
My Favorite People

This is the story of how friends and their lives. The people I love with all my heart. (Lore)

LilyandEvergreen · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Moonstone Children

AN: Hello my pretties! Quick thing, there are human animal people in this book and especially this chapter. Be warned. <3< p>

There was no lighthearted or easy way to explain this. The things that happened on this night. The night of the Black Moon. No, not the new moon. The black moon. It was so dark in the sky that you could see it against the nighttime. The stars seemed to shine ten times brighter when they were close. Nobody knew why or how it became that way, and if it was expected.

What happened on that night, though, was something amazing. The world is big, to say the least. But on that summer night when the crickets were chirping and the heat was rising, something unexplainable happened. Exactly six children were born that night. The second night in June. Exactly six women became mothers that night. Exactly six women died that night. Each child was different, of course. They shared different ethnicities, skin colors, religions. But they were all the same. They were all…strange. It will be difficult to comprehend what I am about to tell you, reader, but these children are special. They deserve the love that any other child deserves. Keep that in mind as I tell you this story. The story of the Moonstone Children.

"She's…" The woman breathed out, holding her baby. The doctor could only stare in bewilderment at the infant.

"Hideous." Her husband finished the sentence, turning to leave the room.

"Darling! She's a baby!"

"A baby with ears and a tail…what will people say? They'll think her father is a dog!"

"No, dear, they won't! She's…please, darling!"

The baby, a little girl with dark skin and brown hair, cried softly. On her head were two little wolf ears, and on her bottom was tail. They matched her hair, and they twitched with every little noise and touch. Her chubby little hands reached out to find anything, landing on her mother's face. She was so tiny, her mother could only hold her closer. But she felt faint as she laid there, her eyes couldn't stay open. She felt her heart slow down as she kept the girl in her arms, and she wasn't expecting to pass out. The doctor called for help immediately, taking away Sophrima. The girl would never know her mother died in that bed soon after. Her father resented her for just existing. She didn't make it in that house the next few years.

"Go clean, Sophrima." The man yelled.

Her ears twitched, her tail coiled. She hadn't grown much when it came to being human, but her wolf…no one would know…she shook the dark thoughts out of her head quickly. As a six year old girl, she was more mature than the average child. As soon as she learned to walk and grab, her father had her doing chores. She never cried, of course, she had become indifferent towards the man she was raised by. Her anger would stay bottled up for as long as she needed it to. It wasn't like she could comprehend caring about him. He never spoke to her unless it was to get something. He called her words she couldn't quite say. And through it all, she stood still and didn't blink until it was all over.

That was why, on her seventh birthday, she chose to leave. She packed a bag, her mind set on leaving for a place to call home. She would run away to live in the woods, far away from the man. It wasn't like he'd notice if she went missing. She made sure to take his savings, the ones he kept on the floorboard. She'd need money if this was going to work. As skilled as she was, hunting wasn't easy. She also wasn't going to give up apple juice. Running away would be difficult/ She was just a child at the end of the day. But no matter what, little Rima was ready.

The little wolf girl waited until the moon was at its highest point. The man was asleep by now, and all she had to do was crawl through the window. Her plan had been simple. Run away, find the woods, live there until she can control the ears and tail. She couldn't have possibly walked around the world looking like this. She had seen the movies on TV while her father walked. It wasn't normal for humans to come fully equipped with an extra set of ears and enhanced scent. She needed to stay hidden.

Sophrima hopped out the window, her black dress hitting the ground as it was too big. She straightened it out, bag hanging on her shoulders, as she stepped forward. It had only been two years since she first transformed. The pain was immeasurable, and she swore she felt as though every bone in her body had cracked and reshaped itself. Now, she could do it with ease. Taking one small step forward, Sophrima began to shift. Her hand became paws, her dress melded into her fur, and her ears and tail suddenly fit her body. You could hear the cracks in her bones as she turned, and the howl that came right after. It was enough to scare the nearest porcupine out of the bush. She was still small, for a wolf, but she knew she was strong. Her dark brown fur and her eyes that could bore into your soul. She had sharp fangs. Although you could see them in her human form, they were much more intimidating here. The bag stayed hanging around her head as she began to run. The cold night air against her fur was magical. She felt so alive and free.


Sophrima hated being alone. That's why she was happy today. She'd been moping around, crying to every tree she could find. She wanted a friend. Of course, Sophrima wasn't expecting her newest friend to fall out of a tree. Nor was she expecting them to have blue ears and a blue tail. He was the color of the pale blue sky. His skin was like caramel and his eyes an earthen brown. He looked messy with a few twigs in his hair and dirt smudging his face. He got up, sitting on his legs and tucking in his tail.

"Who are you?" He asked, sniffing the air. Sophrima stuck out her tongue,

"Don't be weird." She replied softly, although her voice was stone cold for a seven year old.

The little boy put his ears down, seeming to shrink back at her tone. Sophrima took note of that, immediately feeling the urge to comfort him. Instead, she softened her gaze and gave him a smile. They didn't need to speak at that moment. Their eyes locked, and Rima knew just what to do. He was her best friend now.

The two of them waited in silence for a while, and Rima could only feel someone else was coming. Her instincts were right, just as they always were, and a small girl popped out of the bushes. Her hair was white and her eyes were big and gray. She was adorable. Sophrima held in her words still, sitting as tall as she could. The girl had ears too, and a stubby tail. She wore blue overalls and Rima could smell the sugar pouring out of her pockets. Peppermint? It had a nice smell. She looked the girl up and down, already loving her.

"You two are mine now, okay?" Sophrima grinned, showing off her fangs, "I'm gonna protect you till we die!"

"Yes ma'am!" The little boy said, "I'm Eros!"

"I-I'm K-Kandiy!" The young girl followed.

"I'm Sophrima, your alpha!"

And they stayed like that, there in the woods, because now they had each other. Now they could accept each other. Now they didn't have to be alone or scared. Rima could only hope these two stayed by her side for the rest of her life.

“A group of wolves is a pack, MY group of wolves is a family.” -Sophrima

LilyandEvergreencreators' thoughts