
My Forever Love For You:Rebirth for Love

He was separated from his love a thousand years ago,After she was reborn,he decided to get her no matter what comes his way. She is beautiful,the goddess of beautiful flower,the second princess of human realms ,Dreaming to marry a prince but one day on her wedding,the demon king adopted her claiming her to be his his fated lover.what will she do? I hate you , “ Yu Xuan ji shouted all her lungs out” And I love you “Xueying said calmly “ my love for you is true and no one not even the heavens will separate you from me in this lifetime .

Floral_Rhea · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

1.Star flower

Human realm

Zhouloa hall

Hmmmmm,"Queen Rong scream while breathing heavily "

My lady ,push harder you can do it ,your baby is almost out "the mid lady fei said unhappy about the position of the baby,a lady entered and whispered into fei's ear"Tell the king nothing is fine "the lady went out scared,when she got outside and saw the king pacing around "

Your Maje…sty,"she called him and he immediately turned to her"

What happened,is Rong'Er fine and our baby,I need an answer " the king shouted at her when she didn't reply then the maid fell on her kneel"

Forgive me,your majesty,lady fei told me Queen Rong condition is bad " she blurted out " what are you waiting for ,Go and attend to her nothing most happen to Queen Rong "the king shouted in pain then a lady came running towards the king with a five year old girl crying "

Fat…her,father, "she hold the sleeve of her father clothes while crying "ohh,Xuanxuan what happened ,the king asked carrying Xuanxuan "

Your majesty,Xuanxuan was missing Rong"er so I brought her along " Ah cy said " how is my sister doing ,brother cheng wu

Ah cy and Xuanxuan it will be fine , "Cheng wu assured her with a fake smile"

Father,will mother and my little sister be alright "Xuanxuan cried out "

Ehh… Xuanxuan don't cry if little baby sees tears in your eyes after she is born then she will also cry "Ah cy cleared her tears away"

Yes,Xuanxuan your mother and sister will be alright "king cheng wu said then Rong'Er screamed again "


My lady you are almost there,push one last time,push, "Rong'Er push the last time and the cry of a baby is heard outside making the king entered and collected the baby"

Your majesty,it is a baby girl "Cheng wu laughed in joy and sat beside Rong" Look Rong'Er ,Our baby girl,

This is my little sister,I will take good care of her,mother and I will take care of you baby "Xuanxuan jump up happily seeing her little sister smiled at her "look father she is smiling at me

Ohh our baby is smiling,let me hold her. "Rong carried her baby and kiss her forehead "my angel always stay safe.Your majesty,please take care of her ,I won't be here to t…ake care of our baby girl.

What are you saying darling,she is your daughter so you will also take care ofher and xuanxuan ,mother loves you and your sister ok.

Mother ,what happened,Are you alright ,father ,what happened to mother.

Someone get the physician, "Cheng wu shouted"

Sister Rong'Er,you will be fine "Ah cy sat beside her younger sister while crying then Rong'Er spits blood from her mouth " Rong'Er " Ah cy checked her pulse then her eyes widened " brother Cheng, my sister has been poisoned " Ah cy said and quickly carried the baby and checked her pulse then the doctor entered and checked on Rong'Er "

What happened ,she will be fine right,

I am sorry ,your majesty,I can't save the Queen,the poison has spread all over her body and the poison has destroyed her martial skills.

no, no Everyone leave,SCRAM,"Cheng wu shouted and gather is power together to help Rong'Er " Don't worry nothing will happen " he continue doing it until Xuanxuan started crying "

Father,mother "she pointed to her mother who has closed her eyes " Rong'Er, "the king sat beside her " sister,you will be fine.

Ah cy, Don't cry,please take care of my baby and Xuan don't disturb your father and aunt Ah cy huh…"Rong'Er gasps "

Mother ,how can I leave without you,what will I tell sister if she grow like me,mother please don't leave me alone,

Cheng wu,I am sorry,in this lifetime I can't grow old with you, Xuan leave well and take care of your sister.

Ok ,mother ,I will protect her with my life,I promise

Won't you name your sister, "Xuanxuan started crying " I will name her Yu Xuan ji,is it good.

Good ,good i am sorry honey,I can't take care of you "Rong'Er held her baby girl and smiled at her "Yuxuan,mother loves you "Rong'Er eyes shut closed after saying her daughter's name "

Rong'Er,"Ah cy shouted her name "Mother,don't leave alone,Mother " while everyone was mourning the Queen's death ,Xuan ji's forehead glow and a star flower shine on her head which was noticed by Concubine Zhi the one who murder Rong'Er "

This is the starflower symbol but why is it glowing on Rong'Er baby head "Zhi Lou tried to remember where she has seen the starflower but she failed to remember "


Mother, I wouldn't let you down "Xuan yi made a silent vow" I will protect Yu xuan ji.