
My heart belongs to the lycan king

Maya Lancroff blames the Lycan king for the death of her beloved parents, leaving her and her siblings to fend for themselves. The festival of seasons occurs once every four years, under the full moon, to celebrate the end of a fruitful season and the beginning of a new one. Maya uses this chance to exact her revenge but things don't go as expected. She ends up with a pregnancy and a heart that beats for the King. Scared and confused, she takes to the wind, taking refuge in the hands of the enemy. Four years later, there are no full moons and the Lycan kingdom isn't doing well. A seer prophecies about the King's missing child and it must be found before the end of that year, else the festival of seasons will not take place and chaos shall befall them. Determined, the King goes out in search of his child and finds more than he ever bargained for.

GraceEmma · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Chapter Ten

You know that feeling where a part of your body aches so deliciously, it throbs with a want, a need to soothe it that is almost as overwhelming as it is frightening. Like you didn't know you needed something until it was right in front of you; you get a taste and then it's like you can't live without it.

That feeling is all I know as he lifts his hand to my chin, grabs it in a forceful manner and tilts my face upwards until our lips are less than an inch apart.

"Do you accept?" He whispers, his lips brushing against my lips with every word and the warmth in my lower regions increases with each caress.

He is so close. We're less than two feet apart and I can't think straight with his scent taking up all the air in my lungs. I breathe slowly and in shallow breaths, trying to regain some semblance of composure.

"Your majesty…." I take a small step back to put some space between us.

In less than a second, I am pressed up completely against his broad chest, his hand burns a hole through my robe as it covers the expanse of my waist, just above the curve of my bum.

The look in his eyes is feral, his Lycan coming to the surface and my stuttering breath comes to a fearful halt; I feel almost miniscule in front of the warning stare.

"Do not move," He growls, his beast rising to the surface, ready for a chase and he raises a hand, causing me to flinch. He seems to hesitate for a second before the hand comes down to gently caress my cheek. "I would never hurt you, sweetheart," he whispers, sounding more human and I relax almost instantly, going partially limp in his arms with a sigh.

Without any warning, in an impossibly swift movement, my robe is stripped off my body.

I gasp in horror as I try and fail to reach for the robe, head snapping to the side to check for the onlookers. To my surprise, though I wonder why that is since it should have been expected, we are the only ones in the room.

My robe falls to the floor and he cups my cheek with one hand, the other sliding down my back and settles on my waist.

The warmth I felt from his touch before is now a roaring fire. The same fire that is now burning in his eyes, trying to consume every unhidden piece of skin it lays eyes on. It might as well singe off my clothes and leave me totally vulnerable to this man in front of me.

"Darling," he rasps, stripping me naked with his eyes and the sound shoots straight south. "You are a priceless work of art." He leans down and presses his nose to my neck, "What I could do to such a beautiful body." He breathes in.

A whimper is torn from my lips when he lightly bites my neck and soothes it with his tongue. "Let's take this somewhere private."

I don't register his words in my pleasantly muddled state, only coming to my senses when he tightens his hands on my waist and lifts me up, forcing me to wrap my legs around him and hang on to his neck like a lifeline.

He grabs my bare thighs to hold me up and I have to bite down on my lips to keep in a moan when he starts to massage them.

"Such softness. I wonder how loud the sounds it'll make will be when I make love to you." He chuckles, "Or more like when I fuck you into the mattress; lovingly of course."

My face and very specific parts of my body burn in what I will call embarrassment and I hide my face in the joint between his head and his neck.

He kisses my cheek and starts to walk towards the wall?

Using one hand to hold me up, he moves around a few things judging from the shuffling I hear and apparently there's a secret passage from here to the king's bedroom.

We're in pitch black darkness for a few seconds before we arrive at his dimly lit room. I'm guessing he is sensitive to bright lights.

Before I can even lift my head to take in where I'll be spending what would probably be the night of my life, we're walking through another door.

"Your majesty…" I start to say but he cuts me off.

"Lucius. While we're here, making unforgettable memories, about to lose ourselves in each other, it's Lucius."

We're in a bathroom that is about the same size as the two of my hotel rooms put together. It's probably because of the jacuzzi and a tub that looks big enough to fit three fully grown Lycans. It has an Italian theme that is as expensive as it is elegant.

He places me on my feet in a gentle manner that has me blushing like a high schooler. I will curse my fair skin until the day I die. "Okay." Thankfully I'm wearing sandals that protect my feet from the cold floor.

"Say it." He stares at me with a softness that tugs at my heartstrings but the fire in them is not extinguished and keeps me on my toes.

"Say what, your majesty?" I ask, playing dumb as the urge to stoke the flames comes to me. A suicidal urge if I may say so myself.

As expected, his eyes harden and narrow while his lips press together in a thin line, his nose flaring as he breathes in, presumably taking in my scent.

His fingers tighten on my waist and I'm sure they'll be a mark tomorrow. He leans down until his lips touch the tip of my earlobe. "Say my name, kitten," He husks and bites down.

It travels straight to center and I have to rub my thighs together as a gasp escapes me; my eyes roll upwards before shutting in a vain hope of looking for some sense.

"Lucius," I whisper too low for an ordinary human to hear which is why I'm sure he did but of course it won't be that easy.

He seems to contemplate for a few silent seconds before he hums and chuckles rather evilly. "Louder princess, don't test me," he commands as his hands play with the ropes that tie my jacket together.

I'm sure the sensible part of me is in a corner shaking her head in disgust but I want to have a little fun for a change so I decide to do just that. Test him.

"Lucius," I say a bit louder but not as audibly as he wants and his hands tense just as his jaw clenches presumably in annoyance at my disobedience.

A smirk appears on his lips and before I can guess what his devious mind has thought of to discipline me, he loosens the ropes while still looking deep into my eyes.

I don't think most people understand the overwhelming feeling of being with the one you've loved from afar for so long and at the same time hated with your whole being. It's like walking a thin line of insanity.

So I am not surprised when I feel a really hot blush coming up.

"You blush so prettily."

Swiftly, before I could register any sense of embarrassment, he lifts a hand and takes a nipple in between his fingers.