
my girlfriend is a model

teff_anny · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs


After he drove away feifei my assistant who was looking so worried about my leg took me upstairs through the elevator and we went to my office my agent nounou was shocked there was worry written all over her face what happened to your leg she asked while helping me sit she got me a cup of water nounou is one of the best soul in the world she always care for me like a big sister...how did you sprain your leg she asked me i looked at her and then my assistant who nodded her head indicating me to tell them thinking about everything i blushed why are you blushing when you are hurt i looked at both of them and they had worries in their eyes so i decided to tell them everything that happened after i went out...…OMG sister so you actually went outside to fall in love not to take fresh air feifei said ahai what are you saying how was i suppose to know that I'll meet him outside or i would hurt myself so you love him asked nounou well i won't say love but i know i like him and i want to pursue him maybe through the process i will fall in love with him so did you add his contact nounou asked me OMG how could i forget such an important thing what was i thinking so how do you pursue him without his contact said feifei just give up said nounou no i can't do that i will look for him where nounou asked you are a celebrity for crying out loud do you want people to know the big star model is going around looking for a doctor what will you do by then nounou asked me i couldn't answer because i knew she was saying the truth but i really want to know him more come on stop thinking about him let me take you home so you can take a rest you will have a break you won't come to work for few days so you can recover said nounou that was a good idea i could find traces of him with my connection without nounou knowing about it and don't think about looking for him in this few days because i would always come to visit you nounou said again my hope was shattered feifei packed up my things and we left the office on the way home i tried to persuade nounou to give me a chance so i could look for him but she refused firmly and feifei also supported her i was so downfall when we got home my mom welcomed me with a scream because of my leg she knows i couldn't bear pain when she asked me wat happened i just told her a brief of the story she massaged it a little and i went to my bedroom and started making research on him to know if i would find anything but i found nothing so i just decided to listen to nounou and feifei and give up after a few days of rest i went for swimming with nounou and feifei it was a vip pool because i didn't want people to notice me...i came here to relax before going back to work and start performing i wanted a quite space because my mom was always disturbing while i was relaxing sister feifei called me yes feifei aren't we suppose to be the only one in the vip pool why are there two people here as well i looked at nounou and she told me she would go talk to the manager when the head came out of the water

Waittttt i screamed