
My Forever Love For You:Rebirth for Love

He was separated from his love a thousand years ago,After she was reborn,he decided to get her no matter what comes his way. She is beautiful,the goddess of beautiful flower,the second princess of human realms ,Dreaming to marry a prince but one day on her wedding,the demon king adopted her claiming her to be his his fated lover.what will she do? I hate you , “ Yu Xuan ji shouted all her lungs out” And I love you “Xueying said calmly “ my love for you is true and no one not even the heavens will separate you from me in this lifetime .

Floral_Rhea · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs


Heavenly realms

Haitian tower

The Emperor,Immortal elder feng and Oracle are standing at the edge of the tower looking at the formulation around the circle cave.

Everything here looks normal, Dong Xueying has been trapped here over one thousand years and there is no chance of escape for him "Oracle said smirking wickedly "

I know he can't escape "Heavenly Emperor nods his head and looks at Feng " Feng ,what are you thinking about

Xiang Chen said he didn't like coming here "Feng said looking at the Oracle "

Yes ,Chen was the one that capture Dong Xueying one thousand years ago after that he never came here again "Oracle said "

If we want this demon to be capture forever we most forget about Xiang Chen and focus on how to capture the water demoness Li yan "Emperor frown his face "

Your majesty,I was wondering how the second princess escape the clutches of Li yan don't you think there is something fishy and we are aware that Princess Yuxuan is good in martial arts but Li yan is an ancient aquatic demoness it's not possible for her to defeat Li yan "Oracle said and started brushing his mustache "

You are right about but what if Li yan didn't know that Yuxuan escape,we are all aware of how tricky the princess can be "Feng defend Yuxuan " I have seen Yuxuan grow up,I am sure she did something to Li yan

But you are saying this because you are her uncle,you are ms.Ah cy's husband,what if your dear niece has something to do with Li yan "Oracle smirked at him secretly "

Watch your tongue,don't make me disrespect you,"Feng shouted at the Oracle then the green light around the circle disappear but no one noticed it "

Enough now ,let's go "the king said and urged them to leave immediately they left a dark mist of spell appeared then Li yan appeared and use her hand to gather the dark mist and with one wave of spell the circle break after she broke the magical circle she entered the cave and saw a room at a corner then she moved in and saw her son in shackles,his hair is white,his fingers are long,his clothes looks tattered some part of his body are full of bruises which makes Li yan heart hurt then she brought out the bottle of Yuxuan's blood and closed her eyes while reciting a spell then the blood came out of the bottle and made it's way towards Dong Xueying 's forehead and a drop of Yuxuan blood opened his eyes,his eyes are full of anger,hatred and many other emotions then he looked up and saw his mother

Xueying "she moved closer to him and caress his face that's has the mark of demon techniques "what have this people done to my son

M…..m...mother,y….you are f…..inally here,I have been waiting for you for so many years

I am sorry,I didn't make it in time but I will surely get you out ,Xueying I….. "she cup his face in her hands but he fainted "Xueying ,I will get you out soon "she poured Yuxuan's blood on the shackles and he was free from the shackles,Li yan carry Xueying up but was surrounded by soldiers and Oracle entered "

Do you think you will be able to escape ,"he said and hold out his staff "

Li yan look around and saw the bridge " if I jump from here it will very dangerous for Xueying but I have no choice ,I have to do this " Li yan said to herself ". Oracle you haven't changed in these years,you are still wicked as always but forget that now see what I do "And with her last words,she created smoke and jump the bridge "

Catch them and you go and tell the elders that the demon escape,we need to go the human world now "Oracle said angrily and gritted his teeth "Dong Xueying just like the last time it won't end well for you this time ,YOU WON'T ESCAPE THIS TIME, XUEYING.

Xixuan sect

Tianxuan palace

Master, listen to me,I will just take my sister along to buy some dresses and hairpin "Yuxuan said"

You too excited that Jin Houchi is coming back from kunlun sect after many years of training "Rou Lin said "

Yes after all father got her engaged to her Prince Charming when she was little and houchi promised to marry her after his success so it explains why she wants to go and buy clothes "Xuanxuan smiled at her sister "

Ok then go and return before dawn and Xuanxuan,tell her not to be mischievous let's go Rou Lin "poyang bo said and Yuxuan smiled at him before he left with Rou Lin"

Yu'er, are you happy about the marriage

Hmmm….I am ….I don't know but I know houchi has been nice to me seen when we are little so I think the alliance is good for our family "Yuxuan said"

But you….

No ….No let's go have fun

Fun ,what do you mean fun "she looks at her younger sister confused "

What, don't tell me you didn't know I was acting in front of master so I can skip classes and training,we are going to have fun ,drink wine and listen to jokes,as if I like buying dresses and hairpin

But master will be angry

Ohhh my innocent elder sister ,come on stop with the question and let's go

Ok let's go "they giggled and left"