

I, an author, find myself in an anime world that I recently finished. A world where 80% of the population have a quirk while the remaining 20% are quirkless. Of course, I am a quirkless teenager in this new world but at least I can become a certain green behemoth whenever I am angry. "HULK SMASH!" I will smash any villain and obstacles with just my fists and unyielding rage.

Boredauthor7777 · Anime e quadrinhos
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6 Chs


I am an avid fan of Marvel comics to the point I read them online past midnight which makes me get scolded by my parent for that since they want me to sleep for 8 hours straight to be a healthy person and did not feel sleepy for the next day, especially for school days.

I am not a genius person but at least I get an average score and ranking so when my parent attends the school to check my midterm result which I especially excel at since I want to make them happy by getting at least 4th rank in my class which surprises most of my classmates.

Well of course they had to since I sometimes did not complete my homework which make me stand outside of my classroom for a certain amount of time and I am a bit of an airhead since I always get pranked by them easily.

Not that they know I just let them. The reason I did that is that I want to be noticed by my classmates.

Sometimes I wonder if my presence is so low that sometimes my teacher forgets to ask me a question when everybody is being asked a difficult question or when my classmates sometimes organise an event they did not even invite me.

For All Might sake even in my classroom chat group whenever I ask a question that mostly related to Mathematics, the subject that I loathe the most, let's jist say most of them read even the students who I am very sure to know how to answer it did not even answer it made me spout out curses that make me smack on my head by my mother who hates it when I swear to mean word when I am angry.

But it makes me the knowledge and realises how your body shape and the status of your existence in the class.

As every high school drama and movie, male and female who is an athlete and participate in sports will make them stand more with them have excuses to skip out any extra classes.

And if any student who has a handsome and pretty face or cute one they are bound to be popular.

Everywhere they go any junior, senior and even teacher will stare at them.

But if a fat and chubby person like me they will not spare a glance at me. Unless I am a sociable person which is not.

But I tried my best by helping them as some of my friends will have me over them back to their home when they miss their bus or when their guardian did not pick them up due to them being busy with their work.

And your status also is benefactor here since if you are the son of a teacher especially the one who teaches their class they will approach you or in simple terms try to be in a better term with you to at least make the teacher's son or daughter ask his mother or father to let you off the hook especially if you did not finish an essay homework

My point here is this, true friends exist when you are in dire of help and do not care for you're well being.

The number of my true friends are five, from my perspective since I only count those who ask me to watch a movie and eat at a seafood restaurant during the night.

Now I am 20 years old waiting to further my study since I have finished becoming an intern at the manufacturing factory waiting for the intern to end which is in December.

And with nothing, for me to do I spend most of my days exercising to lose my fat and at least get six-packs.

I am proud to say my body is not fat anymore which is big progress for me to attain this current body of mine which cost me a lot of time me sweating, aching muscles and lots of vomiting which almost make me give up doing these.

Well like they said No Pain No Gain.

Of course, the training regime I follow is Saitama's from One Punch Man.

And I also add Solo Levelling which make me do 100 push-ups, sits up, squats and 10 km run with I also do some weightlifting with 5 leg small dumbell every time for about 20 times on each arm.

My face now loses all fat which makes me lose my nickname "Panda" due to how stuffy my face is.

Let's just say my parent is delighted to see the current me since now they will have no difficulty buying me cloth and pant for me.

And my contact now has some of my former female classmates which make me regret that I should do this in the first year of high school.

Like most people these days they start watching famous Youtuber videos like MrBeast and Pewdiepie, the current most famous Youtubers on this planet.

Some of the Youtubers is the athlete one where they display their daily exercises and eating plans that I followed.

With the current pandemic, the gymnasium closes with no outdoor activities are allowed.

Damn Covid 19.

But with vaccines now are available in every country with most people deciding to take them people now can go outside.

But I did not as I buy a treadmill with my own money that I have made when I become a part-timer at my friend truck food that sells fried chicken.

The other reason because I did not want the virus to be spread in my house.

"Argh damn it, Shang Chi, Black Widow and Eternals now have their movies. Even Hawkeye, Falcon and Winter Soldier have their TV series. Not to mention the Big 3 that have trilogy minis Thor who now is km the way for his fourth movie. Even the Guardian of Galaxy is on its probation for the 3rd movie. Why? Why the Hulk did not get a movie or a sequel with the current actor. I mean 2008 is a dope one whereas the current one is strong enough to use Infinity Gauntlet alive, unlike the great Tony Stark who died when he uses it to turn Thanos with his group to dust in the Avengers Endgame.

At least make the Hulk strong and have his World Breaking Mode if he had a solo movie. And display his healing ability. He had one that rivalled Wolverine." I grumbled while looking at the rumour of Hulk, the Mark Ruffalo one if you wondered.

He displays and performs well-becoming Bruce Banner and the Hulk though it is a pity for him to not go full berserk against Thanos after hearing Black Widow his love interest died.

