
My Ghoul

The world is not as happy it seems and people are not as happy as they seem but the world goes on with out paying them any heed , and this was how a man seemingly happy dies to starts a new life within a new and potentially more dangerous . Follow as akuma distinguish between evil and good friend and foe and the journey to find ones own Ghoul. (I am not very good at creating synopsis but I did as best I could)

ShadowRPD · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Cleaning and music

The next day I came to the classes and they happened normally but during the break when we were eating on the roof.

While eating I asked all of them "Hey, do you have practice today" and all of them shook their head indicating that they did not have practice today.

So I asked them to help me clean the music room after classes were over and they agreed.

So today's classes also finished at the normal time and it was as boring as I can guess.

After classes, we were walking towards the direction of the music club room which was in a separate building and while walking Ichiro asked me "Hey man, I just wanted to ask since when can you play an instrument ".

That question came out of nowhere but I couldn't just tell them that I used to learn the guitar and sing in my previous life so I just said I have been practicing since I was a child.

I asked him "Didn't you see the guitar in my room?".

 He thought for some time and then said "Oh! That guitar, I always thought it was for decoration".

Then Ichika asked me "Can you sing too"

I replied yes as in my previous life my parents may be abusive but they at least put me in a music class.

It was one of the only things except for anime that made me feel alive and I was also good, not crazy good like famous singers but I could have passed for a small band.

We reached the music club room and started to clean it, we chose to divide and conquer.

Ichiro and Hanami were dusting the various instruments as Ichika and I were Taking aside the stuff we had to throw out like Old strings and stuff.

In the middle of our cleaning Ken-san called Ichika as she had not come home and she didn't have club practice today.

And well it was fine I guess but I had to leave her home after as her driver had returned home.

I think Aunt Touka did it so I didn't say the mission was boring but that was fine.

So after cleaning I bought every one drink as thank you and was sitting and talking in the club room when Hanami asked me to play something and Ichiro, and Ichika both also told me to sing.

So I just took a guitar and started tuning it which did not take long and thought about which song to sing

 I thought since I am here why shouldn't I sing that song

I started remembering how to play Unravel as it was one of the songs I remembered fully.

I even remembered the whole of the lyrics in English of course as I wasn't Japanese.

[If you want to play the unravel English version on Spotify, it is a good song so enjoy IT]

As I was singing the song the song, the wind started to blow from the window and created the perfect atmosphere.

And as I finished singing it, there was only silence and my friends who were watching me silently started clapping.

While clapping Ichiro said "Holy cow, I didn't know you could sing or even play the guitar"

Now I just couldn't say that I knew it from my previous life so I said I practiced in secret.

I just told them not to sweat the small stuff and then we again started cleaning the club room, it took us another hour to clean it.

Seriously how can there be so much garbage in one clubroom though the clubroom is as big an apartment.

The new stuff for the club will arrive in a week but even then there were still many things here.

All of us then headed to the cafeteria around 7p.m, there were only some people eating there and it was still open because of the dorms, you can even come here at midnight and get food

When we were eating Ichiro asked everyone "Do you guys have anything to do this Sunday?"

All of us said we didn't have anything to do that day so he suggested we visit the amusement park, I had never been to an amusement park even in my old world so I immediately said yes.

We talked about which one to go to, which time we would meet, and where we were eating our dinner.

It was almost 9 pm when we finished dinner and were standing near the gate to go home, we all started walking towards the station while me and Ichiro were talking about where to go this summer and the girls were talking about something that I couldn't hear.

We then took the train to our station and reached it by 9:40 pm where I said "Ichiro why don't you take Hanami home and I will take Ichika home "

We separated and started walking towards Ichika's home.

"Have you ever gone to an amusement park Ichika?" I asked with slight curiosity to which she replied "Yes I have but it was when I was small"

I nodded to her answer and we reached her home doing some small talk.

When she was entering her home she turned around and said "Thank you for taking me home" "It's fine" was my reply after that I started walking towards my home.

I reached home around 10:25 pm and saw that only uncle was home and watching the TV, when he noticed me he said without taking his eyes off the TV "The food is on the table, heat it before taking it and your mom and dad are not coming home today as they have work today"

I just got fresh and ate the food without heating it as it took time and I just wanted to sleep, while eating I just took my phone and noticed a notification from messenger that Ichiro had gotten home safely.

After eating I just entered my room before writing today's report and falling on the bed and slept while thinking about today.

[A/N- I don't know how many of my previous readers are still Thank you here but for those that are I sincerely thank them and hope that you support me]