
My gay system

I'm a normal guy... just very gay so after 80 years I died and was reincarnated into another cultivation world... What?? GAY system? HELL YEAH TIME TO FUCK cute guys ACROSS THE dimensions with this magical system. The mc will strengthen himself in the Cultivation world. btw *lust* will world hop bringing back tons of femboys from anime worlds World hopping/fuck/sex/butt sex/ tons of sex/ gay mc/ foot fuck many fetishes/ no incest/ plot (Im a lust filled fuck check out my other books there shameless too... I making this story to relief my sexual fantasys) Enjoy if you like leave if you don't The cover art is not mine but the sexy dude looks exactly like the mc maybe a little to close in looks.. odd

Deadauthor · Anime e quadrinhos
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4 Chs

I died??? World hopping gay system??

Quick introduction/prologue:

(I would like to point out his name will change to lust so don't get used to ...)

I once a nice perverted old man will tell you how I reincarnated into another world. filled with monsters the size of sky scrapers and a human society of crazy cultivators who infuse themselves with monster blood turning into humanoid monsters. Luckily I wasn't forgotten and came with a Golden finger...


A what seemed to be nice fairly handsome old man sat Infront of his desktop and drunk coffee enjoying his day while he stared intently at something lewd.Everything was normal... That is until you looked at the screen.

At the top of the screen the word Femhub in bold letters hanged there. While a minamised video was in the middle. Yes Jackson is a gay old man. Ever sense he was 17 years old back in 2022 He's been upsessed with feminine and cute man so much so that he once had a week planned orgy with different femboy cosplayers in hand crafted fantasy style rooms this was one of his favorite memories from his younger days.

It's not like this perv of a old man never bottomed. Infact when he was younger he was quite the femboy himself it's just fucking his favorite anime MC's always hit the spot perfectly. so he who was born into a rich family Fucked and got fucked in every way he could think of with sexy femboys. His favorite kink was... who'd a guessed "FEET". Sadly all be it the case he was very picky and over the years he felt like something was missing...

From that day of relazation on he no longer indulged as much and focused on a site. He invested millions from paid voice actors to even writers and made the best porn site he could with money. People were pissed because the site only had femboys because the content was so well done yet because of the fact that the animated characters we're boys they couldn't watch it.

Jackson uknowingly set himself up for death. After years and years of searches a person found the owner of the site and set a price on his head on the deep web. Not even an hour later someone bid 347milloin dollars. This sounds excessive but Jackson is rich himself of course he has guards. let's not even mention the grudge. People are naturally stubborn the older they are and boy did this one have time to fester.

Jackson now 84 was actually too old to jack off. He just liked to watch them these porn videos out of nostalgia. After his session he got up.

Like normal at 12 pm everyday he stretched and admired the view of flouting cars Infront of his window.After a few stretches he goes to watch whatever anime was on. when suddenly.


His door to his giant room flew open with four buff guys and one regular dude who barged in yelling:


Jackson froze grabbing at his chest that felt like a knife was grinding against it when...


The last thing before darkness was his thoughts:"Hahaha uncultured bastards I'll be in femboy heaven while you fucks EXPLODE"

Jackson knew this day would come he's not an idiot. The only thing that even went differently from what he thought would happen. was his odd heart attack. A life expectancy of 250 years old was common. Let alone him who practiced qi gong.

Darkness. . .



Like he slammed his head on concrete at 180mph he woke up in a unfamiliar place with trees the size of buildings seen off in the distance.

Barley did Jackson have enough time to even rub his head before another sound was heard directly in his head.

*world hopping Gay system bonding process initiated. . .*


He did not even get to stand up before he fainted again from another pain attack. However unlike the one in his head this one happened to his body.

Several hours later the sun was at it's highest

Jackson woke up sore from the uneven ground.

With a quick look he became gob smacked.

:"Where the fuck am I? that tree is the size of an entire city" Calming himself he looked down catching sight of a smooth feminine belly followed by a somehow girly penis 8 inches long.

