
My Favorite People

This is the story of how friends and their lives. The people I love with all my heart. (Lore)

LilyandEvergreen · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Love the Alpha

Sophrima was confused. Ever since the first day of school, she'd been on edge. She'd felt as though she was being watched. And guess what? She was. She'd felt the same pair of eyes on her skin throughout the day, and finding out who they belonged to was easy. Marco, was it? He was cute, boyish, and puppy-like. He had this cold steel style that Rima quite liked. She felt herself wanting to connect with the guy…but what was he? She knew he wasn't human, but he couldn't have been another wolf. Except, he carried the canine scent just the same.

It had officially been a few weeks since school started, and she had begun to talk a little more with the kid. He spoke to her everyday. He eventually even started bringing her gifts. Rima was flattered, to say the least. He seemed to be pursuing her. Eros talked about how this was a little off putting to him, and she could feel an overwhelming sense every time he spoke to her. But her instincts didn't tell her anything bad. He was just…weird. Sophrima found his presence nice though. She found herself smiling with each little thing he did.

Today was the start of their Fall Break. That meant things were getting colder, and the day of thanks was coming up. Irene had taught her friends all about her old family traditions. They had all learned sign language within a few weeks of knowing Irene, and now they communicated casually. This year, Rima had enough money to make her pack the best thanksgiving dinner. A bunch of abandoned kids still deserved something to be grateful for, after all. Sophrima was grateful. She appreciated every second of her life with the pack. She hoped they did the same.

Sophrima took a walk to the store. She would need to decorate the school basement to match the holiday. Everyone else was roughhousing and playing their games, so she took it as the time to slip out and begin her secret plan. She was going to make sure they enjoyed their first ever break from school. They'd all been doing so well with learning, the lowest grade in their group being a C. She figured that was something to be proud of as none of them had ever been to a real school. She was only worried about Levi. He hated to go out during the day and he especially hated the other kids. He couldn't force himself to walk through his day without attempting to hide somewhere. Hopefully she could find something to help him soon.

By the time she entered the store, she was feeling down. If she couldn't keep her littler friend safe, how could she continue to help her pack? She was running out of ideas to make more money, and working at the club was a long shot. The loud blaring music and all the different smells upset everyone, and she hated it. She wished they had another option, but where else would they find a place for all of them? Eros had made it clear that if she had to get another job, he did too. He wasn't going to leave her. That obviously meant Kandiy would hop on that train, then Noah and Irene. Levi would be dragged into it all. She knew they couldn't accommodate that. That meant they really only had the club.

Sophrima walked straight to the Thanksgiving section, although there were more Christmas items on the racks. She grabbed a few turkey plushies and a mini cornucopia, as well as some other pretty decor. She made sure to get the best smelling fall candles for nightime. The basement always had a weird sewer smell. She then walked to the food section. She was sure the pack would like a treat for doing so good in the first quarter of school. She grabbed some turkey themed sugar cookies and three steaks. She would cook in the Cafeteria.

Rima was mostly excited because the school would be empty more often, except for the few teachers that needed to walk in during the day. At night though? They could run the school however they wanted. Eros and Noah had planned an entire day of skateboarding down the halls while Kandiy took it upon herself to buy swim clothes for the pool. Rima just wanted to study the humans more. Levi had been to the public library earlier in the week and he collected a bunch of books on humans and what they did. None of them had been living amongst them for too long, so they needed to be refreshed on normal teen life. Especially the blood sucker. She couldn't count how many times she had to scold him so he wouldn't eat someone alive.

In the end, she was just happy to know they would be getting a break. Sophrima couldn't handle explaining to another teacher why she had an umbrella….

-One week ago:

"Sophrima," Miss Aisla called as she was taking her seat in math, "why do you always bring that umbrella into school, and open it indoors?"

"Because, miss," she began to state her case, "I'm collecting bad luck."


She loved her umbrella, and ever since she'd heard the rumor that holding one inside could being bad luck, she couldn't resist doing just that. It was almost like a calling to her. If it wasn't hung over her head, it was pointed at the ground by her waist. She loved that umbrella, it was her favorite thing.

As she wandered the store, she spotted a familiar purple thing running through the isles. Was he shopping too? She followed his scent, the one she had engraved into her mind. He seemed to be hiding…not very well. They seemed to turn around at the same time, coming face to face as the were both looking for each other. Rima gasped as her eyes met his, he was breathtaking. She lost her voice as she admired those eyes. Why were they so pretty now?

"Sophrima!" He said her full name as though it was his favorite word. It rolled off his tongue so easily.

"Marco? Hey!" She greeted him cheerfully, happy to see someone she knew.

"Have I told you that I'm in love?"

That was…sudden. And direct. And…what. Sophrima looked at him as though he'd just confessed to murder. And honestly, this news might have killed her. What was he supposed to say? Those words seemed to settle in her heart, she felt good. She stared at him, knowing the look of adoration could only mean one thing. She couldn't love him…she didn't know him. He was just a guy who liked to spoil her…what would the others think?

She smiled at him, curtsied, and held out her shopping basket. He took it carefully and walked her to the checkout, and they didn't stop walking. They walked around for a while, talking lightly. It was nice. She liked this.

She liked him.