say, it didn't really end well for Class 1-B…

Izuku used his superior speed to just moved behind all of them. And before they knew it, they were all blasted over the top rope.

The only remaining survivors of Class 1-B were Kendo and Monoma.

"WOW! Midoriya eliminates most of Class 1-B in one shot! Now there are only two students left from that class!" Present Mic shouted.

"H-He just eliminated nearly all of us like nothing!" Monoma said in horror.

"Monoma, hurry! Copy my Quirk! Let's try to double team. It's our only shot to beat him.

"Right!" Monoma quickly touched Kendo by the arm and immediately sprouted hands that were now 10 times bigger than before. They then proceeded to attempt to overwhelm Izuku with their big fists, but Izuku was still able to dodge all of their advances as if they were moving as fast as turtles.

"You two may have the same exact Quirk right now, but Monoma has a time limit, doesn't he? And just because you can use another person's Quirk for a limited amount of time, it doesn't mean you have all of the original owner's techniques and skills. In order to improve and master a Quirk, you have to be constantly training your skills and mastering your craft. Your teamwork is sloppy. You won't be able to land a finger on me even if your hands are now extremely big." Izuku said as he blocked both of their punches at the same time.

"Damn it, he's right! It would have been better if we coordinated as a class but everybody else just decided to bum rush him like idiots! What do we do now?!" Kendo asked in frustration. She wanted to cooperate and form a plan with Class 1-B to try to outlast Class 1-A but that obviously didn't work out.

"Here let me help you." Izuku used his Ki to create a gust of wind from his palm. He applied pressure to it and blew both Monoma and Kendo over the top rope and onto the floor.

"Kendo and Monoma have been eliminated. That's it for Class 1-B. It looks like it's gonna be another Class 1-A show, once again!" Present Mic commented.

Izuku waved to Kendo and the rest of Class 1-B, "You guys have a lot of potential, you know! Don't let this loss put you down! Keep on training!"

Kendo nodded, "Thanks, Izuku-kun! Will do!"

Izuku then turned his attention to Class 1-A.

"So how are you going to do this?! Are you all going to attack me at once or am I going to fight each of you One-on-One?! You decide. I'm honestly fine with either one."

"Grape Rush!" Mineta shouted as he threw numerous purple balls at Izuku. The balls stuck to all over his body and seemed to have immobilized him. Mina then shot acid at him to do some damage. Aoyama shot his laser beam. Tokoyami used Dark Shadow to swat him away like a fly. Everybody else tried to use their respective Quirks in the best way they could in order to try to detain Izuku. This lasted until Kaminari shouted.

"Look out guys, I'm going to finish it in one shot!"

Momo made sure to create a large insulation sheet to prevent them from getting caught in the blast.

"Indiscriminate Discharge 1,300,000 volts!"

Kaminari let out all of his power and shot Izuku head on. There was a huge flash of light as smoke covered the ring.

"Did we get him?!" Mina asked.

"Of course we did! There's no way that he was able to survive all of those attacks simultaneously!" Mineta shouted.

Tokoyami looked up in the sky and widened his eyes, "EVERYONE! Above us!"

Everybody looked up to the sky to see Izuku floating there without a single scratch on him. In his hand was a gigantic yellow Ki ball that had all of their names on it.


Izuku fired the Ki ball and there was a huge explosion that lit up the ring. Once the smoke cleared, there were only 5 people left in the ring…

"WOW! Midoriya blasts most of his own class away with one attack. The only people left in the Royal Rumble are Todoroki, Bakugo, Yaoyorozu, Uraraka, and Midoriya! Wow, can this man not be stopped at all?!" Present Mic shouted as with that last blast, everybody minus the ones Present Mic just mentioned, were all blasted over the top rope and hit the floor. Thus, they were all eliminated.

Izuku dusted himself off, "Okay so is it going to be a 5v1 or what?! Are you guys going to do something or should I make the first move?!"

Shoto and Katsuki remained quiet as they stayed where they were. However, both Ochaco and Momo stepped forward.

"We'll be taking you on now, Deku-kun!" Ochaco exclaimed.

"Alright! Come at me, then you two!" Izuku replied.

