
My Hakaishin: New Era

What happens when a kaioshin is born but not need. You make a use for him, follow a story about how a kaioshin is promoted to become a G.O.D. and help him interact with the multiverse and evolve as a god will he be good or bad, will he pro active or lazy, will he make a great universe or be erased entirely. find in the next episode of dragon ba…. my bad wrong title the next My Hakaishin: New Era I own nothing of Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, or Dragon Ball Super. I only own the character(s) I created. Also yes readers your vote matters over here the more you interact the better the story is for you and other readers so let me know if you do or don’t like something so I can make it a better read for you just know majority vote wins.

Andretlr_0119 · Anime e quadrinhos
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9 Chs

Training Progress Two! Meeting a Frost Demon.

Thoughts [ ], Dialogue " ", P.O.V. ( ), Loud Thought Communication/ Loud Speaker Communication { }, Dates for time frame reference, Location in planet/ universe.

I do not own any thing Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, or Dragon Ball Super related I only own the characters I create now or in the future and R.I.P. to the man who inspired me and many others who enjoy his work so much to make our own versions of it Akira Toriyama🫡✊🏾🙏🏾

~~~ 240,851 years Before Age~~~

~~~ Location: universe 7, Beerus' Planet ~~~

~~~(P.O.V. MC)~~~

We made it back to Beerus' world and once there Whis checked in on the assignment. "So how was the meeting."he said. "It was good but you should convince Beerus to interact with his kais more they are doing okay but it's stuff he could help with or actually do better. Also thank you for the learning experience you gave Merus and I." I finished my statement only to get a knowing look and quite laugh from Whis. "I wonder what you mean by that Lord Midori!?""You know what I mean Whis." The conversation ended there and we went back to training until the next time Whis let us out.

Time Skip:

~~~ 240,844 years Before Age~~~

~~~ Location: universe 7, Beerus' Planet~~~

It's been 7 more years and I've been trying even harder since then my BP has risen by 500x now it is 18 trillion, I've grown to 5ft8in, and I feel more robust from all the gains I have gotten. But even after that I can't damage Whis at all and can barely keep up with Merus. My destruction ki is on indefinite now so my durability is only match by my peers, I can hold ultra instinct for long enough to have an intense battle for half a year without backlash, and my magic is second only to Grand Supreme Kai to my knowledge. So today Whis saw fit to let me inspect the higher tier mortals in this universe who knows of Beerus. "Today training won't happen Lord Midori and Merus, today you will inspect the mortals life level by checking in with the mortals that know of Lord Beerus." Whis tells us. I ask "So… do you want us to take action?""No.""Do you want us to see if they are actually doing what they are supposed to do?""No.""Do we have to go alone or can I bring others?""That is the Lord's choice."I look at him until have one more question until Merus and I take our leave. "Can I get more experience out of this if I choose so?""What kind of experience?""A spar." He pauses for a few seconds then answers. "Yes." After that I take off using my magic to travel the universe sense it's quicker and we can breathe in the vacuum of space even if I mess up.

~~~ Location: Somewhere in universe 7~~~

I had Merus contact the Grand Supreme Kai and thus we travel the universe inspecting the mortals and speaking/sparring with the ones on the list Ehis gave to Merus but I didn't learn anything new from sparring with them but talking with them taught me a lot of new languages, knowledge, and cultures. As I did and after we left each person I would review my learning with my attendant and the Lord of Lords to better understand. But the last place we visited was different from the rest because his power was far superior to them and he looked to be the emperor of multiple conquered planets. He was apart of the frost demon species and he was powerful for a mortal. "Greetings, may I know who you are?" The frost demon asked annoyed as we appeared in his throne room and his guards were on high alert. Merus spoke up "Frost Demon I'm sure the Angel Whis informed you of our visit this is my Lord. He is inspecting for Lord Beerus his name is Lord Midori do mine your manners." he told the frost demon then I spoke. "I am G.O.D. Midori visiting this universe and I was asked to inspect the higher tier mortals for Beerus. May I know your name?"" My name is Emperor Ice, pleased to meet you Lord Midori" Ice bows and greets with great annoyance at having to bow. I look at him and sense his power to see his power is over 10 million not bad he could be a decent new experience. I walk around the throne room and continue talking "It's a pleasure but I only came to see if you are doing well really the Grand Supreme Kai will inspect your world to see if the people are doing well even if they aren't nothing will happen I'm mearly here to see nothing else but I personally would like to ask you something Ice. Do you mind if I call you Ice?" I look at him his face filled with quiet anger but couldn't say otherwise. "No, Lord Midori I do not mind. May I know your question?""Yes. I was wondering if you wanted to spar with me I want new experiences and I've sparred with everyone else but they were not at your level not to even mention mine." I saw him look at me confused for a sec then smug at me complimenting his power afterwards angry at my implication that I was far more powerful than him. "I don't mind Lord but what if I injured you how would Lord Beerus react?" Ice asked. I don't even react to the comment and answered "You don't need to worry about him or me for that matter your far to weak to injury me even at your full power I wouldn't have to use more than my finger." I smirk confidently only to see him seething with anger. "When would you like to start Lord?""We can do it right now." Once I answered he powered up and to my surprise started transforming. When he was done transforming his BP rises to a little under 21 million and his face has a confident smirk and he moves toward me at his top speed and punches causing dust stating "How's my power now Lord am I still weak?" A quite pause settled in the room as everyone is looking at use waiting for the dust to go away and finally I speak. "Yes. You. Are." Ice was in complete shock as he saw me stand there with my finger out stopping his fist I resume speaking "Now do you want to spare or not?"


A/N: Thank you for reading and voting if you did and please give a review if possible so I can improve the quality of my writing to make the book better for you the readers also remember this is an adventure your vote matters and chapters come out once a week also I will time skip jump to important parts of the story so not to much info dumping and I have the two love interests now also I'm planning to start a new book just hold on you'll see it