
My Forever Love For You:Rebirth for Love

He was separated from his love a thousand years ago,After she was reborn,he decided to get her no matter what comes his way. She is beautiful,the goddess of beautiful flower,the second princess of human realms ,Dreaming to marry a prince but one day on her wedding,the demon king adopted her claiming her to be his his fated lover.what will she do? I hate you , “ Yu Xuan ji shouted all her lungs out” And I love you “Xueying said calmly “ my love for you is true and no one not even the heavens will separate you from me in this lifetime .

Floral_Rhea · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Our love will be forever

Yuxuan was shocked when his lips touched hers,she tremble as his lips pressed on hers,she quickly pushed him away but he just move away still holding her waist tight,Jin houchi was angry and took is sword to attack him from behind but mu xing quickly push him back with a move

Stop this ,who are you and what do you want from me "Yuxuan said while struggling from his grip on her"

Listen let my daughter go or else "cheng wu said in anger"

Or else what, "Xueying said calmly but his voice sounded cold and deadly then Xuanxuan arrived "

Yu'er,are you... "Xuanxuan was shocked when she saw the mask man was so close to her sister then she quickly snap out of shock state and walk up to her sister but Yuxuan stopped her" you , let go of my little sister

Sister,I am fine ,don't worry "Yuxuan said and Xueying pulled her close and whispered to her"

Xueying never wanted to kiss Yuxuan in front of everyone but he knew if he didn't take that step then Jin houchi would have started a fight and the last thing he wanted was to scare Yuxuan,he didn't want her to hate him so the only option was to kiss her but when he saw her sister he knew she will try many ways to stop him and if anyone stop him then he will kill them but seeing the way Yuxuan care about her sister he decided not to kill anyone and is plan was to adopt her and keep her by his side no matter the ups and downs because that's the only way he can get closer to her and remind her of their past love for each other

Just do as I tell you don't,you dare behave stubborn "Xueying said and look at mu xing and he nodded and before anyone could say anything Xueying disappear with his soldiers and everyone widened their eyes while Xuanxuan fell on her knees crying bitterly "

Yu'er, Yu'er...…Yuxuan, "Xuanxuan started crying then Ling Long hugged her from behind" elder sister,don't worry we will get Yuxuan back from that demon "Ling Long sniff as her face harden"

Demon tower

Yaohua hall

I don't like what you are doing ,let me go "Yuxuan shouted at mu xing"

I am sorry,my lady but I can't remove the spell casted by Xueying "mu xing pouted"

He is so bad,why will he adopt me, I hat have I done to him,I want to go home now "she yelled again"Dong Xueying,I won't spare you "she said then mu xing covered his ears and left the room " hey,you …..why are you going "Yuxuan tried to call him back but mu xing"

Shangque pavilion

Xueying held his chest in pain,the pain was making him lose consciousness but he struggled and open a secret passage and quickly remove his upper clothes showing his chest ,he spitted blood then his demon mark appeared on his body ,he closed his eyes and a purple light surround him then mu xing entered in a panick state

You are in so much pain "mu xing remember the last time he was in this pain was when Tian yi died,but now why is this happening again " let me get aunt yan "he said but Xueying shakes his head"

No don't tell mother about this,she m…..might ….what to get….Yuxuan killed "he stammered and groaned in pain,After some minutes Xueying finally calm down and wore his clothes but mu xing was still frowning his face until they left the secret door "

Mu xing,don't worry,I am fine "he said and sat on his chair majestically "

But that is the love poisoning heart ,it will eventually destroy you the more you love Yuxuan and you....

It's okay,mu xing "he cut him off" I will go to Yuxuan now ,she must be hungry tell someone to take her food to her "Xueying said and close his eyes but mu xing was surprise that he send someone else to give her food" I know but I can't go to her now so give her the food "Xueying said"

No no no,I can't give her,she is so...I can't,I can't,you give her yourself ,you will have to tame her,good night "mu xing said and left before Xueying say anything thing"

I will have to make you remember me soon,my love "Xueying sighed and went to give her food "

Yaohua hall

Yuxuan was tired of shouting so she sat down, how could that demon kidnap me,I will teach him such a lesson he would never think of kidnapping a lady again,ohhh my gosh,sister ….I…I am sorry I know you would be missing me but once I kill this demon then I will come to you and we will have a lot of fun with our siblings and friends again just like before "Yuxuan look at the spell in her hand and shouted in annoyance "DONG XUEYING "the door open and it's Xueying she stood up and raise her hand up to knock his head but her leg twisted and she fell down on him,Xueying was shocked but quickly put the food in his down and caught her "

I hope you can continue throwing yourself on me everyday He tease her knowing it wasn't the time for jokes

I….I. …Dong Xueying,why did you kidnap me "Yuxuan said but Xueying smiled at her

Let's eat "he said but Yuxuan quickly extended her hand then Xueying free her and rubbing her wrist "

Eat your food "Xueying put it on the table"I am not hungry "then her stomach groan then her cheek turn red in embarrassment " it looks like your stomach his hungry "Xueying chuckled and left,he went to stand at the window "

I am n..not hungry "Yuxuan lick her lips and look around then she sat down and started eating in an hurry while Xueying smiled at her cute behavior " I promise that I will never let over love die,our love will be forever and I will always protect you "Xueying said and smiled,After sometime of planning how to escape Yuxuan fell asleep then Xueying carried her to her bed"Good night dear