

Anna looked at Anthony walking towards we're Sofia was at the hotel she chuckled to her self and mumbled:" old man just you wait for me to set you up you need a bit of romance in your life I think I will like to call her Auntie Sofia" she chuckled.

Mu Yazhe walked over and heard Anna and thought she puts effort into others romance how about some of that for her own we would be back to normal:" hey Little Demon what are you up to" he looked at his devious wifey.

Anna jumped out of her skin she looked and thought when did he become so quiet I didn't even hear him come or is my hearing going I need to check it out later but for now, did he hear me oh boy!

Anna chuckled and looked at Mu Yazhe: what are you doing here" she smiled sheepishly.

Mu Yazhe looked amused oh is that how you want it okay let's play then:" oh I came to ask if you want to come to meet Mr Marco Daniels, with me and see why he wanted his family gone" he smiled wanted to pull Anna's ears.

Anna**?** who? What are you talking about" she looked puzzled?

Mu Yazhe looked at Anna she looked so cute when she was caught off guard she didn't know what he was talking about he didn't explain he just asked, sometimes he wonders how she managed the missions but if he hadn't seen Anna in her element he knew she was a completely different personality:" hey little Demon just tag along and you will soon know but you will have to be addressed as my wife okay" he smiled.

Anna looked at him what was that moody? what got into him?:" I'm your wifey already why do I need to act the part or is it something I don't know Master Mu how many other wifey's your hiding huh?" he looked at the man whose behaviour was strange.

Mu Yazhe gulped his none existence saliva and thought I'm done for she is sure to pound me. He decided to change tactics:" I don't have another wifey your my and only Little Demon and you explain to me when you behave like my wife you take advantage of me and then run away should you take responsibility for your action? you tease me until I lose control and then fall asleep on me? when we go for a stroll you walk at a distance if you touch me. You catchy something? Do you never hold my hands? Do you steal kisses? you boss me around like I am your servant, not your husband " he frowned he looked at Anna and thought have I said too much she isn't going to be upset with me.

Anna thought what the hell happen to grumpy he is out of wack today is he serious did I do all of the things he just said may I do is he angry with me will he leave? What do I do I want him to stay but how oh someone helps anyone? :" what do you mean I don't behave like your wife how does a wife behave? when do I boss you around," she thought back to all the years when she trained with jim she missed him around the one here and nos not so much.

She knew she did boss him around more than the others but she wasn't going admit it:" you are more than happy help me out and if you don't want just say so?" what's got into him is this him telling m he has had enough and wants to leave? Want do I do help? Anna was on the verge of tears she felt something stir in her heart too she couldn't let him go this time:" And weren't you to suppose to woo me you already complaining I knew it wasn't your cup of tea, you couldn't woo a donkey forget a human I will show you I can be a wifey don't say your regrets laters" she looked at him she wants to punch him he hit him in the face she also wanted to cry?

Anna walked off if stayed should surlily cry," I am going to get dressed" she muttered under her breath that's all she muster. As she entered the room she remembered she only had one suit that Mu Ramono had brought her when she had to attend meetings at the hotel with a foreign client, rest of her clothes were casual everyday wear, she had a few designer causals wear most of their clothes were made by the seamstress in the orphanage they designed them too they sold in the mall that she had brought they started to trend well the designers were making a name for her self spoon she would be known in the fashion industries. Anna didn't need big brand clothing because of where she lived. She preferred her jogger and hoodies she was comfortable in.

she thought about wearing shorts to wind Mu Yazhe off but she knew him he would drag her back and change her clothes for her and he would enjoy doing it she wasn't going to let him be amused at all she was thinking about what he said then she thought about it he was right she didn't behave like his wifey she always runs away from him she didn't hold hands when they walk around she had seen her kids and their spouses walking hand in hand holding each others waist and hold the shoulder while walking, hmm she thought okay I don't behave like I am married okay then Mr Mu Yazhe is in for a surprise I will behave like clingy wifey hehe. The only thing was she didn't know how they behaved either she needed a crash course in being a super clingy wife if there was such a thing?

Anna wore her female suit black Armani her hair was short parted to the side it was easy to maintain, of course, her trainers underneath she didn't do shoes or heels. She pulled out her wedding ring she placed it on her hand to the day she would behave like a wife how she didn't know. my Yazhe slid yen ring she was unconscious from the beach she was surprised as well as happy.

As she walked out of the room Mu Yazhe was waiting for Anna he was in his Armani lack suit he looked sexy in anything she liked him in everything he wore and when he didn't wear anything he was so sexy. Anna was daydreaming when Mu Yazhe kissed her cheek:" hey gorgeous you look the business let's go and reck someone's business my sexy sidekick" he smiled.

