
My First WebNovel Book

In a magical world lived a great terror known as the demon king. When a lonely girl stumbles and falls into the abyss and meets the demon king, she realizes the stories about the "monster" were wrong. Join these two friends on an adventure throughout the land of mystery and a quest to have everyone know that the so called "demon king" was not such a bad creature after all.

Brotato_2000 · Fantasia
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1 Chs

The Beginning of a Great Adventure

Once upon a time in a magical world where everyone was happy, a great terror known as the demon king lived in the darkness of the great abyss. It was never angry or sad, just misunderstood by the people who were afraid of the creature and its power. It lived in the great abyss where even time itself appeared to have stopped, and there were no living organisms besides the occasional carnivorous demons that would float by looking for any humans that had fallen into the massive tear in space. The great abyss was located on the edge of the world so not many people would visit besides people that wanted to appease the demon king or ask for protection as if he were some sort of god. no one has ever fallen into the abyss besides people who had no clue what it was and thought it was heaven or hell because of the colors on the outside from the light reflecting off of it from the protective barrier meant to keep humans and other creatures out and the demons in, only a few powerful individuals could manage to make it past the barrier and into the abyss. One said person was a young girl who no one knew of because her powers were part of her since she was born and she had not undergone training to activate any magical powers yet, even if she activated her powers later than everyone else she would still be the strongest due to her natural elemental abilitlies hidden deep in her soul that could only be activated by a certain spell lost in time.

The demon king is a very lonely individual because every time he goes outside the abyss from a different entrance to not alert the magicians, he would have gone to the nearest village only to have the villagers and some animals run in the opposite direction, regardless if there is a wall there or not. No one wanted to be friends with the demon king, no one at all.

One day when a young girl named Silvia Rosemary Frostbite who was at the age of twleve went on an adventure in the cursed woods alone on a foggy day where there was not very much light shining through the fog and dead trees ahead and many animal noises were heard in the distance, just close enough to be heard yet too far away to be identified. The twisted tree branches looked like monsters from the stories her mom used to tell her and she immediately wanted to go back home but she quickly lost her way and tripped into a rabbit hole under a tree and rolled down what seemed like the height of Mount. Chiliad and then stopped instantaneously.

The demon king heard a noise towards it's secret entrance to the outside world and wondered what in the world had hit it's front door that resembled a dragon but was much smaller in size compared to an actual one. As he was about to check the door he heard a shuffling on the other side and debated whether it was friendly or not, even though it could blast whatever it was to smithereens never to be even reincarnated again, he decided to do that if the creature attacked the demon king first.

Silvia finally stood up after feeling like she had broken multiple bones in her body despite how smooth the landing felt and the special clothes her mother had given her, and noticed a door with a dragon on it and thought she was dead and decided to knock on it and ask if anyone was there and to her surprise, the door opened.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Let me know if i had any mistakes at all within the story and please enjoy :)

Brotato_2000creators' thoughts