
Pirate heaven

After a few hours of sailing, They finally spotted the Island of pirate heaven.

The place consisted of four small mountains, two stuck together and two separated. The main city and harbor were built on the two stuck mountains while the main keep was built on its separate mountain. The last mountain got left as a wilderness for herbs and other plants and animals.

Jack's ship slowly approached the harbor, they could see pirates lining up to see who came. The ship slowly docked and dropped the anchor.

CREEK! BAM! The sailors pushed the long wooden ramp down creating an easy exit. They all started packing things from the deck to hide them inside the quarterdeck.

Jack approached the ramp with Cain, stared down, and took a deep breath watching the ugly faces glaring at him. "A beautiful place isn't it?"

Cain looked down, "Smells like troubles, there is a hag here after all." He scanned the people but couldn't sense a thing between them, they were all regular pirates.