
My Fateful Decision

In the kingdom of Hartland, Kur, a young man with a mysterious past, finds himself entangled in a web of magic, loyalty, and war. As he battles against King Kahlan's tyranny, Kur discovers his own hidden powers and his love for Cara, the king's loyal servant. But their forbidden love is threatened by the war and the king's ruthless ambition. With the fate of the kingdom hanging in the balance, Kur must navigate treacherous alliances, ancient prophecies, and divine interventions to overthrow King Kahlan and claim his rightful place beside Cara. Will their love prevail, or will the war tear them apart?

Abikoye_Emmanuel · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

A Land Called Hartland

The people of Harland were all welcoming and loving people, there was a simple tradition of welcoming strangers into their midst, Hartland only had a simple rule, if you chose to become a citizen of the place then you have to take an oath. The oath was put into law, during the time of King Caldor, the third king of the Hartland. A man came from the outland and was welcomed into their midst, the stranger brought a lot of new and flashy items that drew the attention of the Hartlanders, when he saw that the items were very precious and special to the Hartlanders he told the king that they were a place where they could get a lot of the item. King Caldor was very impressed and pleased by the statement, he asked all families to donate a son who would represent each home and they'll all hunt for the items. Not knowing that the items in question belong to the devil himself, Rahl. Rahl was the most powerful being on earth as at that time, he lived under the mountain where he ruled as a demi-god to his messengers the demons. King Caldor was warned by several chiefs not to listen to a stranger but the pleasure of wealth and power were all his major concerns, the stranger led them to the mountains where they were attacked by Rahl and his Demons. it was a great loss that day for the Hartlanders because every home lost a father, brother, son, uncle, and even grandfather. The only survivor was the stranger who returned with the black magic of Rahl, he saw it as an opportunity to rule over the Hartlanders since he had Rahl's black magic which was the strongest part of Rahl's powers.

Kur a young trader who has all his life been into the business, his father was a trader who traded slaves for oil and gold, it was a simple contract he made with the seeker's man, if he gets them more laborers ( slaves) then they will be able to mine and produce more oil and gold he which he receives in exchange. Kur wasn't really into the same line of business as his father but he also had the blood of a trader so he went into the trading of livestock for cash, since the livestock were used to aid the movement of the miners, Kur was a loving a caring man, his father saw the potential in him and wanted him to join his trade but Kur doesn't because he saw it as a bad act of tricking and trading people. I am sure some of us would be asking how tricking people got into the topic, well its simple, Kur's father sees a man in need and he offers the man some amount of money but in return, he gets to work for him, the person must need a job so he will accept the contract, he further explains that the person would receive a monthly salary and his family would be sponsored by him if its was you, would you hesitate to accept. But the real deal was just to take you into captivity, some men were even unwise and they would bring their friends along. Kur moved to Hartland to continue his trade, Kur isn't a Hartlander he only moved to the place to trade, his familiarity with the Hartlanders made it easy for him to migrate within the place.

On the other hand, there was a lady named Cara, Cara walked as a shipper, and she walked as a cleaner and a cook on the ship, Cara was a slave before she was bought by the ship master. She was just three years of age when she and her family were made captive, the ship master took her in so he could train her to be a sailor, but he died of food poisoning, then the next person in command took over the ship, and everything changed for Cara that very day, her training as a sailor ended and she was made to work as a clean and cook on the ship. but she was happy that she still got the chance to work on the ship. One day during a journey to the Seeker's land, where the mean and flourishing trade was slaving exchange, the ship hit a hard rock beneath the sea and they were a leakage in the ship, Cara was the first to observe the leakage since the kitchen was built on the last floor of the ship, "master there seem to have been a leakage on the ship" complained Cara, the master feeling ignorant of whatsoever Cara had to say asked one of his men to go check out what Cara was saying. A little wooden part of the ship that Cara thought was missing had extended to a very large size of the ship, by the time the man got to the kitchen everywhere was already flooded, just within that instant, the shipmaster began to notice the ship sunk. Everyone began to panic as they looked for a way of surviving, the nearest port to them was the Hartland seaport, there weren't many options to choose from, it was either they drown or seek shelter from the Hartlanders port men.

The Hartlanders men were still welcoming, but they had to swear an oath of alliance, and this oath came with a bidding spell created from the king's black magic, the bidding spell was to ensure that everyone was pursuing the interest of the Hartlanders and the development of the place, anyone who goes out or breaks the oath automatically falls sick or dies of paralyze. Cara, the shipmaster, and his crew took this oath and the spell was cast on them, one thing about the spell is that you don't get to plan evil against the people of Hartland, you'll love to serve the interest of the Hartland first before you can even consider yourself, it was like being hypnotized because you don't get to be yourself. And the reason behind these was to ensure that the step the former King of the Hartland took didn't repeat itself.

