
MY FRIENDS AND I (I am Cassie)

I am Cassandra Williams A.K.A Cassie, I am the last of three children, I have two elder brothers. I am 17 years old born on the 28th of July. Making me a Leo, fierce but loving. My dad is a renowned architect and the CEO of Bricks&Steels Ltd. And my mom the love of my life is a business woman and the managing director of AWK foods and owns two supermarkets in the states capital too. We live in the Government Reserved Area of the states capital. And yeah my grandpa, the other love of my life and my ideal man...lol, my grandpa means a whole lot to me and he is the popular Chief Williams and the founder of Bricks&Steels Ltd. Abigail Gold my best friend in the world and my childhood friend also. I am older than she is with a few months. Abigail and I have been in each other's life since the very beginning, we went to creche, kindergarten, junior school and now highschool together. I can vividly remember when she got her first tetanus shot to when she had her first crush and thought he was the one she would marry...lol, am pretty sure she doesn't even remember who he is anymore. Jennifer George my other bestie, we met in junior school and we effortlessly just clicked and became friends. Jennifer and Abigail are sometimes at logger heads and am usually the glue that tries to keep them close together as Jennifer sees Aby as a rude, proud girl and Aby sees her as unnecessarily being too over the top and well that's true, But to be honest I sometimes like been with Jenny though she is extra but then she loves books and I do too and Aby loves fun and vibes and I do but I still love books more. I love both of them still. Find out how Cassie will try to make Abigail and Jennifer have the best relationship and also try to change the notion of not being able to keep two best friends without loving one more and hurting the other in the process...and she might just find love on the way. Read to find out more...

Deborah_Ifeoluwa · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter Nine: TBT #TheBestThree IV

Patricia clears her throat...

Hmm, it seems I have long ears because it looks like I could clearly hear what you three were discussing and I can deduce that you guys are not in friendly terms and also what happened at the mall?. Infact I don't need to know...Jenny cuts in... exactly you don't need to know so just shut up and finish your work so I can get out of here. Jennifer vented.

Okay, okay sorry. But Nancy you know what I think Cassie is bossy. Patricia said facing Nancy...I mean she loves behaving like a boss imagine her telling Abigail she has nothing to say, such rude utterances!. If I were to be in Jenny's shoes I would not even talk to her again and I will make sure I get back at her and the most annoying part is that Abigail just does whatever Cassandra says and follows her like a dog following it's master Cassie all around. Those two are just annoying and here is a free piece of advice Jenny, you should not get back together, don't apologize to them instead they should be the one doing that. But looking at things I don't think they want to get back with you considering the way Cassie replied Aby a while ago, so just forget about them and you can join TBT. Like honestly, you are welcome anytime and any day sweetie. Patricia proposed.

Thank you Patricia. But I would say keep your unnecessary advice to yourself because if we are talking of being bossy then Miss. Patricia S. John you are their leader, it's in you and don't you dare deny it cos we both know, infact everybody knows and the fight between Abigail, Cassandra and I has absolutely nothing to do with you, so mind your business and stay out if it, also it looks like you are not ready to complete your work so am leaving submit to Miss. Jane herself. Jenny vented and stands up.

Miss. Jane walked in and asked Nancy and Patricia to complete it at home as it was already closing time.

Jenny went out of the class, a part of her hoped that Cassandra and Abigail would be waiting for her and another part hoped not as it will be awkward. Jenny, Cassie and Aby go home together because Jenny and Cassie live in the same Estate while Aby lives in another Estate a few kilometers to theirs and Hamed, Mr. and Mrs. Williams driver comes to pick all three of them from school then drops Aby first before Jenny and finally going home with Cassie.

Jenny was disappointed when she got out and did not see them and asked a junior, if she has seen Cassandra or Abigail?

No Senior. Jenny but I heard when Miss. Jane was telling the principal that they had gone home. The junior said and went away.

She went to the junction and boarded a bus home, while in the bus she thought "Am I not being stubborn? Abigail is Cassandra's childhood friend like they have been in each other's life since forever so it is only normal for Cassie to care about her more, I guess I was hurt because I wish mine and Cassie's bond was that strong. Cassie even came to apologize to me this morning and she made sure to tell the school guardian to check my food as she always does seeing I don't like finishing my food and take back my flask the same way I brought it to school, I would not have known"...


Knock knock!!

How may I help you Cassandra?. The school guardian asked standing behind Cassie.

Good morning ma. Cassandra greeted turning around to face the school guardian.

Morning, Cassie how are you doing. The school guardian asked.

Am doing good ma. Thanks. Ma, I came here to tell you not to forget to check up on Jenny, am sure she won't eat her food again today and would just stuff some junks into her tummy though it is bad for her medical condition. Cassandra asked of her

No problem dear, I will make sure to check up on her. The school guardian replied.

Okay, thank you ma. Cassandra said making her way to the class.

__Meanwhile Jennifer happened to be passing the hall at the moment and heard their conversation__

**Back to reality**

Cassie still cares about me even though we are not on talking terms and even Aby allowed me to use her textbook, on a normal day she would not even give her pen to others talkless of her textbook but she allowed me when we are fighting.

I think I am now the one at at fault here. Tomorrow I will apologize and resolve the issue. She paid the driver and alighted from the bus.

The next day at school as Jenny was entering the class, she overheard Nancy telling Patricia that she will sneakily put some kiwi juice into Cassie's drink and seeing she is allergic to it she will have a reaction and will have to be absent from school for some days and her perfect streak of not missing a day at school will be ruined. Jenny wanted to report to a teacher but seeing she has no proof she decided to take matters into her hands and help Cassie all by herself.

Throughout the first three lessons before break, Jenny could not properly concentrate, her mind was on the devilish plan Nancy hatched for Cassie and how she will save Cassie from it.

Patricia and her group on the other hand were giggling throughout.

Thanks for reading ❣️❣️. I would love to see your comments and please Like and Vote.

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