
MY FRIENDS AND I (I am Cassie)

I am Cassandra Williams A.K.A Cassie, I am the last of three children, I have two elder brothers. I am 17 years old born on the 28th of July. Making me a Leo, fierce but loving. My dad is a renowned architect and the CEO of Bricks&Steels Ltd. And my mom the love of my life is a business woman and the managing director of AWK foods and owns two supermarkets in the states capital too. We live in the Government Reserved Area of the states capital. And yeah my grandpa, the other love of my life and my ideal man...lol, my grandpa means a whole lot to me and he is the popular Chief Williams and the founder of Bricks&Steels Ltd. Abigail Gold my best friend in the world and my childhood friend also. I am older than she is with a few months. Abigail and I have been in each other's life since the very beginning, we went to creche, kindergarten, junior school and now highschool together. I can vividly remember when she got her first tetanus shot to when she had her first crush and thought he was the one she would marry...lol, am pretty sure she doesn't even remember who he is anymore. Jennifer George my other bestie, we met in junior school and we effortlessly just clicked and became friends. Jennifer and Abigail are sometimes at logger heads and am usually the glue that tries to keep them close together as Jennifer sees Aby as a rude, proud girl and Aby sees her as unnecessarily being too over the top and well that's true, But to be honest I sometimes like been with Jenny though she is extra but then she loves books and I do too and Aby loves fun and vibes and I do but I still love books more. I love both of them still. Find out how Cassie will try to make Abigail and Jennifer have the best relationship and also try to change the notion of not being able to keep two best friends without loving one more and hurting the other in the process...and she might just find love on the way. Read to find out more...

Deborah_Ifeoluwa · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter five: The reports II

Oh geez that's enough! what really happened between you two or you three or whatever just talk. Anthony asked.

I went to Cassie's house. Jenny said.

Who is Cassie?. Anthony asked.

Really like really bro, Cassie is Cassandra. Jenny replied .

Oh that's goes Cassie-Cassandra, Cassandra-Cassie. Anthony nodded his head.

May I continue, so as I was saying I went over to Cassie's to show her the watch Bro. Daniel sent to me from the United Kingdom and that's UK for short, in case you don't know. Jenny teased.

Common sis, I do remember a few acronyms, don't be ridiculous and wait so Coz sent you a watch and didn't tell me. Anthony said.

What can I say, bro do sure loves his little cousin and moreover am meant to enjoy more as the last born-girl and you're older legally you're an adult and am not, so let me enjoy the benefits of that. Jenny defended.

Yeah right, just continue your story already. Anthony said bringing her back to the main point.

Ok, so I showed the watch to Cassie and she loved it but Abigail in her usual ways kept mute.

Is she a mime. Anthony asked cutting her short.

She is not a mime and stop cutting me short or I won't tell you again. Jenny replied frowning.

Sorry my queen, you may continue. Anthony said.

So Aby kept mute like I wasn't there or showing them something, so Cassie teased her saying she hasn't seen a watch that pretty before and Aby replied saying her cousin's was more expensive than mine, I felt bad not because she said it was more expensive but because she couldn't even like be happy or at least pretend to be happy as we were supposed besties she just had to prove rubbish to me. But unfortunately it turned out it belonged to her cousin's dad and she ended up looking stupid and she doesn't like been proven wrong, so she got angry and went to Cassie's room and I felt bored, so I suggested we went to the mall and we did but Cassie just had to call her over and things got worse and we had an heated argument and exchanged word for about 5mins before Cassandra's brain could think of what to do. After making us stop she said we should go to her house to settle things but Aby refused, and Cassie left without either of us and that's annoying too cos she was meant to take me with like am the victim here! Abigail explained.

Funny how after listening to you, I feel you caused the whole issue. Anthony said.

And how is that? Jenny asked half annoyed.

I feel Cassandra did all that I mean reveal the truth about the watch not being for Abigail's cousin but for her uncle to make you feel less hurt cos come to think of it she could easily have kept quiet and you would have believed what Abigail told you without a doubt and when you saw Cassie tease Aby the first time about not seeing a watch that pretty you could have playfully made her stop cos according to your description of Abigail, she is not the type that can be shaded or be left out in a conversation or even anything, so you should have known that Abigail will definitely give a comeback which you could have avoided by saying something like be it expensive or cheap, it is to tell time and that's the real use and that way the conversation would have headed towards another direction and "The disaster" would not have happened. Anthony analyzed.

Whatever, the Abigail I know would not let it go that easily. Jenny defended.

It could still have been avoided if you played your card right so tomorrow at school you apologize to Aby for unnecessarily lashing out at her at the mall and Cassie too. Anthony said.

No, I will not be doing that. Jenny said frowning.

And why is that miss? Anthony asked.

Cos am the victim here, it was my watch that was called fake and I was the one that was insulted. Jenny replied.

Do you have to be stubborn? Anthony asked.

Yes I want to and I will be. Jenny replied making her way back to her room.

Jenny, Jenny please wait for me, I am sorry for not separating you and Aby early enough at the mall, I am really sorry, I promise to make it up to you. Cassie said trying to catch up to Jennifer who was walking fast.

Cassie just shut up ok. Jenny stopped abruptly and turned to look at Cassie.

I am sorry Jenny, I should have stopped Aby from insulting you. Cassie pleaded.

Oh really, now you or should I say your brain is now working fine that you know what you were supposed to do. The deed has been done as it is said "the knife cut the child, you threw the knife away, of what use is the throwing of the knife away? will it heal the child or cover up the cut? NO. You successfully allowed Abigail to insult me like you literally gave her a reason to, you know we do not really agree much with each other and how she does not really like me and look for ways to pass of an insult at me or should I say you just like her more than you like me since you have known her longer? So much for equality huh??... Tell me Cassie...Talk!! Are you dumbfounded now??. Jenny shouted and eyed her.

I.....Cassie stuttered as she was shocked that Jenny could say this and could not process anything at the moment.

Can't talk? am sure that was your plan cos if it wasn't 1. you wouldn't have allowed her to come to the mall knowing she is aggressive and will certainly rant about us not taking her with. 2. When she came and started insulting me you stood there looking like a dummy, standing like a statue and behaving like your body had been frozen, you couldn't stop her until she had used all the insulting words she knows on me before you could say (mimicking Cassie) "please stop that's enough! you both are embarrassing yourselves at the mall for crying out loud!". Now am begging you, please get out of my sight! Classes would begin soon and I can't afford to miss that. Jenny said.

Jenny I know you are angry right now and don't mean all that you said you...you are not like that. On behalf of Aby and I, I am pleading with you. Cassie pleaded.

Cassandra Williams like I said before I can't miss class meaning I don't have your time cos I have a future to take care of, one where there is no Cassie and Abigail in it. Jenny replied and made her way to the class.

What is wrong with Jenny like seriously this is so unlike her, there is more to this than the issue with the wrist watch am sure, cos Jenny she is just not like this something must have come over her or maybe she is going through something and all that insult at me just now for something I did not do like it wasn't as if I was the one exchanging words with her or anything that she opened her mouth to call me a fool, statue and a dummy I don't blame her cos if I had gone head in with her just now, she would not have insulted me that much infact, am done no more glue, no more sticking together when she is in her right senses she will know who to be angry with.

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