Ochaco and Momo look at each other and nodded. They then balled their fists and spread their legs shoulder-width apart.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Both of the girls started powering up as the stadium started to shake once again. Izuku's eyes widened as he noticed that their respective Power Levels kept on increasing and increasing until...

"Here we go! Full power!"

Ochaco regained her pink aura that she awakened in her fight against Katsuki in the first round of the tournament. Momo also got back her crimson aura and her red sword and shield of light. Ochaco also had rocks and other debris levitating around herself as the gravity kept on fluctuating in her vicinity.

Izuku stood there with his mouth agape before he smirked.

"Now, THAT is what I'm talking about! Let me go full power too!"

Izuku activated One For All: Full Cowl: 25%. The scent of ozone filled the air as Izuku's body was surrounded by a green electric aura. He was stronger than before, thanks to the Zenkai Boosts he got throughout the entire Sports Festival.

Izuku motioned them to come with his finger, "Let's go ladies! Show me what this newfound power of yours can do!"

And with that, both Ochaco and Momo charged Izuku head on. Ochaco used her power to throw many rocks and rubble towards the Green-Haired Saiyan. Izuku easily dodged them but that turned out to be a distraction to the real assault which was Momo swiping her sword at him. Izuku managed to save his head from being cut off, thanks to his enhanced One For All speed allowing him to dodge right in the nick of time. Izuku tried to counterattack with the punch but he ended up hitting Momo's shield instead.

"Wow, you girls are tougher than I thought! Well, let's try this. Oklahoma Smash!" Izuku blew both Momo and Ochaco back to opposite turnbuckles. Momo and Ochaco were both dizzy from the attack but got right back up. Ochaco tried to touch Izuku to use his Quirk on him but Izuku easily dodged and knocked her back. Momo attempted to aid her but it was futile as Izuku was easily handling them since they couldn't even touch him. He was just too strong and quick for them. He also had the large height advantage which proved to be troublesome for the two girls to get the upper hand on him to overwhelm the Green Powerhouse.

"Wow! Deku-kun is just too strong! Doesn't he have some sort of weakness that we can exploit." Ochaco grunted as she was barely able to stand back up thanks to all of the bruises she got from trying to fight Izuku.

"Oh, well I do have one weakness. If you grab my tail, then I won't be able to move at all… " Izuku said.


"Oh crap… Did I just say that out loud?!"

Before he could do anything else, Momo created a flashbang grenade and throw it straight towards Izuku. The flashbang lit up and temporarily blinded Izuku. When Izku recovered his sight he looked behind him to see Momo holding onto his tail.

"NOW OCAHCO! Use all of the remaining power you have left and blast Izuku-kun away!"

Ochaco nodded and cupped her hands at her side and began charging up her pink energy.


"Oh no! I can't believe I really just told them my one and only weakness!" Izuku shouted.


"Yes! We will finally be able to eliminate you, Izuku-kun! You made a foolish mistake and it cost you in the long run. No hard feelings, right?" Momo said.

Izuku looked at Ochaco and saw that she was ready. He then gave Momo a smug smirk.

"Yeah… No hard feelings!"



Ochaco fired off her Pink Kamehameha with the intent of eliminating Izuku. However, as soon as she blasted the energy wave, Izuku somehow was able to escape Momo's grasp and push her directly into the direction on where the Pink Kamehameha was going.

"What?! No, that's not who I want to hit!" Ochaco shouted but it was too late. The attack had already blasted Momo. She was thrown over the top rope and landed on the floor outside the ring. Her crimson aura completely disappeared.

"Uhhhhh… I don't know what just happened, but Uraraka has eliminated Yaoyorozu!" Present Mic announced.

"W-What?! But how!? I thought Yaomomo was holding tightly onto your tail!" Ochaco shouted in shock.

"Yeah, she was. But the thing is that holding my tail is not my weakness. At least not anymore. I was able to train hard enough to get rid of that weakness some while ago. So I just used that to trick you into thinking that I was vulnerable so that it was easier for you to eliminate Momo-chan. And it seems like my plan worked! You completely fell for it!" Izuku explained as he left the crowd speechless once again. The intelligence of Izuku Midoriya is just insane. He was able to come up with a genius trap like that out of nowhere when everybody least expected it.

"Well, I'm still in so don't think I'm going to give up!" Ochaco exclaimed but right as she said that, just like with Momo, her pink aura completely disappeared. She had put all of her remaining energy into the Pink Kamehameha and now she was out of gas.

