
My First Love Bad Boy

I just wanted to graduate from high school peacefully without getting any more attention from my surroundings. So far everything is going according to my wishes. People don't notice me, maybe they don't know that I exist. Everything changed when a naughty and famous boy in our school started to enter my life and started to change my life which had been quiet. I shouldn't have let him around me because I started to feel a spark of love for him in my heart.

Varisha23 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs



️ "Are you okay?" asked the girl who helped me.

"I'm fine." I answered.

"Your clothes are all wet, smell again" he said watching me soaking wet.

Actually I'm not okay, all my clothes are wet, I've been wearing these wet clothes for almost an hour. My body feels cold plus the bad smell makes me dizzy.

"You wait here, looks like I've brought a change of clothes." I answered with a nod.

About five minutes ago my helper girl came back with her bag, it looks like there are clothes in it.

"Sorry it took so long," he said.

"It's okay"

"This, I have a change of clothes you can wear" he said as he handed her his clothes. "But no underwear," he continued.

"It's okay, this is enough, thank you." I answered with a smile.

"Yes, hurry up and change, I'm afraid you'll catch a cold."


I immediately went into the other bathroom cubicle, because I was still traumatized when I entered the cubicle that I used earlier.

I immediately changed all my clothes, except my underwear. Actually, I'm not comfortable wearing underwear that is also wet, but it can't be helped, I'd rather wear it instead of wearing nothing. Looks like I should always bring a change of clothes with me just in case.

After I finished changing my clothes I slightly tidied up my appearance, so that people wouldn't know what had just happened to me.

"Your face is pale, are you really okay?" asked my helper earlier.

I gave him a smile "It's okay"

"Who the hell locked you in the bathroom, how dare you?"

"I don't know," I said slowly.

"Okay, do you want to go back to class or do you want to rest at the school health room (UKS)? Let me take you." he asked.

"I'll just go back to class."

"Okay, I'll take it."

"Yes thanks."

"You're welcome"


PoV Author

When Adira arrived in front of his class, it turned out that Dio was sitting on a bench in front of his class. Today, Dio has waited twice for Adira in front of the girl's class.

"Dio." call Adira.

Dio, who had been looking down, immediately walked over to the girl he was waiting for.

"Where have you been Ra? Makes me worried" he asked.

"I from the bathroom," said Adira.

"Whose clothes are you wearing? Where's your uniform?" asked Dio again, it seemed that he was really worried about his friend.

"I borrowed her clothes." Adira pointed to the girl who helped him earlier, because he was too focused on Adira, it seemed that Dio didn't see anyone else beside the girl.


"You know him Yo?."

"Yes, he's my classmate," Dio replied, telling Adira.

No wonder Adira seemed to have seen the girl before in the bathroom, it turned out to be Dio's classmate.

"No wonder I've never seen you." I said to the Putri.

"Yes, you often come to our class."

"Even though it's not often, right? Yo?" Adira asked Dio.

What was asked instead of answering, instead gave another question.

"Eh wait, why are you wearing Putri's clothes? What's your uniform? You're okay, right?." asked Dio, it was like mothers interrogating their children, if you ask them all at once, they are not one-on-one.

"First, I'm okay. Second, my clothes are wet because they fell in the bathroom. Third, Putri kindly lent me her clothes." Adira lied, he didn't want to make Dio angry if he knew someone had watered him using mop water.

"Are you satisfied, young master Fendi Dio Prayoga for my answer?" Adira asked pretending to be Dio's subordinate.

"I've grown up, I still like to fall, here let me take care of it." said Dio pulling Adira into his arms.

"What the hell, let Dio go. It's a shame that many are watching, I'll be killed by your fans."

"Just leave it alone, let them see. So they don't dare disturb you, I'm here."

This guy is joking like he doesn't know the place, we're still outside the classroom, anyone can see. Dio likes to not realize that he is famous, many girls are crazy about him, there are even guys who are fans of him because of his good attitude, smart, many achievements and others.

Dio still embraced Adira even though the girl was already struggling to be released, but it seemed that Dio had no intention of letting go of his best friend. Adira had to take the initiative to step on Dio's feet quite firmly.

"Oops, you're crazy Ra. I'm still using my leg, it's good for you to play with the stomp, it hurts you know."

"Feel" Adira sneered as she ran into the classroom.

"You insolent" Dio said chasing the girl.

Unbeknownst to Adira and Dio, their behavior in front of class XI Science 1 had become a spectacle for many people. It has even started circulating that they are dating.

Among the many who saw their behavior earlier, there were two pairs of eyes that did not like to see the closeness between Dio and Adira.

"What's the matter if you want to date in public, you have no shame," said one person who didn't like seeing their closeness.


Since coming home from school, Adira's body has not felt well, even she has no appetite to eat so she has missed lunch and in the afternoon she has a fever.

"What are you eating, girl? How come you get sick like this." asked Adira's mother.

"Earlier, I just ate meatballs and drank hot tea."

"You like to eat meatballs, don't eat that often, girl." his mother's advice and Adira answered with a nod.

"Earlier, Mrs. Na said that you didn't come home wearing a uniform, where is your uniform?" asked Mrs. Karin, Adira's mother.

"My uniform was wet, it fell in the bathroom." Adira lied, there was no way he could tell the truth, he didn't want his parents to worry.

"How did it fall?"

"The floor is slippery so I slipped, it's my fault for not being careful."

"No wonder you have a fever, you must have been wearing wet clothes, right?"

"Yeah, sorry"

"Okay, you rest first, girl. Mama will make porridge for you to eat."

"Yes ma"

His body was feverish, his head was dizzy, that's what Adira was feeling right now. Like her mother's message earlier, Adira chose to sleep so that her body would be a bit lighter.

Unknowingly, Adira had been asleep for a long time, he woke up at eight at night and immediately felt thirsty.

Inevitably he had to go downstairs to get drinking water, Adira walked slowly down the stairs.

"I heard you're sick?"

Adira, who was trying to descend the stairs, was taken aback by someone's question.


~~~To be continued~~~