
My Forever Love For You:Rebirth for Love

He was separated from his love a thousand years ago,After she was reborn,he decided to get her no matter what comes his way. She is beautiful,the goddess of beautiful flower,the second princess of human realms ,Dreaming to marry a prince but one day on her wedding,the demon king adopted her claiming her to be his his fated lover.what will she do? I hate you , “ Yu Xuan ji shouted all her lungs out” And I love you “Xueying said calmly “ my love for you is true and no one not even the heavens will separate you from me in this lifetime .

Floral_Rhea · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Yuxuan is the most powerful goddess

Yinfeng and Yuxuan sat down and continue their conversation

Master Rou Lin is going back to the heavenly realms soon so will you help me or not , "Yuxuan said in a bossy tune"

Then ,what should I do "Yinfeng ask "

Well,just help me protect her and look for an handsome and good guy for her to marry,I can repay you with anything in exchange for our deal "Yuxuan stood up going towards the door when Yinfeng didn't give her any answer"

Okay,then I don't need anything for now but in the future if I need anything I will surely ask you for it ,don't forget what you said Yuxuan "Yinfeng smirked at her and Yuxuan jump up happily "

Okay thank you so much, I am inviting you to my wedding in four days,you must come over,"Yuxuan said and open the door to look at Yinfeng " Brother in law ,you are also part of the groom lists for my sister,if you are interested then go for it my sister can't resist you and I will be the happiest person if she ends up marrying you "Yuxuan chuckled hard after seeing Yinfeng flushed red face and she went out while Yinfeng put his palms on his face "

Yuxuan was about to leave kunlun sect when a man came to her front suddenly making her lost balance and she felt a strong arm around her waist,she looked up and saw Jin houchi then she stood up "

Jin houchi you are really here "She said excited "

Yes,I really miss you "Houchi hugged her suddenly but she quickly push him away feeling embarrassed " let's go to Xinhuo palace,I want to get married to you in four days.

Huh ,are you sure,I mean so fast,it means you can't stay away from for too long. "Houchi said and Yuxuan fake a smile "

Let's go hurry up, let's go "Yuxuan said and fly up "

Demon Tower

Four days later

Shangque pavilion

Li yan has took care of Xueying for five days now and Xueying find out that is mother used his lover's blood to rescue him from the heavenly realms,Li yan told Xueying that she is against his relationship with Yuxuan but he isn't listening to his mother then Xueying's friend Mu xing arrives with a paper in his hand and gave the paper to Xueying.

Xueying, she is the second princess of the human realms and she is getting married tonight "mu xing said quickly and Xueying face turn cold then mu xing moved back a little then Li yan collected the paper from Xueying and glaring at mu xing"

My son ,forget it she is Yuxuan,a mere human being that is cultivating and the one that died a thousand years ago is Tian yi ,the two of them might have the same face but they're two different people trust me son ,please don't lost your sense because of her again ,it's took me a very long time to rescue myself and you please don't ruin my effort,please "Li yan fell on her knees crying bitterly but Xueying couldn't bear his mother kneeling in front of him ,he quickly kneel in front of her and hold her trembling hands "

Mother,don't cry,I have loved every part of Tian yi ,do you know if she dies then it's mean I am also dead and see she has been dead for a thousand years now but I am still alive since the day she died it means Tian yi takes rebirth as Yuxuan for us to reunite again in this life and I will do anything to get her back then the heavens were against us been together and we didn't know who our enemies are but this time will be different because I will never let our enemies off my hook so mother please don't let me forget her again ,I can't leave without her,I will do anything to protect her this time

So you won't listen to me ,why ?why ?why do no one listen to me "Li yan said and stood up then left"

Mother,I'm sorry,I have never make you happy but one day I will make it up to you,I promise "Xueying said and his face became cold"

I am going to Xinhuo palace tonight get ready,

Ok "mu xing left meanwhile a lady with long fingers named zhenyun was standing at the window then She quickly left and went to a dark mountain in the desert"

My lord,I am back "zhenyun said"

What did you see , "the unknown man asked "

My lord,Dong Xueying is going to the human realms to get the second princess Yuxuan

Why,? Because she is his fated lover Tian yi.

So that stubborn goddess get another chance of life ,great for me because she is the only one that has the symbol of the starflower

What does the symbol mean ?

It will make me have immense power their is only one person that can have that symbol and that is goddess Tian yi,the most powerful goddess in the ancient time as takes rebirth as Yuxuan.

The second princess has the symbol in this life as well.

Yes ,she also has it when she was Tian yi a thousand years ago.it's said Tian yi is the goddess that has the starflower symbol after goddess Nu Wa.

Yuxuan is the most powerful goddess,So what is your plan ?

Come get ready,before Xueying get to the wedding and take Yuxuan,let's go and spoil the wedding and take Yuxuan away from them "he laughed out wickedly "