"And that's checkmate." Izuku proceeded to lightly flick Ochaco's forehead which sent her flying over the top rope and landed on the floor outside of the ring.

"Midoriya has eliminated Uraraka! We are now down to our final three!" Present Mic announced.

Izuku turned around to meet eyes with both Shoto and Katsuki. They then stepped forward to meet Izuku face to face.

Mina sighed, "Well, the final three turned out to be the guys who won first, second, and third place, anyway."

"Yeah, but this ain't no regular One-one-One match. It's a Royal Rumble, so you never know what could happen." Sato commented as now everybody had 100% of their attention on the final three.

Shoto activated his flames and Katsuki lit up explosions in his palms as they prepared for an epic battle.

Izuku smirked and activated Kaioken stacked on top of Full Cowl.

"So who wants to go first?! I owe both of you rematches! I don't care who it is, just one of you come at me with all you got. Let's finish this Sports Festival off with a bang!" Izuku shouted as he was now getting excited.

Shoto and Katsuki met eyes. They stared at each other and then stared at Izuku. They then looked at each other again. They nodded. They came to a silent agreement. They then began walking towards Izuku… side by side.

Everybody gasped.

"Todoroki and Bakugo are… WORKING TOGETHER?!" Present Mic yelled.

"It makes actually when you think about. In the real world, you're going to have to work with people you may not really like all that much. But it will be necessary in order to achieve a common goal. It seems like Todoroki and Bakugo have already understood this and realized that there is no way that they can beat Midoriya One-on-One. But if they work together… now that's a different story." Aizawa explained as everybody watching started to get why they were teaming up out of nowhere.

Izuku could only smile, "Wow… you guys surprise me every day. To think that you two would put aside your differences in order to take me down. Now that's a sign of a True Hero. But even so… "

Izuku began powering up as his Power Level began increasing more and more… until…


Izuku's crimson Ki aura got even more fierce and potent as it was stacked even further on top of One For All: Full Cowl.

Everybody widened their eyes as they could literally feel the seemingly boundless power that Izuku was emitting. Just powering up was sending shockwaves throughout the city.

Izuku smirked. He could feel like the power in his veins. His muscles bulged and were even more defined than before. His hair was slightly spikier as it was almost flowing upwards. The green electricity of One For All complimented the crimson aura well.

"Go ahead. Come at me both at the same time. Show me your real power. I'll show you what it looks like once I have passed my limit!" Izuku shouted as he powered up even more.

"Pass his limit?!" Everybody yelled in unison.

"Is that even possible?!" Present Mic sputtered.

"Let's see," Aizawa replied.

"Just to let you know… I don't plan on losing. Every part of me is screaming to win, so I have to no matter what! I won't accept defeat!" Izuku stated pridefully. He then signaled them to come forward with his finger.

"Let's go, just me and you… let's go just One-On-Two!"

(Music: Ultimate Battle)

"HAAAAA!" Both Shoto and Katsuki both rushed Izuku at full speed. They started clashing fists and blows as they did their best to overwhelm the Green-Haired Saiyan with their numbers advantage. Izuku was quick enough to grab both of their fists and send them two boys flying to the other side of the ring.

"Both of your strikes are sharper than they were before…" Izuku said.

"Take this, Deku!" Bakugo blasted a large scale explosion that was strong enough to completely eviscerate whole city blocks. Izuku easily swatted it away like it was nothing and flew straight towards Katsuki at hypersonic speeds. He grabbed Katsuki's head and pushed it down to the ground.

"Those weak little explosions are going to have absolutely zero effect on me, Kacchan! Not when I'm this powered up!"

Then from behind, Shoto shot some to Izuku's back and froze him in place.

"Bakugo, now!"

"Don't tell me what to do, SHOTO!" Bakugo angrily replied as he blasted an explosion straight towards Izuku. However, Izuku was just too fast and easily caught the Bakugo's hand before he can set off the explosion. Izuku then easily broke out of Todoroki's ice and threw Katsuki towards him.

Shoto was able to catch him but they both fell towards the floor.

"DAMN IT! I thought you froze him!"

"I did!"

"Well, you obviously didn't if he was able to move freely like that!"

