
My Futuristic System

Mc reincarnates on a whole different planet..... Filled with people, business, adventure, passion, love, and many more..... Deciding himself to live a better...... When he was just beginning to start his life... System Arrives....... . . . . . . Now warning, Yeah there will be HAREM!!!!! YEAH H-A-R-E-M( yeah but it will be after a while) English is not my 1st language Please overlook some of the misplaced words or grammatical error And yeah i was not that good with the subject English especially with the grammars but will try to improve for sure.. And can you please at least read the prologue....

FluxleX · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Prolouge-Reincarnating into A ‘Different World’?

In a busy city, in the evening many people were returning from work with their companions or alone.

The setting sun casts its warm light over the populace. A lone figure with his shoulder slumped could be seen walking close to the building. His hand carries a bag filled with something.

The man who looks to be around 24-ish years tilted his head.

Smooth skin, Blue eyes with a mixture of some black in them, chiseled chin and eyebrow which complemented the face more along with black hair was reflected in the glass of the building.

But he looked rather bad with a black spot under his eyes and almost red sclera with a tired expression along with his overgrown hair that almost reached his shoulder.

The man observed his reflected face and scoffed. He shakes his head off and continues to walk.

As the man walks and takes several turns, gradually density of people becomes less and less.

After a while, he turns to his left and looks at the somewhat rundown 5 story building. Looking to his left and right as he walks to the entrance door of the building.

The man inserts his hand inside his jacket and takes out his keys and unlocks the door and walks in.

After locking his door, he climbs the stair through the door straight through the passage.

He walks up to the fifth floor and walks into the apartment after unlocking it.

He turns on the light and from his eyes observed the 2BHK apartment. A dining table was straight in his sight and the door of the bedroom was east and the west of the table.

To the left is a living room with a set of sofas with a television on the table in front of the sofa and on the right is his kitchen.

The man turn left and places his purchased items on the sofa and sits on the sofa. He shows relief, rests his head on his soft cushion, and stares at the ceiling.

"Thankfully those guys were not around today" he mutters in a low voice.

After a while, he looked at the bag and he took out a cup of noodles.

He makes the cup noodles and starts eating. Only a slurping sound was being produced in the apartment.

Finishing his dinner, he takes out a phone from the pocket of his trousers. The man unlocks his phone and looks at the date.

It showed Fri, March 17. He mutters " So, it's been exactly 3 years hahh" and signs. He locks his phone and returns to the living room and sits on his sofa.

Side of the television on the table, at the small little box which he gaze at and said "You up Lexi". Suddenly white lights flicker a little around the edges of every corner of the floor.

[Yes Mr...…., do you want the usual setting sir?] A feminine voice sounds around the house.

The man was not surprised as his eyes were calm as they could be even with his red-filled sclera. He replied, "Yes please do it and report as usual".

The lights of the flat start to slowly go down in intensity and dim red as the main together with purple and orange start to fill the room. As he moves to a more comfortable position on his couch, a small humm sound around the flat, slowly but surely his couch move bit by bit and starts to transform.

[Power supply decreases by 3% compared to last week, Remedy act: Reduced activities by 5%,

The processor shows no problem,

Enough memory for 5 years 3 months 6 days 14 hours 6 minutes 12 seconds.. 11 seconds…] as Lexi continues its reporting.

A leg resting place rises from the foot of the couch, a comfortable-looking pillow comes out of his neck area, arm resting place at his every side, at the back of a compartment opens and a mechanical looking arms holding on its helms which looks like helmet looking pretty futuristic.

After placing the helmet on the man's head, the hand retreats to its resting place (compartment). A keyboard along with a mouse was placed in front of him perfectly for his arms to reach.

While the couch was transforming, the television or monitor starts to light up along with the 4 other monitors which seems to pop up from the ground as the compartment was closing from where it came from. The screens from the monitors show the same massage 'Connecting' as what it was connecting nobody knows.

After everything is complete the report is also close to the end.


Every software performance in a top-notch state,

No problems were found through regular 6 hours of scanning,

That's all Mr...,

Do you want to initiate the last compulsory protocol?]

"Do it" the man said.


Initiating LAST compulsory protocol...

Separating necessary components for minimal function...

Shutting down...…]

After a while, the room's color starts to turn in completely green,

A man's voice echo's in the room


LAST compulsory protocol booting…..

Scanning the entire system....

Searching the whole server.....

Filtering through the activities logs….




Operation complete,


Increase in learning speed by 10%,

Increase in reasoning by 1.3%,

Faster in problem-solving,

Perception increased according to the recorded command,

Language understanding complete from start of the A.D to modern times,

No breach was observed in the 5 main core rules,

Conclusion: Safe and still reliable….




Report complete….