Kur had a friend who worked close to the port, he was a fisherman, and his parent named him Caldor, he was named after the former king of the Hartland, well one can tell that he must be a Hartlander. Cara and the crew were moving their belongs from the wrecked ship when Kur and Cara crossed paths, Cara was carrying a heavy box filled with coins Kur helped grab the box so it wouldn't fall, but the crew master gave her a heavy wipe on her back, " do you want to disturb the loyal men of the humble port with your laziness" he exclaimed, although Kur tried to play as if all was well he told the crew master that he was fine and it wasn't cara fault beside she was just a woman but the crew master instead that she got the job done in the right way. "who are those men with that lady, they seem new here " Kur asked Caldor as they continued their walk, Caldor explained everything to him but Kur couldn't help but to pity Cara who was working with such awful master who doesn't regard woman. 

One day after a big trade, Kur asked one of his workers to take one of their biggest cattle to the farm, on his way to the farm he encountered a hungry wolf, and the worker knew the only way to get rid of the wolf was by distracting it with something else while someone moves the cattle, but he was alone in the wild and no one to assist him, the wolf started moving closer, the worker stood in front of the wolf and he brought off his stick. the piece of wood was used to control the livestock as they journey from one location to another, but this time it seems like the stick would be used for the protection of these same livestock. Just as the wolf was about to jump on the scared worker, a lady jumped and caught the wolf before he got to the man, the lady then cast a spell on the wolf and it slept off, the worker was grateful but he was never allowed to show his gratitude, the lady in shadow has already disappeared to fin air, but the worker observes the stain of blood on the floor, he looked at his cattle but nothing was wrong with it, he checked the sleeping wolf and nothing was also wrong with it, it was strange because the blood wasn't there before, he observes his own body and all was well with him. The worker picked the wolf and he continued his journey with his cattle.

By the time the rest of the workers saw the arrival of the first worker who encountered the strange lady earlier, they all rushed to help him with the cattle and the wolf, not knowing that the wolf was still alive they kept it close to where all their livestock was kept, few hours after his arrival, the livestock started making different noise late in the night, the workers and Kur got up to check on the livestock but before they could arrive a lot of damages has been done. The head of all workers tried to explain what had happened earlier to Kur but he never showed interest, looking at this now he had enough time to listen to the story of how a wild animal got close to his livestock.

The following morning Kur reported the incident to the king of the Hartlanders, this was the first encounter between the king and Kur. well, the king has heard a lot about Kur, such a successful man's story should have reached the ears of kings and other nobles men, "My king one of your people tricked my worker with a false sleeping wolf, and later in the middle of the night it attacked my livestock" Kur complained bitterly, it was surprising to the king because these were the first time a foreign trader would be complaining about the activities of his people, the king asked Kur to return to his business that they were going to figure out who the person was, just was Kur was about the exit the main gate to the palace the king tried to use a magic spell on him to fell asleep immediately, but instead his guards at the gate were the one who fell asleep. The reason for the king doing that was to confirm if Kur swore the oath, whosoever swore the oath would be under the control of the king, but to the king's surprise Kur was different and the king had an interest in Kur immediately.

Cara washed the blood on her and treated the injury on her wrist, it was a very big cut she got from the wolf, she knew that the worker would tell his master about the incident and the master would want to reward her for the good work, but she never expected it to turn out bad. Every Kur worker had a symbol on their forehead which indicates that they worked for a particular master, Cara journeyed to Kur farm but to her surprise, she saw the king's men attacking Kur Farm, she saw how the king's soldiers punished and killed all Kur workers. Kur escaped through the back door that leads to the wood, just as he was about to enter into the shadow of the wood a solider spotted him and they took a pursuit after him, Cara knew she had to help to forget that she had taken the oath that has cast a binding spell on her.

In the woods, Kur hid at a spot and waited for the solider to patrol the area and leave, but to his surprise the soldier got into a fight with a person in the shadow, Kur watched all the soldiers after him lose their lives, the person that helps him was also down, Kur approached the unknown person who was lying on the floor, he tried to wake the person but to no avail. the noise of the king's men started getting closer and Kur knew he couldn't abandon the person that saved his life to die.

they journeyed to a faraway village, then Kur saw a little hut that looks abandon he knew they could take shelter at the hut for the main time. by the time they entered to Kur's surprise, he saw four dwarfs who were living in such a hut, well the dwarfs were all welcoming and they helped him with Cara. The four dwarfs of the Uncharted village, are Zedd, Richard, George and Karma. these four were the writers of every individual biography, they could tell the past and future of every individual the four came together and became the WRITERS, it was written in every village's holy book that lived four dwarfs who had the power to interpret your past and future, but no one has ever had the opportunity to get to them except the day Kur and Cara accidentally found them.

Zedd who had the power to heal laid Cara on the floor, he tried to revive Cara back to life but his powers weren't enough, the spell cast on them never to go contrary to the Hartlander's rule and interest was very strong accompanied by the black magic of Rahl which is one of the biggest threat to the ' Writters'. " am sorry they're nothing I can do to save her, she has limited time to live and you need to act fast, they are only one way to save her" Zedd explained bitterly to Kur, " so what is the only way to save her ?"

" you'll need the blood of Rahl, he's the one who possesses the black magic spell cast on, she fell. because she fought back at the Hartlanders soldier that's why she passed out and she has limited time to live" George who had the power to tell the past explained to Kur who was deep in worries.