"Damn. With Eternals now are about to make their debut in MCU I wonder how will the universe change. I mean Venom already enter it. Thank you Venom: Let There Be Carnage Spoilers for losing the credit scene of Venom licking a televise that has Tom Holland as Spiderman." I exit Youtube and open my Manga app to see if there update of my favourite Mangas.

"Huh? There is a new chapter for My Hero Academia. If I remember the previous one is the one where Stripe and Star, America's Number One Hero with a group of jets on their way to Japan to lend a hand to defeat All For One and Tomura Shigaraki. Well, let's see what her quirk is and how she fare against Tomura."

Moments pass as I finish reading the latest chapter of the manga.

"What the fuck? Damn, this heroine quirk is broken." I exclaim marvelling how broken her quirk is.

Star and Stripe's quirk is called "New Order," and it's an ability where she can call out a target and assign a new rule to it after touching it. It's then explained that her ability can only impact two different targets at once, and one of them is her at all times as New Order gives her body near All Might levels of strength. This means her other declarations are active one at a time, and thus has to juggle them such as when she uses her quirk to create an airless vacuum or physically hold a laser beam.

"Damn if not for Tomura is now in the possession of All For One he will already be dead when Star And Stripe assign the latest rule. But this shows how terrifying All For One is. Tomura here displays many quirks that All For One did not use when fighting against All Might at the Kamino Ward.

Imagine if All For One at least has a quirk that adapts to the quirk nature that makes him have homered of quirks I'm his body or healing one that is superior or at least the same level as Deadpool, he will become unstoppable for the Heroes to defeat. And maybe he can kill All Might when they clash.

But still why All For One simply did not just hurt Izuku when he had the chance. I mean Tomura even manages to almost kill Izuku at the mall though he just threatens to use his quirk Decay that activates when he placed all his five fingers at any surface that he touches.

If I was Tomura I will kill him straight without caring about consequences after he killed the Ninth Wielder of One For All.

That will get the job done as the protagonist already dies with One For All failing to be passed to anyone.

But hey every main character has a plot that saved their lives when they are in dire danger or lost their life.

They will gain a sudden power-up or another character will show up to rescue them or the villain is stupid and arrogant enough to let them alive after that which will make the villains regret not killing them when they had the chance to.

" I seriously right now want to be in MHA or another anime world. I am super bored right now." I grumbled as then my phone screen brightly made me close my eyes as the next second I open my eyes I am sitting on a sofa with a table that is in the shape of a circle.

In front of me meanwhile is an old man that has an appearance like Muten Roshi from Dragon Ball series as he is now sipping green tea from his cup.

After he finishes sipping his drink he put the cup down and look at me directly to my eyes.

"Rejoice, Daniel Xander for your wish to be reborn in the anime world is being fulfilled by me. I have many names but you may just call me ROB like in those fanfictions you read." He told me making me pinch my cheek to make sure this is not a dream, hallucination or a joke.

"I can assure you this is the real deal boy." He said to me making me smile widely hearing that.

"Oh yeah. Finally my time." I cheer but then I remember about my parent.

"Ah. Do not worry about your parent. I have used my power to create this " You" based on the "You" from your world which makes you not leave them as you also will feel that "You" consciousness whenever you miss your parent." He told me.

"Come on. I am not so cold-hearted to make you not remember about your life in that modern world you know." ROB added naming me to sigh in relief.

At least I have ROB that is super kind, unlike the one who is stingy to make one wish to not forget about your previous life.

"So which world I will be transmigrated into?" I barely cannot contain my excitement as I shoot that question.

"Which one do you want to go boy?" ROB ask me back making me ponder which one I need to go.

"Can you give me some time to think about this?" I ask him.

"Sure. Take all the time you wanted." The Old Man replied as a bowl of ramen appear as he start to eat it.

Okay. That is a handful of power he got there.

Anyways back to my decision of choosing the world.

Like most Weeb and cultured people, I wanted to be in the anime world.

So no me go to Marvel and DC since those are dangerous options to live in. I surely did not want to turn into dust or have my place to be destroyed by Evil Kryptonian. Worse, have my life changed because of one speedster that changes one incident that turn our life into a new one.

"And Invincible also is a No since I did get my cheat yet." I mused in my mind.

"Dragon Ball is the same. They have a being that can destroy half of a planet with a tap of a finger and a godlike child being that erase all the universe as simple as ABC." So that is 4 universes I did not want to go to even though I wanted to.

Maybe I will pay a visit after I am strong enough to survive in that world.

"One Piece is not an option. I already lost count of the miss episode I had to catch up on. Much less reading the manga chapters. Black Clover is a tempting one but I did not want to.

How about One Punch Man? Well, I did not want my apartment to be destroyed by a man-made giant or a damn meteor piece. And I did want to be hunted by Garou. Arghh. This is so frustrating since I cannot choose and know my cheat yet."

"We will choose it after you chose the first world you wanted to live on," ROB told me as I sigh hearing that.

"Food Wars is the same. My cooking is not that great. Nasuverse? Nope. Did not want to deal with a trolling vampire or their time travelling adventures. Okay. What are the animes that are not dangerous?" I muted out the isekai and slice of life animes as then I remembered one.