"What da HELL" He explored his body. Apparently priorities have been mixed up in his his perv brain

"Plump butt check. Flat sexy chest check.

long white beautiful hair check. Cute face don't know I can't see it." The last thing he checked where his feet."Sexy soft snow flake soles even with a little dirt they still look amazing CHECK!!"

*100% host has bonded with World hopping gay system*

Jackson jumped in freight before knowledge of the world flooded his brain. A few minutes later he started talking to himself.:"So I did not steal this body that's nice... AHHHHH I'm fucked what is this bad shit crazy world. Monsters the size of city's are common while world eaters are rare. This is BULLSHIT!! I can only prey my luck is good enough"

"WAIT SYSTEM hello??"

*(--) Yes host*

Jackson calmed down and asked STILL NAKED:

"Am I fucked?"

*¯\_(ツ)_/¯ *

"What's that supposed to mean?? you ass"

"host has watched many anime correct?"

"yes duh hurry up"


Jackson read and thus thought of the word inwardly. Causing a blue holographic screen to appear Infront of him.


Host: Gay...

Race:femboy succubus

Name: Lust raychild



HP 10/10

MP 2/2










*System summary: Host is beautiful... but in a fight between a cat. I would bet on the cat*


(A world set on main will be the point he comes back to after hopping back from a anime world)

Main world:Tar rank ???

A miserable world out casted because of it's ordinary strength that Even a lvl 1 world eater could destroy because of this the planet has turned primal. The strong bath in monster blood while the weak are raped pilliged and killed. Only the worlds capital is safe. while the rest is forests inhabited with monsters.

Available worlds to hop:

Baki rank none

MHA rank F

OPM rank E

black clover rank E

One piece rank E

ATOT rank -F

HxH rank E

DBZ rank C


Lust contemplated for awhile ignoring the insult the system gave him:" What do the ranks mean"

Ding. . .

*Host the ranks stand for the level of strength a planet, universe or multiverse possesses. Highest being omniverse crusher SSS+*

Lust felt his soft feet go numb:"Ok... Looks like Dbz is Gunna be on hold hmm actually fuck that I need to find water at least"

Even if the world was dangerous he still need to find water or when he got back he'd be screwed.

Lucky for lust after five minutes of walking around he found a stream. scooping up some water


"Ahhh that was good"As he said this he looked down at the water.:"Dam that's it 10/10 femboy from head to sole... Yea I beat find something to cover myself up or whoever I meet will just fuck me"

Scurrying around the place he found two appropriate sized leafs and meld them together with oddly strong twisted grass.

:"There Atleast I covered my self. But now I just look like a girl with a very subtle hint of boy. hmm oh well I hope my first time in this body is with a male Atleast it will be hot"

Now that lust covered himself he looked high and low for any memorable places. So he can back track to Arcana city using the knowledge that gave him a massive headache.

An hour later:

Lust was jumping with joy:"I found it I found it hahaha watch out femboys I'm on my.." For the third time in the last 5 hours of his stay in this world lust fainted.

Two humanoid people one brown the other blue looked at the sexy person on the ground.Lust flashed in there eyes for a second before they both calmed down they found this very hard.

"Who is sh.. He??" Daft the blue one said as he got a look in-between lusts just made leafs. "No idea let's go the beast wave is about to hit an if we stay out here to long where fucked."corn said

"Ok I know let's bring him he may be a guy but Somehow that only adds we can make him our "buddie" when we get back and he wakes up "

"Hell yeah hurry I can't wait to fuck that girly asshole of his... You don't think he'll say no right?"

" Idiot of course not. look at how he's dressed with what will give in exchange unless he wants to be raped instead he'll happily agree."

Both of them ran back to the giant walled off city with boners. Unaware a horde of tier 3 monsters we're on there way.

(Next chapter he will be his first "hop" I want to establish a home ground for mc. I also changed his look and don't worry this isn't Re:zero our mc will be Over powered. He's a Slut and I want to make that clear next chapter)

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