

Wealthy Huang chenguang falls in love with poor Tan xiaofan, both want to get married, but Huang's family objects and instead get her married to equally wealthy Tian Donghai, who lives with his uncaring step-mother and siblings. Huang finds out that Tian is not respected, but does not care as she does not love him. Tian continues to be affectionate toward her and his family, but Huang cannot get Taa xiaofan out of her mind. Then things change, when Tian decides to assert himself and asks his family to leave him and his wife alone. Huang starts warming up to Tuan, when Tan xiaofan shows up - this Tan is not the poor Tan xiaofan that Huang once knew, this Tan is a multi-millionaire, scheming, and devious, and a Tan xiaofan who will try to win Huang chenguang over by hook or by crook.

Lilyishere · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs


"How do I have faith?."

"How do I make myself

as desirous as you?."

"How can I give you my heart?."

"How do I fall in love with you?."

Don't you dare touch me!

What gave you the right to touch me?

You have no right over me!

Why do you keep tying

to get close to me?

Stay away from me!

Where are you going?

I asked,where are you going?

- I'm going out for some days.

- When will you return?

I don't know.

- And I'll be here alone?

- Everyone is here.

In any case,you love to be alone.

- If I need something..?

- You won't.

Everyone should know

how to look after themselves.

- Yes?

- Something important...

I need your opinion. I'm in

the study. Can you come down?

What is so urgent?

First come down.

What is this?

What do you mean?

Don't pretend. I know the

relation between you and brother.

Or what it isn't.

There could be alot between us.

And nobody will find out.

Brother,we're home.

You may go home.

That's the limit of his run.

How dare you say this to me?

Or even think about it!


Lies! Absolute lie! John can

never do such a shameful deed!

She must have instigated my brother!

And this is going on

for quite some days!

When I asked her what she was doing,

she said there was no harm in it.

Nobody will find out.

Lies! Nothing but lies!

They are all lying.

Believe me. I speak the truth.

- Believe me.

- Why should he believe you?

He will believe me. Isn't it?

Mother... you are lying.

- What are you saying?

- That's enough.

Enough of the lies.

All of you are lying.

God knows for how many days, months

and years you've been lying on and on!

And I stoically bore

everything only so that..

This futile hatred of yours

will someday turn to love.

But now I can't take it.

Huang is not lying.

I'm ready to accept anything