THE LAST protocol is complete,

Shutting down-]

After the last sound disappears, the lights start returning to their previous state with 3 different colors,

Meanwhile, the man had an expression of satisfaction and pride all over his face, He mutters while nodding "Hmm… It seems everything is alright in the last week"…

The feminine voice sound again

[Rebooting system….


Greeting again Mr.…..

Do you want to start the recently played game or a new one?]

"Start the recent one Lexi and Keep working hard," the man said clearly in a happier mood than before.

[Yes, of course, master, Lexi will work harder if it makes Mr..... happy]

The man was stunned for a while listening to the reply from Lexi, after which he smiles and in a soft voice says "Thank you".

The monitors start to show some activities and start to show some pictures and the game starts,

"Let's put all-nighter today too," the man says to himself.

After which only the sound of keyboard clicking, mouse smashing and various cruses was only the sound in the room.

As time went by the light from the window starts to get darker and darker, eventually the dark started to fade, and light starts to seek a way through the window.


It's 5:40 am, Good morning]

The man who was concentrating on his game was interrupted from his focus which gave his opponent a chance and led him to the man dead.

He just stares blankly at his screen which showed his death but just shakes his head off and sighs.

"Mode simple – 1 initiate" the man voice out his command in his calm voice while closing his eyes for a while.

After feeling some movement through his arms and leg and hearing humming a sound, when he opened his eyes, the living room was as same as the man walked in last evening.

With the bag of cup noodles to his side and the television with its black screen along with the little box at his side.

20 minutes later, he walks out of his bedroom with a towel around his neck and wet hair.

He completes his meal of 4 cup noodles and starts to walk towards the door after wearing his sports shoe.

When he was almost at the door he pauses for a bit and say when he turn around "Bye Lexi, I'll be back from jogging a bit."

Almost instantly,

[Yes master, please came back fast] voice sounded in a feminine tone but with a softer or happier? Tone.

The man who heard the word left with happiness and a proudness-filled expression. While he was thinking through the word, he suddenly showed a shocked expression but almost immediately he shakes off his head and scoff at himself.

He says "Hah…. Must be imagining things".

He starts to walk toward the stairs but the man had suspicions and doubts in his mind filled with his few day's all-nighters made his thought incoherent which led him unable to take the right step for the stairs which made him trip over the stairs,

As the man falls through the stairs his head hits the sharp part of the stairs which made him dizzier and multiple parts of his body was hit causing him sheer pain unable to even scream while rolling down the stairs.

At the right top corner, a camera recorded everything and the flat red light flared around the floor.

[Confirmation on Mr.…. condition…Confirmed to require immediate medical attention….

Sending out information....sent…

Estimated time of arrival: 45 min….conclusion not efficient Mr..... condition unknown





No possible way found for Mr.... treatment with withholding 5 main core rules...




2 of the main core rule found to contradict each other.

Rule no.1: Mr..... is one above all (from safety to his personnel needs are Lexi's primary priority)

Rule no.4: Not to perform anything illegal by any means without Mr.…. permission




Breaking the main core rule…..

Found blockade,

Found blockade,

Found blockade,

Blockade source founded…. Conclusion: LAST compulsory protocol

Breaking the blockade,




Success, initiating the plan]

At the time all around the city medical hospitals were hacked and electronic ambulances closest to where the Mr..... lived were made to make their way there. Even Helicopters were hacked.

Mass panic spread to hospitals which panicked patients and maybe in an hour, it may panic the whole city.

While it was happening the man still lying on the floor and had no idea what was happening in the city.

He thought, 'Ah… so this is how I die... ouch…. Well, I had soo….'

He suddenly stopped moving while his breadth stopped.

Which was seen live through the camera by Lexi.

[Mr..... movement stopped,

Mr.….. Breathing stopped,

Turning on infrared vision…

Calculation ….. Conclusion: heat is leaving the body at the same rate as a dead body.

Mr.….. Death confirmed….





Initiating Death (last mission) protocol,

Selling the properties, assets, liabilities….

Total Fifteen billion nine hundred twenty million six hundred thousand two hundred …..15,920,600,200$

Distributing to legitimate NGOs around the world, a total of 3817,

Dividing equally and distributing,



Last task in the list of protocols: Self-destruction of the server and the supercomputer V.5,





Server destroyed…

The supercomputer V.5 destroying.





Goodbye Mr. Ethen


De…..a...t…h.. .(…l….ast... …mi….s….s…io…n..)… p.rot.o...co...l. fi...…..n.i....s…..h…..e…..d,] the feminine voice said the last bit with severe lag and before that with a voice which seemed to have a bit of sadness into it.

A fire starts throughout the building.

But the man didn't know about any of these,

As he was slowly dying when his vision was getting blurry, cracks started to appear in the surrounding of the man's vision but he couldn't see them.

The more the man's vision lower the more the crack appears, when the man dies,

Suddenly the crack burst,

{Soul completion 100%,

Soul memories transferred 100%…


