
My first beast was a slime

Franz will be caught in a series of strange events that will reveal to him a truth that the world itself does not want him to know. Franz, with the help of a small slime, will embark on an adventure to discover what the world has hidden from him.

NoisyRainy · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Chapter 1: Getting Back on Track.

The sky creaks, tears and collapses, people hear the wails of the sky for help, feeling their imminent end AND the Qi disappearing from the world, taking with it the possibility of reaching immortality, the sky begins to roar.

And in another place, someone commits a sin, one so great that heaven itself with its last breath and despair will try to stop it, but... What is that sin? Is it that big? Did that person dare to...?


Waking up from his stupor, Franz looked around, there was a girl sitting just a few meters away from him beckoning to him, meanwhile, a voice echoed in the place.

-Franz Merrick, last call, go through your title!–

"Oh, I'm sorry!" said Franz, who quickly rose from his seat and went to the front for his title.

Once in front, Franz took the hand of each of the graduates in charge, some were annoyed by the wait, even so, they gave him his degree and congratulated him for becoming an official beast tamer.

The ceremony continued without any problems, in the end a total of 30 beast tamers graduated, a large number for a small city, in fact, in the words of the director and the governor of the city, 30 beast tamers has been the largest number of graduates they have had in the last 50 years.

The ceremony concluded with a big party for the graduates, Franz for his part retired home as soon as graduation was over, he didn't feel well, he felt exhausted and downcast, graduating should be something of pride, but he didn't feel like that right now, in the last few days he only dreamed nightmares and from time to time he fell asleep without realizing it, It had been the last 8 months since he started practicing mana to grow his soul.

Once he consulted with a teacher, however, he only told him that it was something common among those who began to practice mana, because the body goes through a long process in which its entire composition changed.

With no other option and no real answer that could help him, Franz could only keep practicing as recommended by the master, since then he has been having such strange dreams.


Putting aside his thoughts, Franz turned to look at who was calling him.


It was the girl from before, who had beckoned to him, Nepheli, a friend he made during the course of the academy.

"Wow, you have a zombie face, are you sure you haven't ingested strange substances?" Nepheli inspected Franz closely, making him push her aside and ask her.

- What do you want, Nepheli? –

"Even your character is bitter, oh good that it will be," said Nepheli who walked behind Franz.

Franz kept walking home and said.

"I haven't been feeling very well lately, I still feel exhausted and sleepy," Franz explained.

Nepheli nodded, to a certain extent, she knew Franz's current situation, she had even taken him to the doctor several times, as he would just fall asleep anywhere.

In the end Nepheli even left the party once she found out that Franz was going home alone, she was worried that he would fall asleep in the middle of the road or in some dangerous place.

"That's why every time you go out you must let me know Franz, I've already told you, it doesn't bother me to be your nanny for a while"

Franz gave her an annoyed look, but she only pretended innocent, making her only sigh in vain.

After about 20 minutes the two arrived home, in fact Franz and Nepheli lived one street away, another reason why Nepheli would not leave Franz.

"See you, Franz!"

"Goodbye, Nepheli," waving goodbye, Franz entered his house after a while.

The house was alone, his parents were working at the moment, they would probably return in an hour or two and with nothing to do, Franz decided to go to sleep.

Tomorrow their hired beast should arrive, the academy gave away an iron or bronze class beast for the students, this way they could start in their vocation without having to spend on a beast that used to be very expensive for an ordinary person.

Thinking about it, Franz couldn't help but sigh, it turns out that beasts have to be chosen based on master-beast compatibility, compatibility could grow based on the master-beast's trust, but as newbies, students were basically forced to choose the beast they had the most compatibility with from the start to avoid future problems as much as possible.

It used to happen quite often that there were some students who did not have the patience to train a beast, which used to cause problems for both the tamer and the beast, so the academy forced them to choose the beast with the greatest compatibility from the beginning.

in the end, the beast with the greatest compatibility with Franz, was a slime, one of the weakest links among the iron class.

"Well, I'll make do with the little slime"

If there was a point in favor of slime, it was the ease with which they could evolve, depending on what they ate, which left us with the next advantage; the ease of feeding, as they ate practically anything.

After thinking about it carefully, actually a slime was not a bad start as the first beast, having said that, Franz went to sleep.

Strangely this time he didn't have any strange dreams or nightmares, he even felt refreshed and energized once he got out of bed.

Strange as it may seem, Franz thought he was still sleeping because there was a strange screen floating in front of him.

Franz Merrick

Current Kingdom: Soul Apprentice (first degree).

Pom Pom (vinculada beast)

Abilities (0/2)

Talent: Close bond

Description: You are bound to a single beast at a time as a tamer, in exchange you share between 0 and 100 percent of the profits of your linked beast (31/100) 

There was very little data on the screen and except for the skills tab, he could understand the other data, in fact, once his gaze fell on the talent tab, he felt defeated for a moment.

- Will I only be able to have one beast hired? –

Franz couldn't help cursing, in the end he could only sigh and continue exploring the mysterious screen in front of him.

The edges of the screen were golden and if you paid some attention, it seemed as if the screen was being surrounded by a barely noticeable chain.

Ding Dong Ding Dong

Interrupting Franz, the doorbell rang, perhaps the little slime had finally arrived, so Franz went to the door, but not before thinking of a way to hide the mysterious screen in his view, fortunately it only took one thought for it to appear and disappear from his sight.

When he opened the door, there was a person standing at the door with a package in hand.

"Mr. Franz?" - The man asked.

-That's me-

The man nodded and handed him the package he had in his hand along with some papers that had to be signed to confirm the delivery.

After signing, Franz thanked the man and entered the house, he quickly opened the package and inside it, there was a bracelet made of metal, this was also a gift from the academy, it served to store the beasts inside it, although the bracelet given by the academy only had room for a single beast, so students would have to buy a better quality one in the future.

Although beast tamers had an independent space within their souls, this space called soul space was used only to recover wounds and speed up the training of beasts as it consumed mana constantly while being used and a soul apprentice did not have enough mana to be able to store a beast all day in soul space.

Activating the bracelet, in front of Franz a slime appeared out of nowhere, this one seeing him jump into Franz's arms with great emotion.

Franz caught him and greeted him with an affectionate greeting.

- How are you Pom Pom? - That was the name that Franz gave to the slime based on the sounds that the little one made when he jumps, Pom Pom.

Pom Pom began to jump up and down happily, indicating that he was fine, Franz wanted to say something, but before he could, the mysterious screen from before reappeared in front of him.

Slime (Hierro): Pom Pom

Current Kingdom: Not initiated.


Mana Reserve (B)(Beginner)

Polymorph (D) (Beginner)


Do you want to learn any of the skills?