
My harem in the ather world

Rose1188 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Chapter one : new beginnings

In the early morning a loud voice said " Rose wake up you will be late for school ", than a small face pop up from under the caver and a cute girl appear with brown hair and purple eyes with a small lips .

she wake up done her morning rotation ate breakfast than she had a strange feeling and want to hug her mother and said " take care of yourself " than she touch her stomach and said " and take care of my little brother and sister " her mother was surprised and said " what do you mean " she just smile than want to her father and hug him and said " take care of yourself and my baby brother and sister " than she want to his ear and whispered " please stop drinking and gambling and take care of our family " her father was shocked and said " Rose you know " she didn't answer just give him a sad smile than hug him one more time .

She kissed her family goodbye than she want to school , Her mother and father were shocked at her because this was the first time she behaved like than they get worried and said together " something wrong with Rose let's follow her" than her father and mother stand up and harried want after her and saw.

Rose walk to school in depression mood but she doesn't don't know why , suddenly a strong wind came and left her up than a black hole was created in front of her and sucked her in but before it did she heard her mother and father shouted and calling her name so she y'all in the loudest voice she ever did " father mother please take care of yourself and take good care of my baby siblings " than she smiled sadly with tears running down her angelic face than she was sucked completely into the black hole.

Her father and mother were devastated and slid down on the streets hugging each other and crying than suddenly there eyes were blank than they stand up and went to their house they set on the table and started eating than her mother said to her father " honey don't forget we have to go to the hospital today " her father smiled and said " don't worry dear I didn't forget we will go together after breakfast "

They ate in silence than get ready and want to the hospital, they reached it and after several checks up the doctors smiled and said " congratulations sir and madam you are pregnant " they were shocked and happy the doctor sow their happiness and said " do you want to see them " they nodded so he stand up and toke them to the sonars room than she lay comfortably and the doctor put jell on her stomach and than used the machine in the picture they were two baby hugging each other.

The doctor said " wow this is my first time in my 10 years as doctor to see two baby hugging each other in their mother stomach but it strange they are still small why are they crying and hugging each other as if they comfort them selves " they continue discussion than return home.

Suddenly a shadow hover over them and said " you will forget everything about Rose this two children are your comfort for the mistakes I made 16 years ago " than it disappeared.

When Rose fell down she was surrounded with water and she was semi-conscience, than suddenly she heard a voice next to her that said " I'm sick and tired of this world , so you can have all my memory and strength and live instead of me in this world, I hope you can live will and enjoy yourself " the voice quiet down than said " the only reason that I chose you is this " than she sow herself reading reverse harems story and play games with the same genre and her dreams of having her own harem"

So Rose blush in shame of Samoan knowing her deep secret and her secret hoppy , the voice continue " in my world woman are the dominant gander and they can have their own harem" Rose hired this and her eyes light up but before she speak the voice disappear and she wake up in a big bed.

She look around her and saw two young man wearing a lousy shirt that reach there knees and nothing else , when they sow her awake they bowed and said " good morning master " than they give her a big smile full of joy and said together " congratulations master today is your 16 birthday, you are an adult now , madam said it's time for you to start workings and take office " than one of them take a deep breath and said in a whispered voice like if he was afraid " she also said that it's time for you to marry a main husband and if you're not ready you can also chose a concubine or just bed servant.

Rose was shocked but she controls herself and wave her hand telling them to stop talking and they immediately quitted down so she close her eyes and started to sorts out her memory.

After she finished sorting her memories she understand that it's was different world, in this place woman are the dominant gender and the man are the one who take care of home and raise the children.

When the female get pregnant for the first five months the baby will grow inside her stomach after that it will leave his mother stomach and go to his father for the next four month while been protected by an external placenta that surrounds it and protected it and a magic barrier that surrounded it until it's born .

And that how you will now who is the father and she or he will grow up for the next four months while taking there father energy, and when a girl is born her father will have more prestige and be more favored in the future , and when she turn 16 y.o she can marry or have concubine or bed servant .

Rose sort all of this than she finally understand the identity of the two young man they were her bed servant that were arranged by her mother yesterday night but the previous owner refused she wanted her first time to be with someone she loved so they just stay next to her since she didn't like them they didn't have name , but she doesn't mind since it was her dream to have a harem.

So Rose opened her eyes and watched them taking in their appearance and noticed that they were twins one have bland hair and green eyes and the other also have bland hair but he have blue eyes they will be her personal attendants to help her with all her personal care like changing her clothes and bath her even making her hair and make up and be responsible for her until they become her or she married them off.

She was emparesed but she now that she need to get used to it and farther more she need the restroom so she point at one of them and said " I need to relieve my self so take me there " than she points at the other one and said " and you prepared my bath I want to soak in hot water " than she stand up and realize that she only wearing a transparent nightgown without underwear so she covered herself unconsciously with the cover than she realized that she have to get used to it so she stand up proudly and sow the two man blushed deep crimson.

Rose sow this and felt machives so she smiled and said " you don't have name right so I will name you" the blush sap-do and they were shocked than they were so happy and beautiful smiled bloom on their face and they give her a deep bow.

So she pointed at the bland with blue eyes and named him Aoi and the other Aki than suddenly Aoi was surrounded with blue hola and Aki with red hola.

Rose was surprised but Aki and Aoi were more surprised because they know in the legend when a female named unrelated man who were still virgins they can become stronger than normal male and their magic will be ten times stronger and have more capacity and the botinchel to become arc mega .

Aoi and Aki kneeled on the floor and swear there with emotion " thank you master for bestowed us with name and power we swear to belong to you and protect you until our last brith.