"Less arguing and more fighting!" Izuku shouted as began pummelling Shoto and Katsuki when they were not paying attention. Shoto and Katsuki both tried to grab onto Izuku and use their Quirks on him, but Izuku tanked the attacks like nothing and threw the two around like ragdolls.

"Come on! I thought you two were supposed to be my Rivals! GIVE ME THE FIGHT OF MY LIFE! MAKE ME PUSH PAST MY LIMITS!" Izuku kicked both of them upside the head as they were thrown to opposite turnbuckles. When they landed against with their backs, they began coughing up some spit since Izuku was throwing them around really hard.

Shoto fired a blaze of flames towards Izuku.

"Those flames don't feel hot at all, Shoto!" Izuku blasted the flames away with a Ki blast and was about to hit Shoto with a direct hit but Bakugo was able to block it just in time with an Explosion.

Izuku then began spamming Ki blasts as they were lighting up the entire ring. Shoto and Katsuki tried to deflect them all but they were all coming at such a rapid pace that there was no way that they were not going to get hit by at least some of them.

After Izuku was done with his Ki blast barrage, Shoto and Katsuki were visibly panting.

"W-W-We're going to have to combine our strongest attacks together. It's the only way that we're going to ever hope to beat him. Because he's just toying with us! At this rate, we're going to be done for!" Shoto said.

"Fine! Hurry up! Let's finish this quick before he counterattacks!" Katsuki replied.

Shoto and Katsuki then charged up all of the remaining power they had. They were going to use the final attacks that they performed against Izuku in their respective matches against him.

Shoto had already gathered up all of the ice and fire. Katsuki created the biggest Explosion possible.

"HERE GOES! TAKE THIS!" They both shouted in unison.

The combined attacked was sent straight towards Izuku.

He smirked, "Alright then, two can play at that game. Take this, SPARKING KAMEHAMEHA!"

The two blasts collided with each other as just them touching each other was able to send shockwaves throughout the entire city and even a little beyond.

"Use more power!" Shoto yelled as he and Katsuki were struggling against the Sparking Kamehameha.

"I told you already… DON'T FUCKING TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" With the extra boost of rage and wrath, he was able to push beyond his current limit and add an even bigger and more powerful explosion. As a result, his and Shot's combined attack was now pushing Izuku's back.

Izuku smiled as he saw that the two of them were now overpowering him.

"You two really are amazing. You keep on just surpassing my expectations each and every time. You guys really are strong."

Izuku grits his teeth and planted his feet hard.


Then with one final mighty yell, Izuku unleashed his Limit-Breaking Power….


With a surge of newfound strength, Izuku completely overtook Shoto and Katsuki's attack and blasted them all the way out of the ring. There was a huge explosion that generated enough joules of force to eradicate a whole city, but Izuku was able to focus it onto one point instead of an area of effect. There was a bright flash of light that illuminated the entire city.

After a couple of moments the smoke cleared and now everybody was able to see the result of the epic collision.

"Izuku Midoriya… Your power knows no bounds…" Shoto said as he landed face first on the ground outside of the ring.

"I-I-I failed… He's… too strong!" Katsuki said as he collapsed to the ground outside of the ring.

Inside the ring, the sole survivor was none other than… Izuku Midoriya!

"Unbelivable! The last man standing and winner of the Royal Rumble is Class 1-A's Izuku Midoriya!" Present Mic announced as the crowd began to cheer almost unbelievably loud.

Izuku sheepishly smiled and gave Shoto and Katsuki a thumbs up.

"Let's do it again sometime!"

Izuku's One For All and Kaioken completely disapeered. He then procceeded to collapse to the floor unconscious.


{Power Levels}

Ochaco Urakaka: 65 (Ki Awakened)

Momo Yaoyorozu: 68 (Ki Awakened)

Katsuki Bakugo: 70 ( With Training and is equal to Izuku Midoriya when he uses 20% of Full Cowl

Shoto Todoroki: 65 (Ice only)

130 (Fire and Ice)

Izuku Midoriya: 10 (Base Form Suppressed)

50(Full Power with no OFA)

75 ( OFA 25%)

150 (OFA Kaioken X2)

225 (OFA Kaioken X3

300 ( OFA Kaioken X4)

Nomu: 310

False Super Saiyan Deku: 350