
My Friend’s Arrogant Brother

Maya Alva is beautiful and smart but despite her intelligence she fell in love with her friend's twin brother who loves hurting her feelings. From grade four to High School Adonis was her only crush even though he was arrogant. Adonis Gabriel Buenavista Monleon in short Adonis Monleon came from a rich clan, he is handsome and has a strong sex appeal, since childhood he has shown that he will never like her because she came from a poor family. But everything changed when Maya slapped him in the face with great force. One night the long-awaited dream of Maya happened, Adonis Monleon kissed her under the starry night at the terrace of the Monleon’s mansion. It was a magical kiss but Adonis crushed and broke her heart later that night by kissing another girl. That is why Maya hates him, and she promised herself to do everything she can to forget the only man she loves since childhood, but why can’t she forget about her first kiss? How can she resists him, the moment they met again on the summer after she graduated from High School? Can Maya stop her own heart from falling for Adonis over and over again? And stick to her promise to totally forget Adonis? Can Adonis win over the heart of Maya after he left her with a broken heart and soul? _____________________________________________ My Friend’s Artogant Brother Book 2: Falling For My Best Friend’s Brother Lisa Montesclaro is always in the shadow of her beautiful friend, Maya, and to watch her best friend got hurt by her first and only love, Adonis, she promised herself never to get involved with someone like him. Still, she became one when she found herself falling for Maya’s elder brother Benedict. Because Lisa has had no boyfriend since birth, she wants to experience her first kiss with Maya’s brother, and she made a decision to confess to Ben one night on the terrace of the Hernandez mansion. Still, she became frustrated when he turned her down when she confessed her feelings towards him. And Lisa made a vow never to make herself look like a fool again in front of Ben. Benedict Hernandez is hot and handsome and one of the most eligible men in San Antonio, where the wealthiest family in the entire country live. When her sister's best friend confessed her feelings towards him, he hated himself for turning her down, since he knew Lisa is a sweet young woman, but because the first love has broken his heart, he made a vow never to fall in love again. Benedict tried his best to stay away from Lisa as possible, but how can he resists Lisa’s charm when he always sees her around in their estate wearing sexy dresses and a beautiful smile on her face? Then because of a prize they won together during a wedding they both attended, their attraction towards each other will be tested. Can Lisa stop herself from falling for him more the moment they spend one week vacation on the La Trinidad Island? Can Benedict finally let go of his past and give himself a chance to fall in love again? Please join Lisa and Benedict as they journey together in finding true love. Thank you to all readers! Please support my other books entitled: Princess Malia’s Secret Falling In Love With Miracle Loving Madeline The Powerful Dragon Witch (WSA Entry 2021) The CEO’s Perfect Mistake (WSA Entry 2021) The Alpha And His Beautiful Monster You Can’t Buy My Love The CEO's Cold Hearted Ex When Sky Fall's In Love

sirenbeauty · Adolescente
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300 Chs

I Slapped The Young Master

Maya's POV

I wake up early in the morning, even if I have slept a little from the previous night, because I lay awake the whole night thinking of Adonis once again.

Adonis was indeed the only boy I liked, no matter how many times he broke my heart. I cooked breakfast, and I then prepared my laundry for the day. We had a waterline for a long time, but I still wanted to wash our clothes in the stream to save the water bill.

The river in our place is crystal clear. That is why many of our neighbors wash their laundry at the riverbank. The citizens maintained the cleanliness of the tributary.

I suddenly remember my childhood days when I spent most of my life swimming in that stream; even the rich boys and girls wanted to spend their day with us. That is the reason I became close with Ariana; I was about to get going when I heard a soft knock on the main door.

"Good morning Maya!" Exclaimed Ariana when I opened the door. She wore shorts a racerback sleeveless shirt, and rubber shoes. She looks so gorgeous as always.

"Good morning to you too! What are you doing here early this dawn?" I asked her, and I was shocked to see her.

