
My Hero Academia: Fire Dragon Slayer Hero

Wish Fulfilment Heroic Izuku. Cringe romances. Massive harem. ========= What if Izuku met Igneel who appeared in his dream. what if he trained under him and became a dragon slayer. This is the story of the Fire King Dragon Slayer hero. MHA x Dragon Maid x Fairy tail x Multiverse. I'll be reusing some of the parts of my Savitar while speeding up the pace a bit.

Try_hard · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
45 Chs

Chapter 10 - Eat this!

Well, I'm trying my best to keep things entertaining. Hope you guys are enjoying it so far.

At first I wasn't planning on giving Izuku One for all but I realize it means Allmight wouldn't train them, losing the chance for Izuku to meet Melissa.

If you have suggestions feel free to tell me.


The next day at the Dagobah beach after explaining everything to the other girls who promise to not tell anyone while Allmight felt ashamed that his secret that had been hidden for years had been exposed. He is unable to do anything besides accepting them and including them in training.

"I AM HERE!" Allmight arrived to where the other kids were waiting for him in his buff form having his trademark smile.

"Good morning, everyone!" He greeted each one of them before transforming back to his skinny form that still surprised them that the number one hero would have this kind of secret. They could not help but admire him for standing firmly despite the pain he was in.

It was admirable that he stood holding the burden of being a symbol while being in much pain. They wondered if they were capable of doing the same as him once they became professional heroes.

"In this form you can call me, Toshinori Yagi, whichever you prefer." Toshinori said to them.

[ A/N: I try to use his name when his debuff. ]

"Once again forgive us for accidentally peeking in your secret, Allmight." Momo felt guilty that she unexpectedly learned about the secret of the number one hero in japan.

"It's alright and I can't change things now you know my secret." Toshinori reassured her.

"I still can't believe I'm in front of the number one hero, Allmight!" Jiro said, still in disbelief at everything happening.

"Tell me about, sister. No offense Toshinori-san but it's still hard to believe your Allmight." Camie may not be a die hard fan but she admired Allmight for what he did and seeing him like this was far too surreal.

"None taken, Young Utsushimi." Toshinori said.

"Camie is fine, Toshinori-san. My last name makes me sound old." Camie said.

"Still passing your quirk to Izu-chan? How does that work, Allmight." Mizuna asked.

"Now that you mention it, I was planning to train Young Midoriya before giving my quirk, so as not to cause him to explo-" Toshinori began to speak when Izuku interrupted him.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! I just heard something terrifying!? Me? Explode!?"

Izuku paled hearing about the part of him exploding from receiving the quirk. Allmight scratch the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Oh that. Well, you see, if your body was not strong enough to handle the power of One for All then there's a chance you wouldn't be able to handle it and blow yourself up. But worry not! You already have a body strong enough to handle my quirk!"

Everyone deadpanned. They all question his teaching skills as it was plain horrible to forget the most important part that could literally kill his successor before he got the chance if he forgot to mention it.

[ "Reminds me when I was teaching Natsu." ] Igneel said recalling times he had a hard time teaching Izuku and had help with Anna Heartfilia.

"You're horrible at teaching shit…" Katsumi remarked.

"Agree…" Izuku added.

Allmight sweat hearing the duo before coughing to recompose himself. He turned to Izuku before speaking.

"Well young Midoriya, it is finally time for you to inherit One For All! You have the body to withstand it."

Izuku grinned and gave a look of determination on his face. He clench his fist pouring his heart the words that would change his life.

"I'm ready All Might!" Izuku said.

"Good!" After a dramatic pause of silence, All Might reached into his head and pulled out a strand of hair, then sticking it in front of Izuku.

"Now, eat this!" A moment of awkward silence resounded the whole beach, before everyone tilted their head dumbfounded.

[ "Huh?" ]


"That's…just fucking disgusting." Katsumi felt like he was going to vomit and the rest agreed.

"Is that...is that really necessary to pass it on." Momo asked, putting a hand to her mouth.

"Well in order for you to obtain One For All, you must ingest the current wielder's DNA, and hair is the least disgusting part of my body that you can eat so… here!"

All Might rubbed the back of his head with his other hand while explaining.

[ "Hahahahaha here I thought I seen everything…" ] Igneel couldn't help but burst out laughing and Izuku grumbled.

"I did not expect to be this way…" Itsuka muttered in disbelief.

