
My God's Smile and My Love

MissVicky · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter One

"Open your eyes, look at me, my child."

"I...I can't."

The warm tip of his finger slowly brushed along my eyelid and spoke in a soft tone, "Try hard and open them. I have to see these beautiful eyes I had created."

It took a lot of strength to just slowly open my eyes, as I felt my eyelid lift, everything was dark and I couldn't see the man in front of me. The only thing I saw was a beautiful light shining from him. He came closer to me and held my face with his soft hands. I felt something wet fall and it dripped down from my cheeks. He was crying.

"I am sorry for not being able to give you the power to see the world. Forgive me, my child."

I held his hands and he hugged me while he cried. I couldn't say anything as all I can hear was the pain from his voice when he held me so tightly.

As days passed, he told me how he created me and how special I was. I was created to find someone who was going to become a god someday. In this world, it is where Gods and Angels live. There are many angels that live here in heaven, but there are a few that are born as Gods. My creator Sin, is a God who can give birth to special beings like myself. I am neither an angel or a demon. I am the first child of Sin who has yet to be named. Sin told me that only my god can give me a name.

"Do you want to see what colors look like?" Sin said while combing my hair.

"Yes! I want to know what this color is from your chest."

"My chest? You see something from here?"

I turn my body around and touched his chest with my hand, "It is very beautiful, it's so bright, but not too bright that it'll hurt my eyes."

Sin holds my hand and says, "close your eyes and I'll show you what color is."

I close my eyes and he covers them with his hand. I saw nothing but darkness until I began to see something bright forming in front of me.

"Do you see it?"

I nodded and smile as it dances around me.

"This color is Pink. Cute isn't it?"

I giggled as I repeated the word pink back to him.

He began showing all kinds of color and told me to memorize each one.

When he finally finished teaching me he asked me, "What color is my heart?"

I took his hand off my eyes and looked at his chest and said, "Blue, bright blue."

He replied back, "I see, do you also see colors around you?"

"Yes, I do, I can see the hearts of flowers and trees too. It hurts to look outside since there are many balls of light everywhere. All of them are pink, brown, light green, or even a darker green."

"Is that why you close your eyes when we go out for a walk?"

"Uhm, yes, but it is tiring seeing all the colors flowing around. Seeing nothing is rather peaceful sometimes. I can actually hear better when I close my eyes too."

Sin pat my head and I can feel him smiling at me.

"Tomorrow, let's start training on your other senses so you don't have to worry about opening your eyes all the time."

"Training?" My voice cracked a bit saying that word. I guess I can't sleep in tomorrow.

Thank you for reading! There may be some grammar issues still and I apologize for that. If you made it this far, thank you for reading. LOL Anyway, stay safe and wear a mask when you go out shopping. Thank you.

MissVickycreators' thoughts