I mean it is a pretty dangerous one but it is a gamble one.

If things go awry, well let's hope the faceless man is willing to let me alive after I tell him what exactly is that world and the background is.

"Umm, ROB-san, I already made my decision," I tell him as he put down his bowl of ramen as with a snap of a finger they are gone with me already sit on a sofa as on top of the table now is a box that has many question marks on it with a hole that I am sure my hand can fit into.

"Which one?" He asks me.

"My Hero Academia," I inform him as he nodded his head.

"Not a bad choice. Okay. Now I need for you to fill in this form." He then gives me a form that has many spaces to be filled in.

First is the name. Well, I just make my Japanese name Dan Ichigo. My birthday is the same with me decided to be reborn when I am 2 years old since I did not want to suffer the fate of becoming a baby again.

My family background is the same as my original one but instead, I made my father is successful online trading with my mother as your simple housewife with both of them have to quirk that protect themselves from any harm.

And I make my family live in the same place as the MC and his rival.

"Here." I give back the form to ROB who examines it as he then makes it disappear.

"Now you have many options to live in that world. First, you are reborn into that world while hoping you have a decent quirk. Second, you can ask for a quick from any character even All Might and All For One as you will suffer the result of having the same quirk from the original one. Third, you can ask for your quirk from me. Fourth, you can ask for one character to disappear which will make you gain his or her quirk through the plotline of the story will change because of that. The last one is this" he then touches the lottery box.

"All you can hope is for you to pick a ball that will reveal what you got. All I can tell you can become like Superman, have Rinnegan, become Sukuna's Host, have a Boosted Gear, Infinity Gauntlet that gave Infinity Stones that can be activated in MHA Universe, Viltrumite's Bloodline, Omnitrix, Class Card, Red Lantern Ring and not to mention System that makes you grow stronger. So how about it Daniel, which option will you choose?" He asks me as I already know which one I need to pick.

Well, the option I choose purely depends on my Luck. I hope that my Luck did not disappoint me.

"The last option," I replied as he clap his hand.

"Good one. Okay. Now get your hand into this box and pick one ball. Whatever ball you get and the power that comes with it is yours and cannot ne exchanged okay?" He said to me as I nodded my head.

"Great. I seriously wonder what I will get. Please at least something that makes me not become cannon fodder and make me able to beat the crap out of the protagonist and his classmates with the Top Heroes and Villians." I prayed on my mind as my hand rummaged through many balls as I decide which one to pick.

This is now purely dependent. on my luck, since I know all the sizes of the class are the same and no colours can be seen.

"Oh boy. I hope this one is the best for me." I grab a ball and pick it out as a green ball can be seen in my grasp with a word on the ball.

"HULK," I repeated the word as my brain finally catches up and understand what with who's power I get.


"No need to curse what you got kid. But still getting that Beast power. Hmm. Guess your luck is not bad." Muten Roshi said to me as the ball floated to with it then split like the Pokeball as then many green miasmas enters my body as it freezes me as I can feel my body being entered by it.

"Arghh. Before you fell unconscious. I need you to tell me something about this HULK. First, you will not have Alter Ego since it is deemed dangerous. I did not want you to be overwhelmed by that personality that will result in your killing all the Top Heroes and Villains with harming innocent lives. Second, your power is not a quirk. You will be deemed as a quirkless person but can turn into a walking behemoth that destroys anything in your path. Third, this power cannot be copied, cloned or stolen. Anyone who steals your blood to investigate or make a clone out of you will get an explode gamma blood. So you did not have to worry about you fighting clones like in the Marvel universe. Well, good luck on your journey. " He snaps his hand as my vision goes black.

RAGE. That is all I can feel as I have this feeling on my chest that needs to be released and the urge to roar.

But what comes next make me almost bit my tongue as my entire body feels like being bathed in lava as no voice come out from my mouth as I lose control of my body as I feel so numb due to the pain as only tears can be seen spill from my eyes.

"The next time I see that damn ROB, I am going to SMASH his face very hard until I break the reality." I thought in my head as I lose my consciousness for the second time.


The sound of a baby crying can be heard in a room as a doctor releases a sigh of relief seeing a baby has been safely delivered.

A woman who is on the bed now is holding a baby in her hand with a man beside her as they both look at the baby with a very happy expression on their face.

"What shall his name be dear?" The woman asked her husband who looks at her face.

"Dan. Dan Ichigo shall be his name." The husband replied as that moment the world has its new protector that soon shall be known as the HULK, the one who will be feared by many due to his ferocious nature.

Well. Another story by me. Hope you guys enjoy reading it. There are not so many HULK stories in Webnovel. As for my other stories, well let's just see if I have the idea and drive to update a new chapter. And any readers who are angry with me discontinuing some of my stories, well I apologise if you are a fan of them.

There are many authors on another platform that did this like me. Writing so many stories and goes HIATUS or dropped the stories like that.

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