
Chapter 23: The Exorcist Exam's & Teachers Announcement?

It's already June 17 and it's finally the Exorcist Exams and this exam would determine if the examinees are ready or wordy enough  to be an exorcist the house that the examinees need to exorcist has middle class to high class demons or fallen angels and most people fail this exam because of how hard it could get especially since you never know what rank demon you would be facing but one thing is for sure is that you should never give up during the test...

<At the place where exam would be held>

Beatrix POV:

:It's finally time!...

;I know right are you guys excited!...


;Yes but I'm a little bit nervous.....

:Whisper: is it just me or Claire has been a little bit out of the blue lately?...

;Whisper: I also noticed it,Kezein ever since we looked for a contact partner she's been like that....

:Whisper: I know right and I'm getting worried because of it....

;Whisper: Me too....

*Before you could continue your conversation with Kezein the teacher finally said something*

:Okay class for this year's exams you guys would be given a random house and you need to exorcist it with your contact partner but you have to be the one that exorcist the demons or fallen angels there the only thing you're contact partner would do is to protect you and help locate the demons or fallen angel that you need to exorcist in the house you all have a time limit to so be careful about that your time limit is 1 hour so good luck!....

*After the teacher said that everyone went their separate ways you and Leo started exorcism the house floor by floor unit something happened....


:Are you alright Beatrix?...

;Yeh...yeah..I'm fine....

:Are you sure?...

;Yeah I'm fine just a small hiccup that's all....


:we better get going before our timer ends...

;Oh right but if you feel any more pain please do tell me right away okay....

;Yes I will....( Is it just me or did i suddenly feel like someone or something is trying to break free from somewhere but who? and how did i feel that? maybe it's may imagenation i really need to focus on this test)....

*After a minute to spare you both head out of the house after finishing your work and one by one the other examines all went out from the houses that they needed to Exorcist well except for a couple that sadly was killed by the demons that didn't want to leave the place but you were glad that all of your friends gotten out safely and the teacher finally announce that all the people that made it out alive and didn't past the time limit are all going to receive 100 on their exam.....

<At the park>

*After you all completed the exams you all decided to go to the park since you didn't have any classes anymore....

;Finally we past the exams!....

:Yeah right that was really great!....


:Are you alright Claire?...





:Ah yes I'm fine....

;Are you sure?....

:Yeah I'm fine but thanks for worrying about me....

;Okay if you said so just tell us if something is bothering you okay?...

:Yes I will thank you everyone but as much as i wanted to talk with everyone it's getting late now and i was really tired from the exams so i will head home now good bye....

;Okay then good bye Claire....


*Teleports away*

*After that you continue to chat a little bit more and decide to head home and rest...

<Back at Beatrix house>

:I really hope Claire is alright she seems stress about something...

(And I'm wondering about that weird feeling that had felt during the exams..... i just hope it's nothing too serious about)

:Okay that's enough thinking for today let's hope that the upcoming days is a lot better...

<A week later>

Third Person POV:

It was the next day And it was surprisingly a lot better except for a little bit of a noticeable change of attitude of Claire towards Alexander she seems like she forcefully voiding Alexander some how and she only does this when she's mad so Beatrix wonder's what did Alexander do to make Claire mad special since she is the type of person that is hard to make them mad but she would not do this this without a reasonable explanation so Beatrix thought and thought of anything that Alexander might had done to make her mad so she could help them make up but nothing she couldn't think of a single thing of course how could she since the main reason for her being mad was that contact that she had made with Alexander or should we could him Anubis she hated it because she couldn't break that contract and she hated herself for falling in love with him since Angels and demons can't be together but Beatrix doesn't know this because Claire hasn't told her anything of course how could she tell her friend about this she is afraid that if she ever tells her about this she would hate her and she needs to distance herself too because of another rule that she needs to follow the rule that every Guardia angel should never tell the person that they need to protect what they are or who are they that's for the safety of the person that they would protect but that doesn't matter for now because there teacher is about to announce something for the whole class...

Beatrix POV:

:Okay class since you are done with your final exams for all of your classes and since we are done complying your grades your cards will be given to you all after graduation since we will be practicing for the ceremony next week your graduation would be on July 10 and also you all are having prom night on July 8 the team would be Elegant and Regal that's all you have the rest of the day class we will send the songs that you need to practice on graduation on the group chat so make sure to check that okay class dismissed...

*After the teacher left the whole class started to talk to one another*

:Omg are you guys excited!...

;Mmm... a little bit...

:Oh come on be a little bit more exited then that Claire....

;What about you Beatrix are you excited?...

:Hey did you just ignored me!?....

;Yes i'm excited but nervous at the same time....

:I completely understand....

;Oh so your also nervous Claire?....


;Don't worry guys this is going to be the best experience ever....

:Thanks for the reassurance Kezein....(2x)

;You're welcome you two.....

:okay then let's go out....


*After school you all went your separate ways and rest for the day*






































































































<In a distance place>

Unknown POV:

*In a dark place there was someone talking with another person using communication magic*

:What's taking you so long to get me out of here!?....

;I'm..I'm sorry it's really hard to look for her child especially since the father is a mere human we don't even sure if that child has powers at all so.....

:Enough with your excuses find that child right away i did my part so do yours.....

;I'm really sorry i promise i will try my best!....

:Very well then now go and your part what ever is necessary to do to get that child do it!....

;Okay got it....

:Good now good bye and don't let anyone know about us making this plan especially them...

;Yes I understand....

*Turns off the communication magic*

:Soon i will get out of here and when i do you better get ready for my revenge you stupid angel and demons!....

<On the other side of conversation>

;I better find that child as soon as possible in order for our plans to finally start.....

(I hope there ready because everything will be ours once i set her free no one can stop us!)

:Hahahaha! yes once everything is set the heavens and hell can't do anything about this.....















































<To be continued>

Author Message:

Hello everyone and welcome to chapter 23 of my forbidden romance i hope you all enjoyed this chapter that's all and see you in the next one good bye!....

Fun facts:

*When Claire/Atanasia is mad at someone she would just distance herself but would never hurt them in anyway as much as possible.

*Kezein and Beatrix Are the only two people that would truly know if Claire is truly mad as someone or is just playfully mad at someone.

*Leo is the only one that truly knows why Claire/Atanasia is acting this way.

*The first unknown person is someone that would do anything just to get what that person wants.

"End of Fun facts"

Total Words: 1487