"Is that even sanitizer…" Camie said.

"Yeah I thought it would be like those movies where they only touch them then the main character get the power…" Jiro said.

"Wouldn't cutting your palm and mixing your blood be better?" Himiko suggested.

"I don't think that is any better." Momo said.

They shared their opinion as Allmight sweated while hearing their comments. He shoved the strand of hair to Izuku. The dragon slayer stared at the strand of hair for a few seconds.

"U-Um...w-well…Is there any other option..."

Izuku hesitated, seeing it was eating a strand of hair. He imagined it more dramatic but eating hair? It blew his expectation out the window.

"Just eat and I use special shampoo, so it's sanitized." Toshinori said while harboring petty thoughts.

'Beside if I have to eat a hair to inherit One for All then you must as well.' He can still remember almost choking because of it.

"Well, I guess that's how it is then. Well here goes…"

Izuku then sighed as he placed the hair in his mouth and quickly gulped it down as fast as he could. He actually choked on it for a moment and that caused him to gag on it more than he normally would have. The dragon struggled to get the hair down his throat, before finally swallowing it and then gasping for breath.

""""That looks painful.""""

Everyone winces seeing Izuku struggling shuddering if they were in his position. After recovering from that experience, Izuku looked down at his arms and began to stretch them out.

"How do you feel, Izu-San?" Itsuka said.

"I don't feel much different than before…" Izuku was confused wondering if it would work or not as it would be regrettable as he doesn't want to eat more hair just to make sure.

"It's normal as your body is currently adjusting for the moment but don't worry it won't take long. For the time being, why don't we introduce ourselves first, like, dislike, hobbies and goals?" Toshinori suggested that Izuku still had his body slowly integrating with his body.

"Why don't I go first then? My name is Toshinori Yagi. 48 years old. I like movies and cedars from Yakushima! I dislike people who hurt others just for their own selfishness! My hobbies are fighting villains and saving people! Well, I have already achieved my dream of becoming the Symbol of Peace! Now, I just wanted to teach my successor similar to how my master taught me."

He gazes into his successor, finding himself wondering if his old master thought the same thing to him when he said his dream to her.

"Well I'm Katsuki Bakugou. 14 years old. I like spicy foods and mountain climbing. My hobbies are cooking and drumming, I guess. I dislike losing. As for my dream, I want to surpass the best and be on top!"

Katsumi shouted determined to defeat Izuku even though the chance is slim next to impossible now that her crush and rival is forced to reckon with.

"My name is Itsuka Kendo. 14 years old. I like spending time with my friends. I dislike villains and anyone that hurts the weak. My hobbies are Training and Martial arts. As for my dream….I want to become strong enough to stand beside Izuku and help him with his goals."

Itsuka declared receiving a different reaction with her crush to smile happily at her words. As the other girls thought the same thing, wanting to be the same as her. A person special to Izuku and the time they spent only strengthened their bond with him.

"Well, at least I know my successor won't be alone. Now you're next."

"I'm Jiro Kyoka. 14 years old. I like to spend time with my friends and listen to rock. I dislike mumble rap. My dream is to be a hero and stand beside Izuku and the rest of my friends"

Jiro exclaimed while slightly turning red from her words but did not regret telling the truth. This made everyone want to stand by Izuku's side.

The rock girl grew closer to everyone, understanding more about her feelings. Every time she wanted to be like her, the one who wanted to support the person they like.

She doesn't know if she will be together with Izuku but she will always support him. Jiro owned him many things from helping her grow stronger to saving her life. That's what her heart is right now.

'Is she? No, probably not but my boy, good luck!'

AllMight inwardly thought looking at his ignorant successor and his future trouble with the woman. He experiences the same thing and it doesn't end well.

"Now it's your turn, Yaomomo." Jiro said.

"My name is Momo Yaoyorozu. 14 years old. I like Reading and Drinking tea. My hobbies are shopping and making things using my quirk. My dream is the same as Jiro, A hero that would make people feel safe and stand beside my friends."

She did the same reaction as Jiro much to the Symbol of Allmight amusement finding that his inheritor would make not one not two but three women fall for him and only eventually increase as time goes.

"How about you, young Midoriya?"

"Well to start, I'm Izuku Midoriya, 14 years old, I like Katsudon, and Martial Arts. I dislike bullies and people who look down on others. I don't like hurting people either, but do it if it's necessary. My hobbies are housework and cooking. As for my dream...."