"Well, I miss jogging, and I love to jog here because it is not messy, unlike in the city, and I came here to give you this. Aren't you going to invite me in?" She asked, and she handed me a paper bag as she smiled at me.

I opened the door widely and requested her to sit on the bamboo bench. I am not ashamed of our little house, she has been here countless times then, but I am still uncomfortable because she is living in a mansion. Nevertheless, I never felt that she underestimated me.

"Where are you going, Maya?" She asked.

"I am leaving to wash the laundry at the riverbank."

"What? Are you kidding me? You have once a waterline here, and you can't do that, Maya, for God's sake?" Ariana almost screamed. She can't believe that I am going to do it.

"Ariana, I love washing in the stream banks. Besides, the water in the river is spotless, and I want to save water." I explained to her.

"I can't understand you, Maya. Let us go. I am moving to help you." She said, and she attempted to lift the basin, but I beat her to it.

"Seriously? Do you prefer to help me clean my clothes? You make me laugh, Ariana." I asked her, bewildered.

"Why? You think I don't know how to scrub dresses, I may be the granddaughter of Don Miguel Monleon, but I know some house works, Maya cooking, and I love baking the most, clear your schedule one of these days, and I will organize a party, just for us you know, the usual crowd." She said, smiling at me. I forced a smile. How am I going to tell her I don't wish to attend her party, but I don't want to hurt her feelings?

"I know, Ariana, you need not remind me, to all the rich girls around here, you are different. At a very young age, you have learned so many things." I said.

"And thanks to you, Maya, you taught me the basics," Ariana said.

"You better go back to your jogging routine now, Ariana, before the sunlight comes out."

"Later, do you know I love it here, Maya? San Antonio will forever be my favorite place. We have so many properties all over the country, and I have traveled so many places abroad, but I constantly long to come home here." She responded.

"It is consistently cool in the morning. Even though the sun has come out, the gentle breeze makes me cherish this place even more. We should be proud of San Antonio. That is why I worship the trees, flowers, and animals." She added.

"They always make me feel alive. The freshness of the surroundings makes me feel energetic." She continued, and I understood what she meant.

I admire nature too. Maybe that is why I was born and raised here in San Antonio. Watching the banana plantation and pineapple plantation before my eyes every morning is going to school inspires me.

Don Miguel Monleon, the grandfather of Ariana and Adonis, owns the most extensive banana and pineapple plantation in the region. Not only that, but they also have a cacao and coffee orchard.

Don Miguel's businesses are all over the country, and he has many manufacturing companies. Still, he regularly stayed at the Hacienda, and he used his helicopter to attend meetings and conferences, but his heart always belonged to the farmers.

He compensates them well and with good benefits. I am grateful to Don Miguel, and he knows my grandfather. That is why we live in one of the houses provided by Don Miguel within the Hacienda.

He followed his father's advocacy, and Don Miguel also believed everything had started on the plantation. He provides free housing in the east part of the estate, and we are one of the chosen clans who benefited from his generosity because my grandpa Bert was one of the oldest among his plantation hands.

My grandpa worked for his father when he was very young, and he has always been a farmer, like my great-grandfather. I love the farm, but I wanted to finish college to help my grandpa. I want him to stop working the moment I can provide for our whole family.

"Are you alright, Maya? Why are you so deep in thought?" I was startled when Ariana asked me.

"It is nothing Ariana, I better go now, or I will be late. I need to work on the Esmeralda Flower Farm today, and Madam Esmeralda asked me to help her in the flower garden."

"Why can't you stay in our estate?" Ariana said I could see the hurt in her eyes.

"You know how much I love flowers, Ariana. Besides, I always use my weekends in your estate." I replied.

"Yeah, those periods I was not here, now that I am here, you will devote most of your summer days in Hacienda Esmeralda." She pouted her lips, and she looked so cute.

"Don't worry, and I will make sure to have some time with you and Lisa," I suggested, then she gave me her signature sweet smile.


