
My Forever Love For You:Rebirth for Love

He was separated from his love a thousand years ago,After she was reborn,he decided to get her no matter what comes his way. She is beautiful,the goddess of beautiful flower,the second princess of human realms ,Dreaming to marry a prince but one day on her wedding,the demon king adopted her claiming her to be his his fated lover.what will she do? I hate you , “ Yu Xuan ji shouted all her lungs out” And I love you “Xueying said calmly “ my love for you is true and no one not even the heavens will separate you from me in this lifetime .

Floral_Rhea · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

I am coming Yuxuan

Yuxuan was shocked after what Li yan said,she glare at Li yan but the demoness is just smiling at her like a fool which made her pissed off

Ehhhh...pissed off,old demon,I am telling you for the last time,let me go or else my aunt will bit you with just on blow" Yuxuan smirked but this time Li yan laughed out loud making Yuxuan confused "

Do you think your aunt can do me any harm " she rolled her eyes "

Whatever,I won't spare you old demon for once just release me then I will make you regret kidnapping me,crazy old demon

Hey,little girl,l am two thousand years old and you must be a seventeen years old princess without manners,I can give birth to you hundred times,give me some respect little girl "Li yan looked at her with a different emotion this time confusing Yuxuan "

Oh ... two thousand years,I see so you mean to say that you are an immortal demon right "she looked at Li yan with a cute face revealing her cute dimples,Li yan heart softened after remembering something "why are you looking at me like that?

Or so you haven't seen a beautiful and cute girl smile before I see that why you want be to be your companion,but to think about it you said I was still fast as ever and now you are saying I should be your companion,Do you know me before?strange…..right "she blinked many times "

You clumsy fool "she knocked Yuxuan on her forehead "

Arghh….. "she used her left hand to rob her forehead " you old demon all you do is hurt me " she shouted but Li yan grinned at her again and left "heeyyyyy ,old demon come back and free me " Yuxuan shouted "

Xixuan sect

Master,l... "Yinfeng was about to explain himself to his angry master when he hit his hand on the table "Why do you have to let that demon go,Do you that you have endanger the second princess life and other innocent life.

Master ,l'm sorry,but should I have left that girl that sacrificed her body to protect mine ,master I know you are angry but I promise that demon will caught very "Yinfeng said trying to calm his uncle down ,Xiang Chen has been the one taking care of him since his parents died "Uncle Chen ,please be calm "Yinfeng held his uncle's hands "

Yinfeng,my brother made a mistake by getting into a relationship with your mother even after he find out the heavens are against their relationship,you are my brother's son and your father was a very powerful person,he is the lonely star of the heavenly realm,I also want you to be the lonely star, Yinfeng,you remember your oath ,if you really want to be like your father then you first need to be a powerful teacher then you can attain the position of immortality and you will become the lonely star and for that to happen stay away from love,Love don't give anyone strength instead it makes everyone weak and in the end....sacri...fice and hatred is the only thing left "Xiang Chen started hiccups then he stood up and turn away from Yinfeng as tears roll down his cheeks " Believe me ,Love can't survive this bad world "Xiang Chen left "

Uncle has never been sad like this could he also have fallen in love with someone but couldn't be with her "Yinfeng thought to himself "

After one week

That afternoon Xuanxuan and others regain consciousness,Ah cy and Cheng wu are trying to console Xuanxuan to calm down but she was blaming herself "

Aunt,it's my fault,I should've been stronger to protect Yuxuan but as her elder sister I failed to protect her,I am so useless "Xuanxuan cursed herself "

Xuanxuan,if you are like this then how will we find your sister "Ah cy shouted at her "

Xuanxuan,Yuxuan will be fine,she is a strong girl,Ah cy let's check on others "Cheng wu patted her head and left"

She will be fine,"Ah cy left"

Xuanxuan went outside and sat down then she remembered how Yuxuan fall into the river then her eyes widened in realization

That demoness must have purposely pushed Yuxuan into the river for a reason because with Yuxuan strength she can't lose balance of her powers "Xuanxuan started pacing around then she remembered what Li yan said "


Little girl,it's better for everyone and you that your sister dies because she is a future problem and if you also die then it will be better because I see you can't leave without your little sister so die.


But why did she say those words and she also wanted Yuxuan died,how do I know her intentions,I will go back to Liuying mountain "Xuanxuan left Xixuan academy and went to Liuying mountain .