
My fiancée is a magical girl from another word

What do you do when your rich parents are making you marry a random girl who is actually a magical girl from another world in other to keep your inheritance? Well the answer is easy you just have to endure her shenanigans and troubles for as long as you can till your parents give you a peace of mind and what the heck if you want you can even fall in love with her along the way just be careful of her natural habit to cause problems anywhere she goes.

Roxy_Chan · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Chapter 1:Not a very convincing beginning

"Hello my name is Hinari and I'm a magical girl from another world who is here to be your wife" I looked at the girl smiling brighter than the f**cking sun and then at my parents in confusion and shock. I gave a loud tired sigh and proceed to stare at the ceiling asking every God alive how and why did I get to this point.

My name is Haruki Takahashi and I'm the only son of my rich parents who own a very popular electronics company and I was to inherit the company when the time comes but for some reason my father told his lawyers not to let me touch a penny of his inheritance unless I get married but I didn't really care since I had my own money to use but then my mom started to whine about wanting to see her grandchildren before she died and me being the loving child I am decided to let my mom pick a wife for me and now I regret my decision. I looked at the girl one more time before turning away

"No thank you I rather not have any inheritance"

My always overreacting mother suddenly burst into tears as she complains that she would die before I she even gets to see her grandchildren and when people ask how she died I should tell them that she died because of me as I would not ease her weak heart with a grandchild to hold. My father looked at me with pleading eyes before starting his lecture

"Haruki please I know she may seem a little bit..... odd but I promise she's a good girl and I know you'll like her if you'd give her a chance" I looked at the girl in question and realized that she was playing with a lamp switch babbling about how they didn't have magic like this back in her world and when we get married I would teach her all the wonderful magic of my world. I raised an eyebrow and looked at my father who was sheepishly laughing not even looking convinced at his own words my mom who had stopped crying a while ago looked at me with a frown on her delicate face before clearing her throat suddenly turning serious

"Haruki dear I know you don't want anything to do with marriage now but you know that you have to do this in order for our family legacy to survive. This company has been within our family for 20 years now and it was always given to the first child but if you don't do this we'll be forced to give the company to your father's assistant and you know that'll destroy the legacy we've maintained for years so please haru consider our offer "

I looked at the girl one more time before groaning, so much for excluding myself from this mess.

" fine I'll try to get to know her but if I don't like it I'm calling it quits okay"

I said sternly wanting to get this conversation done quickly so that I can go home and relax my troubled mind. My father looked surprised that accepted the offer while my mother looked elated,she then turned her attention to Hinari who was still play with the lamp as if she was trying to figure out how the light turned on when the cord was pulled

"Hinari sweetie come here for a sec"

The girl as if a switch was turned on as soon as she heard her name, broke out of her deep concentration and let out another one of her sickinly sweet and bright smile before skipping towards us. She she sat beside my mother and purred as my mom patted her head. My mom then turned to look at me before letting out a threatening aura and she said I qoute with a deep scary voice

"Haruki, Hinari is very sensitive so if you do something that'll make her sad, for a moment I'll forget that you're my son and I'll chop your dick off okay"

I could only nod too scared that my mouth might say something stupid if I'd open it. After she scanned me to see if I was telling the truth her scary aura disappeared and she smiled at Hinari and told her that she was going to have to go with me Hinari looked sad for a bit but she immediately brightened up again. She jumped up and grabbed my hand and started to run dragging me along with her out of the house. When we got outside I harshly pulled my hand away from hers and walked towards my car with her following my every movement behind me.

