
My Extraordinary Career is Wet Nurse

To repay my debt, I became a wet nurse in Boss Li's household, and not only did I have to breastfeed his child, but I had to breastfeed him as well…

The Ideal of An Experienced Driver · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
491 Chs

Chapter 107

When we hugged each other, Ouyang Longhua bent his head and gently kissed my forehead.

Just that kiss instantly set me aflame.

I immediately pressed my lips against his, and we began to kiss fervently.

It seemed he was infected by my passion, holding me tightly with both hands.

After a moment, his hands slipped under my clothes, beginning to caress me.

I, in turn, actively reached into his pants, and through the underwear, I gently fondled him.

Touched by me in that manner, Ouyang Longhua's response intensified.

I could feel his heartbeat quickening and his breath becoming rapid, so I increased the intensity of my kneading.

He panted heavily, lifting my clothes, and then yanked down my bra; when my "Mi Tao" was exposed, he caught it in his hand, squeezed forcefully, and juice sprayed out.

Seeing the juice, Ouyang Longhua swallowed hard, then opened his mouth and took in the "cherry," sucking fiercely.