
My Favorite People

This is the story of how friends and their lives. The people I love with all my heart. (Lore)

LilyandEvergreen · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs


Being a teenager was weird. Sophrima, at the age of fourteen, could announce that now. She had gotten them into school, a high school, as Freshman. Rima had never really thought about how they would go through the entire four years.

Kandiy and Irene were excited, always looking excited whenever Rima brought up the school year. Eros was a little less excited and Levi seemed completely out of it. Noah agreed and said he would try his best. That was really all she needed.

They'd been living in the Club for a few years, and now, after scouting out the high school they were attending, she had the perfect place for her pack. The school basement. It was like one big cozy home filled with hangout spots and little secret nooks. Hammocks, bean bag chairs, fluffy blankets. And spray paint. What werewolf didn't love spray paint?

But, Rima couldn't help the uneasy feeling that bubbled in her. She constantly felt like she was being watched…like someone was nearby.


Marco was obsessed. He'd been following her for a year now, ever since she arrived with that group of misfit children. His eyes, glowing with each color in the rainbow, refused to leave her alone. He would stalk through the woods while she walked alone, or he'd sit in the far back of the club she worked at where no one would notice him. No matter what, he watched her.

There were the days where he didn't watch her so closely, or course. He could find her easily with his heightened hearing and sense of smell. What he did on the days when he wasn't watching her was take care of his best friend. Venus Heart. Daughter of Mr. Heart who had always taught at the school they would be attending this year.

He had taken an interest in her as she seemed to walk the world with her head held high. She was like him, lonely. Something bothered her. It was easy to guide towards someone like Venus. She was sweet, she had taken care of him the day he followed her home. Now he followed her home more often and he was good friends with Mr. Heart. He treated him like his own son, letting him have dinner and buying him things like clothes.

Marco enjoyed spending time with Venus, but he even more enjoyed the view of the young lady he'd spotted so long ago. She walked around with an umbrella the color of her void, matching her shirt and skirt. The shirt had circle cuts on the shoulders with a belt at her waist, and her skirt was decorated with coral pink planets and aliens. She had her hair down long all the time, a sort of ombré dark to light brown. She had skin the color of dark choclate and her eyes could send you into an endless trance.

He had a goal. He was going to make her his. Sure, it came off as creepy the way he watched her, but he didn't mind. He was in love. He wanted this girl to be by his side through it all. It felt…right. It felt perfect.

And that was why Marco was going to be forward. The first day of school, he walked in with his leather jacket and a black ripped jeans, ready to take this school by hand. He noticed her immediately, standing in a group of people with her umbrella overhead. He didn't understand the whole umbrella indoors situation, but damn did he love a mysterious woman.

Sophrima had one arm looped around her best friends, and Marco felt a tug in his gut. He wanted to rip that pastel boy to shreds. Then he calmed himself. The guy didn't give off the intent of attraction, just a best friend protecting his leader. Marco could easily get along with the people who wanted to keep her safe as much as he did. He just had to find a way into their closed off cirlce. He had just the plan.

Venus was standing in the doorway to theater, a class that each of them were taking. Mainly to see Mr. Heart as he only taught two classes. She waved Marco over, clutching her mushroom purse into her side as her dress swayed. She was pretty. Her hair had been dyed maroon red and she had a wolf cut, her void-like eyes making him unsure if he was in danger. But he knew she was as sweet as her father. He voice came low yet soothing and her smile could warm you up quickly. She was attractive, like her father.

"V, how are you?" Marco asked, walking past her and into the front seats of the auditorium. Heart was standing on the stage as he sifted through papers.

"Good! Daddy bought me some new clothes yesterday, he got you something too." Venus slid into the seat beside him. The two had visited the school a few times and already claimed these seats before Freshman year had begun.

"He knows he doesn't have to buy things for…"

"He loves you, Marco, deal with it. I have to." The girl winked at him, showing off her brilliant smile. The Roman goddess of love certainly fit her.

Marco leaned in the chair, watching the teacher pace on the stage. He'd always loved Mr. Heart as his own father. He never raised his voice her got angry. Marco liked that. He liked his freedom, but he liked having a home too. Maybe one day he'd have a home with Rima…

As if on cue, Sophrima, Levi, and Kandiy all walked into the auditorium. It seemed this was their first class as well. The alpha took her seat in the second row, crossing her legs and holding her umbrella. The other two sat on either side of her. She seemed to glow there against her darker clothing and accessories, like a star in the night. Marco held in a howl as he swallowed.