"Yes! I promise Ariana Monleon and I will spend more time with you this summer." I said, smiling at her. Finally, Ariana walked out the door, and I followed her. She waved her hands and left, running going back to the Monleon estate. I rushed in, moving into the stream with a broad smile on my face.

It is Saturday and still very early in the morning, so I have seen no one in the river. I started washing the clothes, and then, when I was almost done, I heard male voices behind me.

Because of my concentration and desire to finish what I was doing on time, I didn't notice that they were already standing beside me. I turn my head, and I am so shocked to find Adonis and his cousin on his mother's side, Jake. I am speechless upon seeing Adonis. I saw him yesterday, but I am mesmerized to see him with his glorious body.

They are both handsome, and they have the same height, but Adonis has a strong sex appeal. They are both shirtless, and they are only wearing board shorts. Adonis has a toned and luscious body; why do I think such a thing?

I have already promised myself to forget him, but why can't I stop myself drooling over him? And why they chose this river to swim in at this hour. Hacienda Monleon has an expansive swimming pool with slides.

"Loving what you see, Maya?" Adonis said. His arrogance is always there; he looked at me without blinking his eyes, and I remained silent for I didn't know how to respond. Besides, he was right; I love everything about him.

"Well, I am glad you are here. I wish to make it loud and clear: there is nothing between us; what happened last year was a big mistake." He added.

"I will not say sorry, for I felt you enjoyed that kiss, but I don't want you to fantasize about me anymore; when we were younger, I tolerated how you looked at me." He continued while I could feel the loud pounding of my heart.

"I believed the whole population of San Antonio knew that I am your forever crush." He stated, and I felt so embarrassed. He is undoubtedly so full of himself.

"Stop dreaming about me, Maya, because I will never want you. How can you like someone like me when you are so poor, and what can you offer me? You think you are that beautiful?" He added as he grimaced at me.

I stood up and looked at him in the eyes. He is too much, then I gather all my strength, and I slapped Adonis with great force. I hit him from his right face to his left, and I can see his face turning red, my hand marked on his face. And I never felt so angry before.

"You don't have any right to insult me, Young Master Adonis, yes! I am such a fool for believing in you, and I don't know what my stupid heart had seen in you, that no matter how I tried to forget you, I can't, but thank you for insulting me!" I yelled at him.

"You made me see what a monster you are. I can't believe that all these years I wanted to be kissed by you, but you are wicked, heartless, and most of all, you are the most arrogant bastard I have ever known! I despise you, Adonis, with all my heart. You are so full of yourself." I added as I couldn't fight my anger anymore.

"I may be poor, but I never choose this life. You are so lucky to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth. I grew up without my parents, and I tell you, Young Master, it is very hard, but I am proud to have nothing and remain human than to be rich like you, who look down on others." I continued as I looked at him with anger in my voice.

"I am wondering if you are the twin brother of Ariana. She is an angel, but you are the exact opposite of an angel; you are an evil Adonis!" I snarled.

I am surprised by the sudden change in the expression on Adonis's face. I couldn't understand what I was seeing as he looked at me with pain in his eyes.

I couldn't believe he remained speechless since he constantly countered me. We have always been like Tom and Jerry. Adonis hastily turned his heels and ran away from me.

"Hey, Adonis! Wait up, bro! I was waiting for you to retaliate. Wow! You impressed me, Maya, with excellent speech; you made my cousin retreat, saying nothing." Jake said, and he ran chasing after his cousin.

My knees are still trembling, and I can't believe I slapped the Young Master, but I am not afraid anymore; he insulted me first; he has no right to say all those things to me. Even if all he said was true, if he was a real man, he should talk to me alone and speak those words to me.

"I detest you, Adonis! I despise you! I hate You! I hate you with all my heart." I shouted.

I know he can't hear me anymore, for they have been long gone, but I just wanted to release all my anger toward him by shouting in the river.

I can hear my voice echoing the whole place; I laugh and cry simultaneously, and finally, I can stand up against him. He has always been a bully; he has never stopped bothering me since Ariana and I became best friends.