I took out my key and opened the door to which the little brat jumped and screamed in fright, she looked at me with teary eyes and proceeded to poke the hood of my car sharply before bursting into tears. I looked around frantically already starting to panic because I didn't know why she was crying or what in the world was her problem

"H-hey why are you crying what's wrong I promise I won't do it again"

She sniffled slightly before giving and answer that amused me greatly

"y-you're going to feed me to that monster and because I can't transform yet your going to take advantage of me and feed me to a monster"

I had to cover my mouth to try to hold in my laughter as seeing the situation laughing would only make things worse, after I calmed myself I took her hand and told her that this was a car and it could not hurt you. I don't think that she trusted me with the way she was eyeing me warily but she hesitantly touched the car and jumped back as if she expected the car to attack her when she realized that the car made no move to attack her she continued her inspection while I stood still and watched either her naiveness or her stupidity. After a while she seemed satisfied with her inspection and she started to gush about the car as if she was a baby seeing a toy for the first time

"Haruki sama this beast is totally under your control. How in the four corners of Asteria did you manage tame it so well ? "

I looked at her in confusion but I chose to ignore her; fully knowing how loony she was in the head and guided her inside the car buckling her seat belt before entering myself. As we drove down the quiet road to get to my house she couldn't help but gush with excitement over every small thing and not going to lie it was cute to watch at first but after a few minutes of listening to "wow so cool, amazing, kawaii" lt gets pretty annoying and I could only pray to kami to shut her up but like always he is not on my side and her voice gets louder and shriller every passing moment.

By the time I got home I opened the door for her and she immediately sprinted out of it and started to observe my mailbox with wonder. I looked at her amazed at how she could seem so excited about everything.

"Haru Chan is that you I see~"

I quickly turned around and stood frozen when I was met face to face with my childhood friend, Sakura.

Sakura and my parents knew each other very well so when we were 5 we became friends and for years we were inseparable but when I turned 20 she began to act strange around me, she started to flirt with me and seduce me and for a while I thought she actually liked me but one day I heard her talking with one of her girl friends and she was telling her how she was playing me so she could get my fortune. I was devastated and I immediately tried to distance myself from her but she was persistent in her plan and here I am staring into the eyes of my devious childhood friend

"h-hey Sakura how are you?" she crossed her arms and Pouted at me

"Haru-Chan you baka I was looking for you everywhere but I couldn't find you where were you?"

I laughed nervously and started to explain what had transpired when I was with my parents and she looked pissed. Part of me knew that she was angry because her plan might not work now but as quickly as her anger came it went, she forced a smile on her face and with venom dripping off her words she asked if she could see my new fiancée. She held my hand like a wife would do with her husband when their in public and I didn't want to stress myself over getting her off me so I just let her be.

Hinari pov

I saw Haruki-sama talking to a pretty Blonde Woman who looked to be very familiar with him, I didn't really mind her but when she entwined hers and Haruki-sama hand together I saw red. Mrs Takahashi told me that Haruki-sama would be mine alone so what was this lady's problem or was she trying to take Haruki-sama from me . When she caught a glimpse of me her sweet smile tuned into an evil scowl filled with hatred, she looked at me up and down as if trying to look for a flaw.

"Haru-Chan if you wanted to get married so quickly I would have been a much more better person to choose than this little wench"

She said as she gave an evil laugh at the end and there was no F**KING way I was going to take that b*lls*it from her

" Well I don't mean to judge but if your attitude was as sweet as your smile you might actually have a chance of getting a proposal" I simply stated with a smug smile

" But I mean even if Haruki-sama wanted to get married to anyone on this world It surely wouldn't be a w*ore like you"

If look could kill I would've already been dead and sent to the fiery pits of

Hell with the way she glared at me, her eyes shining hatred, despise, and Fury all at once and her scowl looked murderous but unfortunately for her looking at someone can't kill them well unless you're a Naga which I'm pretty sure she isn't so I just returned the glare and showed her my middle finger for her to admire.

Haruki pov

When two women are a glaring contest the worst thing you could do is laugh or try to tell them to calm down lest they turn their anger towards you so I simply stood by the sideway trying to hold in my laughter as I watched the two women give each other death glares it looked like this was going to continue for a while till Hinari told Sakura to back up her glare with her fists and I knew Sakura was going to pull out since she couldn't fight, she gave an annoyed sound and turned her heels and walked away. Hinari looked smug that she had won and puffed out her chest in pride which pushed out her D-Cups out more. I gave a little laugh at her display of dominance and pride and she looked at me confused and feebly asked why I was laughing but I just patted her head and led her into my house.

Well this was going to be less annoying than I thought it would.