
My Fiancee Has Multiple Identities

Mary Green is a reputed doctor from A city's public hospital. She is the fiancé of the most eligible bachelor and the rich man in the city. Although she is the fiancé of the rich man, they don't know each other very well. Both Mary & her fiance only knew each from their investigation but as actual people, they'll know each other after engagement. How will be their journey after their engagement? stay tune and read their story...

Rafia_Rahman · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

First Time Seeing Fiancé Part-1

It's daytime, Mary was Keeping herself busy with reading patients file. She was so much engrossed with files that she didn't even hear knocking on the door. Her bestfriend lost patient standing before the door so she entered Mary's room. After entering room she wasn't surprised that her bestfriend engrossed with patients files but she was angry that her punctual friend forgot their shopping date.

She and Mary selected this date for Mary's engagement dress shopping with their other two best friends. Now her bestfriend was ignoring their date. They didn't get proper time to gather together because of their busy routine. at least they made some free time for Mary's engagement shopping. they could do online shopping or order custom made dress but where's the fun there. so they decided to go shopping and relaxed their mind & body.

"Mary , Mary ,Mary?" " Darling, what were you doing?" After calling Mary, Mellie (Mary's bestfriend) shaking Mary's body. After that Mary regained her conscious from what she was doing.

"Hi darling, when did you come?" Mary asked with loving smile.

"You still nerve to ask me when did I come? You didn't love me anymore. I stood there and knocked your door but didn't get any response , after that come to your office. First I thought you may died of overwork but after coming here I realized your soul entered patients world. hehe" after saying that Mellie laughing and crying together (what a drama queen).

"I'm sorry darling. I forgot about our date but now seeing you I remembered. Let's go and called those two troublemaker " , Mary said with doting smile.

"I already called them when I reached your office room. let's go , we can meet them in the hallway ", said Mellie.

Mary and Mellie when reached hallway they saw their troublemaker friends chatting with nurse how they were going to enjoy their date . This date considered to their small holiday. Since they were going to shop , so they had already taken half day leave . also tomorrow would be their weekend and they would start making plan. After seeing Mary and Mellie they started to act. "wow , two rich women , how are you two going to buy our dress and which shop? we're not let you two get away. at least we two poor commoner can go luxurious shops and also gather some experience about noble world ".

" you two know how to act. why don't you two change your profession and become actors? that'll bring our country two more deserving Oscar Awards and more glory ", said Mary with raising her eyebrows.

"okay , okay. can you not say us rich women? we're two the poorest women who don't even know when we're gonna become rich ", Mellie said with pitiful tone. and looking three of them anyone could say that a drama shooting was ongoing here ( deserving actors).

"you two are poor women then who we are. one was rich CEOs lovely sister and another one was A city's biggest entrainment company's CEO. wow , what a definition of the poor. if any normal person hear those lines of yours , then they'll commit suicide or get a heart attack. you & Mary are the most scheming capitalists. poor ; someone give me some poison", said two pitiful bestfriend and continued to act.

" no-one knew I was the CEO. even if you two told everyone in city no-one gonna believe two of you and also gonna get beating for spouting nonsense. how can 23 old beautiful and sexy girl be a CEO of reputed company? at most they can think that I can become a lover or girlfriend" , said Mellie with smirk.

" who's gonna believe that an orphan has rich & loving brother." said Mary with mocking tone.

"okay , okay you two win and we lost. now let's get going otherwise we may lose our favourite designer dress" said Bella with hurried tone.

"no-one gonna snatch that from our bell because they don't want to face legal notice from crazy & headstrong lawyer", said Alex with rolling eyes and pitying those suffered person.

"hey who are you calling bell?" roared Bella.

"it's someone stupid and idiot" said Alex.

"your death is near sweetheart" Bella said with creepy smile.

"can both of you shut up otherwise Mary and I go for shopping" Mellie said annoyingly.

"don't disturb them. at least they can become child holiday & weekend", Mary said with smile. Actually not only Mary but also Mellie, Bella & Alex enjoyed these rare time because they can be themselves without caring anything. This was the most precious time for them after working like robots.

"let's go my sweeties. Albert gives me a black Audi last week for enjoying drive with my sweeties" Alex said ambiguous tone and they gave goodbye those beautiful nurses.

When they reached hospital parking area , they saw a black Audi with modified version. Alex sat on driver seat and Mary sat on passenger seat. Bella and Mellie sat on the back seat. After driving like 45 minutes they reached city's largest shopping mall. Then Alex parked the car parking area and took a lift to reach 3rd floor for their dress. First they reached EM Allen shop for Bella and Mellie's dress.

when they entered the shop , almost everyone greeted them with proper respect because they already knew that their boss would come here.

" hello, Miss Green, Miss Moore , Miss White and Mr Wilson. how are you? we're happy to see you guys here. please accept our greetings from our all shop members. " said the shop manager with respective but honoured tone.

"hello uncle Jonas . we're all good and don't need to stand here. please do your job." " and greetings everyone. how are you all?" Mary said with happy and polite tone.

" we're good and thanks for asking Miss Green." said a shop member. actually everyone in this shop were happy to see their boss and also felt satisfied that they work for their good boss.

then Bella called a salesgirl for their respective dress. then salesgirl went to their store to bring those two dresses and in the meantime offered Mary and her her friends for drinks. they accepted the offer and they began to chat with shop member freely. after some time later , the salesgirl brought those two dresses and packed for them. Mellie paid for those two dresses.

Bella chose blue and Mellie chose velvet colour dress for their bestfriend engagement party. Then they went another shop for Mary's dress because they wanted to be low-key. that shop also luxurious but that shop didn't sell international designer's renowned dress. that's the reason they went for that shop. another reason they wanted to go that shop. we would know the reason soon.