Izuku paused looking at his friends and Toshinori listened closely. Those who were close to him always hear him talk about dreaming of becoming a hero but this is the first time he pauses.

However, now it was possible it made him contemplate the future of his career. A few minutes went by letting everyone anxiously wait until Izuku grinned and clenched his fist.

"After training for a decade, I realized that there is always a limit to one's ability. Even if I acquired many unbelievable things would still not let me do everything, I know that the people I can help will still be limited, after all I'm only one person."

Toshinori nodded, as he too knew that he can't save everyone despite what the public, especially the children believed. This made him recall his former master and how he was unable to save her.

And even though he had already learned to accept that doesn't mean he has to like it though. He would try his best to save those he was able to reach instead of just giving up.

"That's why,"

Izuku looked at Toshinori and everyone having burning determination and felt his charisma intently listening to every word he uttered.

"I wanted-no, I will make my own Hero Team! A team of strong and just heroes who would step up to be the Pillar of Peace! If one Symbol of Peace managed to bring down the crime rates, then what would happen if we have an entire group of them! That is my dream! To make a team who will one day be Known as the Symbol of Peace, and will have the ability to do the job that one man cannot."

Izuku excitedly said his dream that made the symbol of peace to unconsciously turned into his buff form. He never expected his successor would have the same but better and harder dream than he had.

"Young Midoriya, your dream is even harder than becoming the number one. But I believe in you, and I will be supporting you every step of the way. I don't doubt you won't achieve your dream as you already have friends that are beside you."

Allmight couldn't be more proud and seeing the future generations before his eyes felt that the world would turn into a better place. Izuku smiled, turning his attention to his friends who were smiling in return.

"We will make sure to be the best team and stand beside you, Izu-chan!" Itsuka said.

"Tots. We should make a hero team name." Camie said.

"I'll be their surpassing you, Deku!" Katsumi said.

"I think that would greatly help in making sure everyone is safe. We will gladly land our help, Midoriya-san." Momo said.

"Superhero team huh!? Well that's sound exciting!"(Jiro)

"Would Mizuna be our mascot?" Himiko holding into Mizuna.

"Hey now! If I become a mascot then give a large percent of the merchandise." Mizuna said. Everyone gave their support in his dream of a superhero team. That one day contend with the forces of evil in the world and beyond.

"Thank you, everyone. I'll not disappoint you!" Izuku said

"Hahaha great to hear! Now that the introductions are done, how about we see if you can use One for All." Toshinori said.

"Yes sir!" Izuku replied.

"Do you feel any different, Izu-chan?" Itsuka asked.

"Hold on...yeah I do feel more energetic but I'm unsure if it's my quirk or not. Now, How do I use it?"

"Oh right. Just focus, pull your arm back, clench your buttocks, and yell smash!" He raised his arm punching the sky without any force as everyone deadpanned at his explanation that made the number one hero sweat.

"That doesn't really sound like a good explanation..."

"Trust me!" Allmight smiled before sweat dropped when they ignored them as he was horrible at explaining things.

'He doesn't trust me at all!' He coughed at blood seeing his successor ignoring him and busily contemplating trying to figure out how to use his quirk.

'Any change?' Izuku asked Igneel.

[ "No but there certainly new kind of power welling up and it's clear your Second origin had been unblocked." ] Igneel said while Izuku began to treat it like magic where he tried to channel the energy through his body and began to feel the change happening. Energy coursing through his body as his magic power skyrocketed even further than ever before.

[ "Incredible, it implied your Magical prowess." ] Igneel commented as everyone saw the changes happening.

"Hahaha you actually pulled it off! Now let's test your power."

Allmight open his palmed for testing but Izuku hesitates as pairing the Fire Dragon Slayer Magic and the force of AFO would likely hurt him.

"I'd rather not Allmight. If my guess is correct then it could hurt you, not that I'm saying you're weak but currently I'm rapidly increasing the output of AFO and I'm at least 35% and if paired with my quirk then you know what would happen." Allmight recalled the time he fought the sludge villain and saved the invisible girl.

"...yeah let's not." Allmight stepped back.

"Anyway, let's test this out on the sea. Also is there anyone that might hear or see us?"

"Hahaha don't worry I ask a friend to close this area and won't have anyone accidentally stumbling here."

"Alright then. Here goes nothing…"