"Someone's got a crush," Venus giggled as she watched her friend, "oh and she's hot."

"What?" Marco stared at Venus.

"I'm just saying, you've got good taste."

"She's mine."

"Jeez, Marco, possessive much? Have you even spoken to her?"


"Then don't be such an ass!"

"I'm not!"

"Welcome, students!" Heart announced as other people started taking their seats.

Marco leaned against his best friend, a silent apology for getting upset. He had a temper when it came to things he liked. Venus was well aware of that, of course, she was one of the few things he possessed. She rarely had any other close friends due to this, which she didn't mine. Marco was like a brother to her. Someone she would never lose.

By the time class had ended, Marco knew he loved drama. Mr. Heart had informed them that they would do mainly improv and that they would need to be as crazy as they could get. That sounded like fun. He waved off his best friend, heading to the next class. He'd made sure he got at least three classes with this beauty, wanting every chance to get to know her. That was why, while she took a seat alone in the back of the class, he sat right beside her.

She didn't bat an eye when he leaned in back, staring at the front of the room. This was science class, which Marco wasn't so interested in. Science was weird. He'd much rather stare at the pretty girl he was seated by. Her umbrella just barely covered half of his head, and he could slightly tilt his eyes to see the stars on the underside. Her eyes would move to glance at him while he admired it.

Her eyes softened when she noticed the purple hair and the rainbow eyes. Her heart seemed to beat loudly and her senses heightened, everything about him putting her on edge and…making her skin tingle. She couldn't help wanting to grab his hand. Her breath hitched in her throat as she took those thoughts out of her mind. She instead paid attention to the teacher as they greeted the class. She recognized the boy from her performance arts class and she wasn't sure why, but her eyes always found themselves on his purple hair.

"I'm Marco." He turned to the girl, a mischievous glint in his colorful eyes.

"Sophrima, or Rima." She responded smoothly. She didn't have time for…well…peasant humans.

"You are quite the beauty…" He muttered, eyeing her. She felt herself blush but quickly looked away.


"I could fall for a girl like you."

"Well I won't be there to bandage you up."

Marco chuckled at that. She smiled as well, not looking back at him. He decided to pay attention to the rest of the class, leaving her alone. He was tempted to continue their conversation, but he figured she could use the peace. Marco could get chatty when he wanted to.

He went through the next classes with boredom. Of course, lunch was fun. Venus and her dad stood by the entrance to the cafeteria and had a very interesting discussion about wether or not a person could chat in real life using emoticons. Marco didn't pay much attention to such things though. He rather enjoyed the view of a certain group a bit more. Rima was seated on the table, her legs crossed as everyone else surrounded her, talking animatedly. They looked so fun to be around. He smiled lightly as Rima caught his gaze, a smirk forming. It was as if they'd known each other for years. Marco could certainly say he'd know of the alpha. She'd wandered into his territory and taken ahold of his mind ever since.

He knew he scared her. Not in a way that made her want to run and hide. He made her paranoid, as he'd been her watcher. He knew she was aware that it was him. But she had no proof. Marco would come clean about that soon enough. He wouldn't dare start a relationship without telling her such things. If she resented him for life…well…he would just try harder to woo her over.

Math was his last class, and the final one with his crush. She took a seat in the middle row, looking tired yet confident. She held her head high. Beside her was Eros, her best friend. Marco held in a low growl as he took the seat in front her. Behind him then was Irene and Kandiy, and next to Rima was Noah. Somehow they'd all made it into the same final class. Minus Levi, who was different than the rest. Marco had always known. He had a more metallic scent to him and he definitely didn't give off "wolf".

He felt Rima watching him, which was perfect. He made a movement as though he was stretching, leaning back with his arms spread. He yawned, showing off his werewolf fangs. He caught her eyes and watched her shuffle in her chair, tilting her umbrella to cover her expression. With a slight grin on his face, Marco leaned his head against his desk and let himself fall asleep. Math wasn't important to him, he was already good at it.

Leaving class, Marco. Had his plan all thought out. He was going to bring her a gift every day. Something simple. Then, he would slowly start becoming her friend. That would make it easy to translate his feelings. Finally, he'd do something big. Something that would reveal how she felt towards him. It had to work, he had to get her.

He would get her.

“my love for you is all consuming, and I can’t imagine ever being without you” -Marco

LilyandEvergreencreators' thoughts