
My Girlfriend In Japan

Transmission into a new body in a new world. How to live it? Well let’s just go with the flow for now.

Shadoudia · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 5

**Chapter 5: Streaming- The Abandoned Hospital**

Shoko's POV

I can't believe that just happened. I got to spent time with Jin!! All alone! It was like a date in a way?! Right!?

He was so sweet to me, understanding and being patient with me. I hate that I can't talk to him normally :/

But even so he was so understanding. Just like how he used to be.

Wearing my nice dress on purpose was so worth it! He got to see it! He looked so handsome too.

He was also so bold today! g-getting all close to me and stuff! But is not like I hated it..I even l-liked it. But was that on purpose? Or not?






Jin's POV

Is the same day still. 5 PM.

Feeling a bit bored, I've run through the nerdy books I borrowed from the library. They were good, but I'm not exactly a bookworm glued to my seat. Managed to fit in some workouts too. Now, I'm contemplating what else to do with my free time, searching for a bit of excitement or maybe new hobby to dive into.

So what to do?

Maybe go back to the idea of bringing entertainment from my world to this one. Like a manga perhaps?..but that's to much work. I can't even draw that well. Maybe I could instead write the light novels from my world instead. My improved memory helps a ton, I could remember them very clearly, and even the parts I don't remember, I could just add my own spin to it. And if they manage to be successful, they could get a manga adaptation.

I was also thinking of maybe streaming? The idea stands outs to me too. But stream what? Games? I don't fee like it. Chatting? Seems boring. Irl stream? Hmmm maybe I should just go for a walk and show people the beautiful landscape. Though that's boring to..

Unless..is more interesting.

The rain descended relentlessly, each drop resonating on the muddy path. In the darkness, a lone figure traversed a narrow dirt footpath, the street looming silently beside. The only thing guiding him was the street lights.

He moved forward, glancing over his shoulder and around, wary of other's presence. In his grasp, a camera captured the unfolding scene in front of him, while Dark Piano - Sociopath played through AirPods buried in his ears beneath a black hood.

As he kept walking , a destination emerged— an hospital. The entrance gate, adorned with rust and decay, bore an unreadable sign. Abandoned, it stood as a silent witness to

to the past.

Approaching the locked door, he diverted to the side. Nearby, a decaying tree offered an passage. Climbing with precision, he leaped over the wall, the landing met with a groan of pain.

"Things I do for a kick and content," Jin muttered, extracting the camera from his backpack. The AirPods, temporarily removed, found their way back into his ears, the haunting melody resuming.

This was the idea. Jin likes a bit of a thrill. So he planned to explore this place. It wasn't that far away from his home as well. And while he's at it, why not stream it to?


[ Shoko: Are you okay!? Did that fall hurt you!?]

[ Jin: Yess shoko, I'm fine!]

[ Shoko: Are you still sure about this, this might be dangerous..and illegal?]

[Jin: Is fineee, is not like ghosts or anything exists. And I will be careful too.] I ignore the illegal part..haha

[Jin: You don't have to worry!]

[Shoko: finee :/]

Feels great to have someone care for you.

The hospital grounds were shattered with leaves of bygone days. Among the debris, Jin advanced, documenting the echoes of the forsaken past with his camera.

He takes out a flashlight from his backpack, holding it with his other free hand. A small circle of light travels through the darkness.

The abandoned hospital stands frozen in time, its once-white facade now stained and peeling, with many shattered windows.

He aims the light at the door, it was locked. Of course. He walks around the hospital. Looking for a way inside. Who was crazy enough to go inside? Him…

Undeterred by the locked entrance, Jin surveyed the perimeter, searching for an alternative path into hospital. As raindrops continued their dance, his keen eyes detected a partially boarded-up window on the back side.

[Shoko: You didn't even have a umbrella, you might get sickk] Jin heard the notification sound from his stream but he ignored it. He can't also just speak to her..because of obvious reasons.

Sorry Shoko, I'm in my working mode right now!

With care he removed the boards that were placed as if someone intended to hide this entry. Revealing a passage to the unknown, the window creaked open, protesting its disuse, and a gust of stale air greeted him. Grasping the edges, he hoisted himself through, being careful from the shards of shattered glass.The muted echoes of his movements resonated within the abandoned halls as he emerged on the other side.

[Shoko: Becarful!]. Shoko types in the stream, which only she is watching right now. Though Jin can't see it right now since his phone is in his pocket.

Jin told her about his idea, and invited her as his first viewer. It was met with a lot of protest about going to this abandoned place. But eventually he managed to convince her. Though she is still not to happy about it.

Jin found himself in a room suspended in time. Moonlight filtered through the now cracked windows, casting a spectral glow upon the old room. Tattered curtains swayed faintly in the breeze, dancing with the whispers of the raindrops. In the corner, an overturned gurney stood. The air held a musty tang, and the floor creaked under his cautious steps. Dimly lit by his flashlight, the room revealed discarded medical equipment and faded posters.

[Shoko: Scaryyy 😱]

As his camera captured the haunting scene, Jin felt an weight, the weight you feel when your inside of a huge building, all alone and during the midnight. Oh and abandoned.


Leaving the room, Jin treaded cautiously through the hospital's desolate corridors, the echoes of his footsteps mingling with the creaking whispers of the dying furnitures

and the building. The air, heavy with the scent of abandonment, clung to him. He navigated the hallway, passing closed doors that guarded whatever was as inside them. As he reached the intersection of hallways, the choice of direction hung in the air.

He took a left. No change of mind, then he turned to the right.

He started walking.


Funny little mouses.

As Jin ventured down the desolate hallway, the silence was disrupted by an unexpected sound


—A door creaked opened.

Jin looked all around panicked. His heart started to beat faster. He couldn't find the source of the sound. But he knew he heard it.

Even with his AirPods on, he knew he had heard it, a door opened with great noise.

But Where?

He took off his AirPods, putting them away. He wasn't alone in this hospital.. All of a sudden the abandoned hospital became not so abandoned.

[Shoko: what happened!?] She couldn't hear the door opening of course.

He started to walk, a lot more quietly, like a thief scared of getting caught.

The thought of leaving this place never entered his mind.

Words: 1264

AN: Haha..I suck at writing horror but gonna give it a try.

-Just watched "I Want to Eat your Pancraes", again.The pain oof..

- OH! And got recommended to Fresh Stories! I'm not too sure what that means, but thank you guys.

-Anyways Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it.

Thanks for reading, till next time!