
My Favorites || Fairy Tail

Without further a-do, I present to you "My Favorites", a book of Fairy Tail one-shots. Requests are accepted! Copyright 2014. Luvli_Grl DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN FAIRY TAIL.

FallenAmor · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

"I Do" - NatsuxLucy

It was a beautiful day in Fiore. The sun was shining so bright, almost as if it were smiling upon the area. If you looked around, you'd notice that people were scurrying around and such. What was the rush? Why so busy today? Well, you see, today was special.

"Lucy!" a voice calls. The blond laid in her bed and opened one eye lazily before turning over and pulling her blanket above her head. She whined, claiming she was there, and snuggled into her bed's warmth, sniffling.

The door burst down and in came an annoyed Erza, who stared down at the woman, followed by Levy. Lucy felt chills go down her spine and she shot up, looking at her friend. The red head searched her friend's face and sighed, seeing her tear-streaked cheeks.

"Come on. You need to get ready," Levy smiled and held her hand out. Lucy looked at it and automatically fell back into the bed.

"I'm not going."

Erza didn't waste anytime as she yanked Lucy out of the bed. "Natsu is your best friend, Lucy. Think of how hurt he would be if you didn't even bother to come to his own wedding."

What? You didn't know? The news was all over the streets since the declaration had been made. Lisanna and Natsu were getting married.

Lucy picked herself up off the floor and trudged to her closet, pulling out the white dress she was supposed to wear as maid of honor. She could remember in full detail, the dreaded day it happened, which was just a few weeks ago.

In the Fairy Tail guild, all was how it should be. Cana at the bar, drinking barrel after barrel of booze. Juvia followed Gray around as he searched for his clothes that had mysteriously disappeared once again.

Lucy entered the guild and smiled, breathing in the air. Never would she grow tired of entering there. Mirajane smiled and greeted her as Levy nearly tackled her to the ground in a hug. Wendy and Carla came later, greeting her politely.

Natsu called her over and she blushed slightly before walking over to her. He grinned his signature smile and said hello which caused her to blush even more.

"Luce? You sick or something?" Natsu blinked, reaching over to feel her forehead, but she pulled back and shook her head trying to laugh it off.

"She llllllllllllikes you," Happy snickers, causing Lucy to smack the poor Exceed across its face.

"Natsu!" a voice calls and the pink haired male turned to the door to see Lisanna run in. Lucy smiled politely and waved hello to her, though she didn't feel happy when she saw her face. Lately, Lisanna had been hanging out with Natsu more and more, not leaving much time for Lucy see her best friend. Whenever they would try to go on requests, Lisanna would intervene or come along.

"Hey Lisanna," Natsu grinned. Lisanna took his hand and smiled before clearing her throat rather loudly, leading to everyone in the guild to quiet down.

"So, Natsu... Remember when we were younger? Well... I've made up my mind and I'll tell you my answer. Yes. I'll marry you," Lisanna said happily and Lucy stopped in her tracks. The news made everyone in the guild freeze. Natsu had asked Lisanna to marry him?

Not even noticing everyone's shock, Lisanna turned to Lucy and grabbed her hand as well. "You'll be my maid of honor, right Lucy?"

Lucy sighed and got herself together, putting the dress on after taking a long bath. When she came out, she wasn't even surprised that Erza and Levy were still there.

"Are we leaving now?" Lucy asked them and they looked at her depressed state sadly.

Levy got up and hugged her friend, laying her head on the blond's shoulder. "I'm sorry Lucy."

A few hours later, the wedding ceremony commenced. The crowd put on their best smiles as Natsu stood at the alter, wearing a nice suit. Lisanna had forced him not to wear his scarf. The pink haired boy pulled at the collar of his tux, feeling very off without his prized possession.

Mirajane and Erza walked in as bridesmaids, followed by the groomsmen, Gray and Elfman. Lucy came in next and the first thing her eyes saw was Natsu. They made little eye contact as Lucy put her head down and stood to the side.

Wendy flounced in, throwing out flower petals from a wicker basket. When Lisanna came in, everyone gawked and stood, clapping and singing "Here Comes The Bride".

As soon as she got to the alter, everyone sat down and Makarov started. The first parts of the ceremony were slow,but Lisanna seemed very happy. On the other hand, Natsu tried his best not to look disinterested. Sure he loved Lisanna, but it was more as a sister. When she had came to him that day, it seemed almost impossible to tell her no.

"If there is anyone who opposes this wedding, please say so now or forever hold your peace."

The crowd was deathly silent as everyone looked at each other, wondering who would actually say something. Levy looked at Lucy, who seemed to be having an internal battle with herself. Would she raise her hand?

Marakov also watched Lucy and sighed when she ran out the room. The crowd watched her leave and most knew her reason. He took in a deep breath and before he could say something, Lisanna interrupted him.

"I oppose of this wedding."

Natsu couldn't believe what he had heard and he looked at Lisanna, who frowned. The crowd automatically started whispering amongst themselves. What was this? Was Lisanna feeling alright?

Makarov also stared at her in shock. "L-Lisanna?"

"I, the bride, Lisanna Streuss, oppose this wedding," she repeated. The girl turned to Natsu, and smiled, tears glistening in her eyes. "I guess I couldn't get what I wanted after all."


"Natsu, the time when I was gone... You found someone. Maybe I can too someday. But right now, I'm not off your problems. You better hurry up before you miss your oppurtunity." Lisanna practically pushed him out the door. Natsu started to run off, but he turned around and hugged her.

"Thank you," Natsu smiled. Lisanna handed him her bouquet and winked before sending him off.

"You're okay with this?" Mirajane walked over to her little sister and placed her hand on her shoulder. Lisanna sighed and shook her head.

"Not at all."

Natsu ran down the streets of Fiore, looking for the girl who ran out. He checked her apartment, the guild... Where could she be? Using his nose, he found her scent and ran straight to where she was. Looking around, the place was very familiar to him. It was the cherryblossom field where the trees would produce rainbow colored petals once a year. He smiled, remembering the day he dug out one of the trees and sent it down the river for her to see when she was sick.

And leaning against one of the trees was the girl he was searching for.

"Luce," Natsu smiled and Lucy turned around, shocked. "Tears don't suit you."

"N-Natsu! Shouldn't you be at the wedding right now?" Lucy looked at him and her gaze turned to the flowers as he held them out to her.

"I was told that I had found someone," Natsu walked over to her. "I guess you could say, I was left at the altar."

Lucy still looked at the flowers and sighed. "You should really get back. Lisanna needs you."

"But I need you."


Natsu cleared his throat. "Lucy, you're my best friend. I don't think I can tell you how many times you've saved me actually."

"Really?" Lucy smiled slightly.

"Well, I may have practiced those lines a bit," Natsu rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "But that's not the point! I need you, Lucy. And so... Um, I don't really know how this stuff goes..." The male got on one knee and held the flowers out. "Do you, Lucy Heartflila, take me, Natsu Dragneel, to be your wedded husband?"

Lucy stared down at Natsu as he blushed, wondering if he had done it right. She burst out laughing, which cause him to blush evern darker.

"D-did I do it wrong? Luce! Lucy! Stop laughing!" Natsu pouted. Lucy wiped the tears from her eyes and kissed his cheek.

"I do."