" so I need to save her with the blood of a Rahl, but where can I find a Rahl," asked Kur,

"you'll have to journey back to where you are coming from, you don't need the blood of Rahl anymore, because he has lost his black magic to the Hartlanders king. And he has Rahl's black magic" Kalma explained.

Kur couldn't return because he was scared of what the king could do to him if he was found, the writers tried to appeal to him but he insisted that he wasn't going to make it and he could not take the chances since his survival wasn't guaranteed to him. Kur and Cara became close after four months of staying with the Writters, Kur went early to the hut while Cara and the Writters stayed back to watch the apartment, Cara usually takes a magic portion that keeps her strong, but no one knows how long it would take before her body system would start rejecting the portion given to her. This was because a hidden secret about Cara was that her father was a Demon, a messenger of Rahl, so Cara was lucky for the portion to have not hurt her. The writers knew about this hidden truth but they could not tell either Kur or Cara so as not to raise panic.

One day Kur returned and discovered that everywhere and everything wasn't as it was, the animals that play at the doorstep of the dwarf little hut were not there, the client sounded strange and Kur wasn't sure what was wrong, he drew out his sword and approached the door step-by-step. Just as he was about to open the door, Richard opened the door and dragged Kur inside, holding him by his left ear

"Can you see what you have done to her" They both entered the corner where Cara and the others were staying, Cara was turning into a Demon little by little. This was the side effect of the portion that had been given to her, since she was a descendent of Rahl's messenger she wasn't allowed to take anything about the Writers. The black magic oath was a very strong bond that only a special spell in the books of Rahl Black Magic can break.

" you have to save her, she can't become a messenger of Rahl" Kalma exclaimed,

Kur felt ignorant because he never believed that Rahl and his messengers truly existed, Kur's father told him the story of Rahl whenever he wanted to go to bed, to him Rahl was a bedtime story and he believed Rahl didn't exist.

At this point, Kur was already into Cara, even though she was a half-human, half-Demon. The writers feared for what might become of Cara if she became a full Monster, Kur wasn't sure what to do but he couldn't let the love of his life become a monster and a messenger of Rahl.

" does Rahl and his Demon truly exist," Kur asked George as they journeyed to the Seeker's land in search of the heart of a Whale, they needed it to cure Cara so she wouldn't turn to full power, but how long could they keep up with the treated, the best and only treatment to save Cara was to get the black magic of Rahl from the Hartlanders king.

The news of Kur and his secret assassin floating the Hartland after killing some soldiers spread very fast and the Seekers weren't behind the world (which means that they were also aware of the incident), the king placed Kur and his secret Assasin wanted and price reward of 1000 coins for whosoever brings them alive. Kur never knew about this wanted notice placed, so he and the dwarf that accompanied him wandered among the Seekers freely. By the time they got to where they were supposed to get the heart of a whale, some group of soldiers surrendered them and from the look of things they were the Seeker's soldiers, Kur was surprised about the arrest since it wasn't the first time he traded with the Seekers. The head of the army then appeared and ordered the arrest of Kur and his accompany, Kur and George were presented before the Seekers Magistrate, after a few hours of waiting at the court the Hartlanders King appeared with his soldiers and a few chariots, Kur now understood the handwriting on the wall, the Hartlanders King had ordered for his arrest, George was accused to be the accomplice who fled the Hartland with him. After some moment of expression by the family of the soldiers who lost their lives that night the court declared Kur and George to be sentenced to Life Imprisonment and for the interest of the Seeker's land they sold them to the Hartlanders King who was present to witness these sentence, now the Hartland King had all right to do to whatsoever he please with Kur and George but he doesn't have the right to kill them. But at this point, Kur would do anything to get back to Cara, if he was in prison then who is going to save Cara?

The Hartlanders King was insulted that Kur was chained among his dogs, while George was imprisoned with other offenders. After a few days of waiting Cara and the rest of the Writers were already worried, the Writers knew something wasn't right since they were all connected through their emotions. " something isn't right, we have to go out and look for them" Kalma suggested,

" but where do we start from, it's a big world out there and we've not been out as far as I can remember, and the only person amongst us that knows about the outside world has accompanied Kur" Richard argues.

"I'll go, I know more about the outside world," Cara said as she came out from where she was eavesdropping on their conversation, she reacted to the statement again to make herself known to the Writers that she was sure of what she was saying, "I'll look for them, I guess am the only one here in the right frame of mind to go.

" you can't go out looking like this, even before you get to Kur and George you would be arrested" Zedd argued, Cara had already come to full power, the portion wasn't working again and the writer knew they had to stop trying and allow her to become what she truly his.

" Why can I perceive the smell of blood, I feel hungry" Cara complained as she entered her full power,

" you have to go, you can't be here, you are now a mons..." Zedd said in fear as they watched Cara turn into a full Demon, "I'm a what? a mons what? complete your statement. you feel I am a monster?" Cara replied angrily,

it was too late to save Cara and she had entered full power, Zedd and others flew away from the scene just to be safe, while Cara flew away into thin air. 

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