
The Project to Save the Goddess is launched

The airpods that Xu Fan had only used for a year were broken, and after wearing them, there was only a squeaky electric sound.

After fiddling with the earphones for a long time, Xu Fan was a little annoyed. If he hadn't washed the clothes and forgot to take out his pockets, the earphones would not be broken.

This headset is an 18-year-old coming-of-age gift given to him by Xu Fan's father. It is of great significance to him.

If it's not good, he can only fix it. Xu Fan puts the earphones in his ears again with this mentality and plans to try it.

Sure enough, the voice was still sizzling.


Xu Fan was about to take off the earphones, but the sizzling sound in the earphones disappeared, and then there was a dripping sound.

All right? Xu Fan was very excited. He wanted to play a piece of music to try, but there was no music from the headphones. Instead, it was the voice of a female announcer.

"According to our news, there was a sudden heavy snowfall in North China in the early morning of October 21, and the temperature dropped to minus 10 degrees Celsius."

What? Why did the earphone suddenly become a radio broadcast news?

Xu Fan quickly checked his mobile phone linked to airpods and did not open any news stations.

After confirming that your airpods are not connected to the wrong phone, put the earphones back into the case and restart, but after putting them on, the radio news broadcast sound is still inside.

"According to our news, on October 25, the NBA All-Star Game werewolves beat the Raiden team."

Hearing this news, Xu Fan felt more and more wrong. Today is October 19th. Why is the news broadcast on this radio station a few days later?

Xu Fan took out his mobile phone, and it turned out that on the 25th, the Werewolves and Raiden did have a game, but the Werewolves, the team that has always been at the bottom, wanted to win the Raiden team, which had won two consecutive championships, it was really nonsense.

"On October 23, the new-generation female singer Chu Yunxi was blasted and killed by jumping off a building in Huabao Hotel due to assault. She was only 19 years old. The suspect, Wang Tang, director of Huahai Film and Television, has been arrested.

When he heard the news, Xu Fan bounced directly from his seat. He was Chu Yunxi's number one fan. Just an hour ago, he managed to grab the tickets for Chu Yunxi's 22nd concert.

To say that this Chu Yunxi can be regarded as young and promising. She has both appearance and strength. She released her first solo album "The Negative Side of Love" at the age of 17, occupying the first place on the major music platform charts for 73 consecutive weeks. The concert venue is full, and the ticket price has been broken by the scalper.

However, Chu Yunxi is a good person and praised by everyone in the circle. Her agency is also considered strong. After discovering it, she strictly stopped the scalper's fare speculation and protected the interests of her fans. Otherwise, Xu Fan would not have the opportunity to grab the original price. An infield ticket worth 1888.

Thinking of Chu Yunxi's excellence, Xu Fan could hardly accept that Chu Yunxi, the goddess in his heart, would jump to death because of being violated.

Xu Fan felt that the news broadcast in the headset was a bit nonsense, but it was fake and a little unclear.

He picked up the earphones again to see if there would be news reports, but the earphones returned to normal, and Xu Fan had no problem listening to music and watching videos with his mobile phone.

Xu Fan is a little scared and curious. It seems that if he wants to verify the accuracy of the radio broadcast, he can only wait on the 21st to see if the weather in North China will be abnormally heavy and snowy.

Thinking that Xu Fan had recorded all the news he had just heard in his cell phone.

During the two days of waiting, Xu Fan didn't sleep well. On the one hand, he didn't want the radio broadcast to be true, because he didn't want Chu Yunxi to die. On the other hand, Xu Fan also hoped it was true, if it was Really, he has the ability to predict future events.

In a panic, the 21st arrived. When Xu Fan woke up early in the morning, he turned on Zhalang. When he saw that the number one on the hot search list was "Sudden Snowfall in North China", Xu Fan froze. Could it be that the radio in the headset The news broadcast is true! ?

This also means that Chu Yunxi will really die the day after tomorrow?

Seeing the news about Chu Yunxi's death recorded on his mobile phone, Xu Fan fell into deep thought.

Since I can predict the future news in advance, do I have the opportunity to change the future?

Xu Fan was thinking about it when he heard a "di" in his ear.

"The plan to change the future has been launched, and the host has acquired skills: familiar, skill introduction: everyone who meets the host will have a great affection for the host, and the host has the opportunity to become friends with everyone."

What? Where does this sound come from? Xu Fan was stunned for a while. Xu Fan, who had read countless articles on the Internet, suddenly realized that he was using the system in the novel, and this system could predict the future randomly through his headset radio!

Xu Fan was very excited. If the "déjà vu" friendship skills he possessed were really useful, he would have the opportunity to make friends with his goddess, the well-known domestic singer Chu Yunxi, and prevent the tragedy that would happen soon!

Xu Fan picked up the phone and first checked the Wang Tang's information mentioned in the news.

This Wang Tang's reputation in the circle does not seem to be very good. There is a lot of news about him infringing on his company's actresses in the gossip forums. On the set, he always acts on female stars. Some handsome male stars are him. Don't let it go…

Xu Fan watched the gossip about Wang Tang for almost a day, and his three views were about to shatter.

As a hard-core fan of Chu Yunxi, Xu Fan also knows that Chu Yunxi has been working hard to develop into the entertainment industry recently, so it is not surprising that he will have an intersection with Wang Tang, but Wang Tang, a bastard, actually wants to bully Chu Yunxi.

It is said that there are no clean actresses in the entertainment industry, and it is impossible for many 18-line artists to ask for things that can be fame and fortune by sleeping with these high-level artists. It seems that Chu Yunxi's pure image cannot be created for everyone to see, and she has really made her way to where she is today through her own efforts.

Thinking about it this way, Xu Fan's impression of Chu Yunxi improved even better.

He didn't close his eyes all night excitedly, looking forward to tomorrow's concert.

On the 22nd, Xu Fan took the subway to the Magic City Gymnasium to attend Chu Yunxi's concert after finishing the afternoon class in school.

Through the glass of the subway, Xu Fan examined his own image, and he dressed up specially before going out.

Although the self in the glass window is not handsome and earth-shattering, he can also be called a handsome man. At least a short video with beauty and filters can still be popular.

Xu Fan is still very satisfied with his image.

"You… hello…"

Xu Fan was dreaming about a concert, but was interrupted by a little girl.

Xu Fan lowered his head slightly and looked at the blushing strange girl beside him with a face full of doubts.


"I…I think you are familiar… can you give me a contact method?"

The girl said shyly.

Xu Fan had never met a girl who blatantly struck up a conversation with him before, and he was a little nervous. He knew that these were the credits of similar skills.

"Okay… okay."

Xu Fan also stammered, and then gave the girl his QQ account.

After the girl took the note, she walked to the door of the car, and after a while the car reached the station, the girl got out of the car.

Xu Fan was observing along the way. The passers-by he met were indeed very friendly to him, and there were some people who wanted to say hello to them but stopped talking. This was definitely not an illusion.

It seems that this skill is really useful, but what about big stars like Chu Yunxi?

With anticipation, Xu Fan entered the concert venue.