Anna chuckled a sidekick I thought he wanted a wifey now sidekick I can do she just need a gun she would look the part she chuckled at her thoughts:" hey let's go can you tell me the plan on the way" she grabbed his hand as she pulled him out of the door.

Mu Yazhe smiled as he followed her out looking at his hand he saw the ring on her finger as well he thought well, well, well little Demon just need an egging on to get what I wanted my wifey, I can work with this he smiled as he got in the car which Anna opened for him, he smiled as he bowed slightly to say thank you, he was going to try more of these tactics. He knew wooing Anna a more difficult task than business but this way would work too.

Anna jumped to the other side she smiled at her shenanigans she thought you watched out for me hubby, dear. I am going to woo you instead of you better watch out Master Mu. She was thinking I will ring Amelia later and ask her she is a wife Anna's eyes the perfect wife she always saw the way The couple did little subtle moves on each other but it made the other smile like she had seen Amalia just gentle place her hand on Ting Jun chest as she passed him by, Ting Jun placed his hand around Amelia's waist just causally pull her towards him pecked her cheeks, the way they looked at each other Anna was sure they had a conversation in their minds, she was amazed at how they finished each others sentence, and when they were in the kitchen they worked in harmony finishing each other's dishes her imagination now wonder thinking could me and Yazhe have this kind of relationship she would love it.

Anna knew she and Mu Yazhe would never reach that level of husband and wife but even half would amazing she looked over at Mu Yazhe and thought how do I even start this kind of training with Yazhe she would ask her sister when she got back she wanted a relationship where they understood each other without the spouse having to speak, hmmm she was going to train him whether he wants to or not?

Anna decide to deal with what they were about to first then she will deal with her husband later, Li Jannan was driving Anna hadn't seen him in a long time, and secretary Chang she only saw him when he was giving updates on their business she hadn't spoken to him for months, the shadow guards followed behind overall they looked smart they all were wearing suits they looked cool for Anna. They looked like the team of people Mu Yazhe's the secretary and bodyguards just like they did along, long time ago.

Anna:" hey secretary Chang and Jannan it's been a while how are you when did you get here" she smiled she was happy to see these two she hadn't seen them in a long time she had left they stayed by Mu Musin( little Rock) side.

Li Jannan chuckled:" hey Little chimp it's good to see you too" he smiled he give her that name after watching her jump off buildings like a monkey.

Secretary Chang:" hey madam Yazhe how are we got here this morning Sir said he need help with something so here we are" he smiled.

Mu Yazhe got in he looked at the two men in front:" did you bring what I asked for" he looked at them.

Secretary Chang handed Mu Yazhe a file he started to read it Anna leaned over peaking at the file she was shocked when she saw it but soon smiled:" this is Feng Chou from the Famous Feng family in China so what are we going to see him about" he looked at her Mu Yazhe.

Mu Yazhe smiled:" well the thing is Little Demon wait and see what my good friend Feng Chou is going to help us with this uta Auntie I am going to see we need on board with a collaboration with a Mall and hotel that the boys are working on" he smirked.

Anna know how Mu Yazhe business mind worked she had worked with him so she knew to sit back and watch her devious husband at work this was his world he was the still the Master of. She looked through the file once Mu Yazhe had read it she now know what her husband was about to do. She smiled and thought he did not forget anything he is slick.

Mu Yazhe looked at Anna he whispered:" you know what role your playing right" he smiled even more now looking at Anna thinking she was clueless and she looked cute.

He leaned over and kissed her cheek making them a nice shade of pink then he whispered:" figured it out yet " he slid his hand under her blouse tickled her hip.

Anna was burning bright pink with her ears on fire she thought what is trying to do to me in the car this man is unpredictable I don't know what to expect with him one minute he is complaining about me being not his wifey now he seducing me in the car:" no I don't tell me what is my role" she looked at him innocently she tried not burst out laughing.

Mu Yazhe smirked as he whispered close to her ears purposely blowing hot air in them:" my positive wifey of course" he chuckled.

Anna looked confused couldn't he say that just normally why did he have to all of his flirting with it:" Oh okay " she smiled like didn't bother her it did how did a wife behave. She didn't have a clue she always behaved the way she did she was never trained for the wifey role on boy! She was in trouble.

Mu Yazhe knew she was clueless that was part of Anna charm that made her so irresistible he could kiss her until they had no breath left in either of them. He smiled at the confused look, he knew she was thinking now of how she should behave and as usual, she was clueless he knew she would be great at everything she does so he wasn't worried but he couldn't help but tease Anna.

Mu Yazhe shuffled over and whispered blowing in her ear again:" need help in learning how to be wifey" he smiled like he was helping.