
My Dungeon System in Revara

Step into the mystical realm of Revara alongside Viru, thrust into a world of magic and mystery. With the power to command a living dungeon, Viru faces a thrilling path ahead. As he gathers extraordinary allies with powers beyond imagination, they forge a dungeon that beckons challengers from all corners. Prepare for an exhilarating journey as Viru rises, confronts, and conquers in the relentless pursuit of glory. In a world where every step is a heartbeat away from danger, Revara's secrets unravel, and Viru's destiny unfolds in a tale that will grip you until the final, heart-pounding moment.

Revara · Fantasia
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103 Chs


With a triumphant victory under their belt, both the parties headed back to the dungeon inorder to celebrate their win.

The Elite subordinates assembled for a meeting in the main hall to offer a report about the battles fought in the last few days.

'We successfully subdued the kroken monster village without killing any of the evolved monsters under the village chief's control. The chief is waiting outside this tent to officially meet you Viru sama.'

Reported Luro as he briefed about the battle.

'Let him in. I want to formally welcome him to our group.'

Said Viru as he wanted to see this powerful Kroken village chief.

As he wished to see him, the chief walked in wearing his indigo robe and holding a staff in his hand.

'I am voilus, chief of the village. It's my pleasure to be a part of your dungeon Viru sama.I shall offer you my service as a water mage chief.'

Offered voilus his greetings.

'Glad that my subordinates could bring you in one piece. We definitely need someone as powerful as you.'

Said viru with a hint of sarcasm.

'While we are on it, let me introduce to the leaders of the rhino settlement. Meet Aliya and aslan. I know that there's bad blood between both of your villagers, but I hope we can move past it.'

Said Viru as he already knew about the battle that happened long ago between the two villages. They fought against each other and that resulted in severe casualties including the parents of Aliya and Aslan and the daughter of Voilus.

'It's been a long time Viru sama, me and my brother are almost over it. We know enough about how life in a forest like this works. So I suggest voilus to also puts his anger aside and start over.

What do you say voilus?'

Aliya expressed her thoughts on the subject about past grievances. Becoming a subordinate made her see the bigger picture rather than being attached to the past. Her loyalty to viru also led her to believe that nothing else mattered more than Viru from now on.

Fortunately, becoming a subordinate also had the same effect on voilus.

'I agree aliya. It's refreshing to see what a great warrior you've become.'

Voilus decided to turn a new page over and start a new life that brought forth bottomless opportunities to him and his villagers.

'Since we are all on the same page, let's start discussing about the layout of my dungeon. First things first, where do we settle both the settlements in the nature domain?'

And so begun the meeting about the dungeon layout.

'As we previously agreed, there are going to be two subdomains in the first level. I'm going to split the key into two and place each of the key in these two domains. The guardian appointed in each of these domains will fight to their death with their army to protect the key from being seized by the enemy. A enemy who has both of them will be allowed to enter the inner forest which is under the control of the forest walker. Then if they are strong enough, they can try to defeat the forest walker and enter the core chamber to take a peek at the star dragon. After which they will definitely runaway.'

All these informations were the result of Albus's interpretation and information that Albus had about the dungeon system of viru.

The kroken monsters always preferred to live near large water bodies. Their racial features provided them with sufficient advantages in such a terrain. Placing a sub domain there for the kroken monsters would give them an excellent place to administer their defences and defend the subdomain efficiently. Considering all these facts, Navia found the perfect place for the settlement of the kroken monsters. Nature domain has a large lake at one end. The water body was placed exactly between hills which presented many defensive possibilities. The discussion ran for a while and they finally decided to settle the kroken monsters there.

'Who's going to become the boss monster in this subdomain?'

Viru had to appoint a guardian in the subdomain. So he raised the question to see who volunteered.

'Viru sama, I believe it would be the best to make Voilus the guardian of the water domain. He already has plenty of experience in handling a village and he would be delighted to have control again.

I would like more to be on your side and support you to my best in the future.'

Expressed Zain, his opinion on the matter as he didn't want to be the guardian.

Listening to his request, Viru consulted Albus to somehow find a way to make Zain involved in the subdomain, so his strength can contribute to the strength of the domain. Having powerful warriors in a group increased the possibility of having more stronger soldiers.

'There is a way, Zain can be placed as one of a challenger in the subdomain. Zain will get his own battle ground. The difference between a challenger and the guardian of the domain is that, a guardian has time restrictions placed on them outside the dungeon. Whereas a challenger can spend, as much time as they want outside the dungeon, but they will be summoned back when a challenger wants to challenge them. An enemy who enters the subdomain can enter this separate battle ground and invite the challenger to battle. But Zain also has to place an item worthy enough to be classified as a reward. An enemy who defeats Zain can claim this reward.'

This was Albus's solution to Viru's question. This way, viru can always use Zain for his personal matters and also have his strength influence the subdomain.

Viru explained Albus's solution to Zain's request to everyone.

'Yes I can be a challenger. It's an excellent opportunity to battle some tough opponents.'

Answered Zain as he was surely willing to become a challenger.

'That sounds fun! Count me in too!'

'Me too!'

Exclaimed Pyra and Karina as they heard this great chance to challenge some strong opponents.

'How did I land such high spirited women as subordinates.' Chuckled Viru as he was happy to have such subordinates under him.

Viru left the matter of appointing challengers on the domain to a later time.

The group proceeded to move on with the rhino warriors. They thrived in a place with stones and rock solid ground. This made them excellent candidates to be placed where the stone mine was. By doing this, they can contribute to the mining of stones and maybe other ores in the future when they are introduced in the domain.

After minutes of discussion with the rhino warriors they agreed to settle near the stone mine.

Aliya didn't have so much interest in leading the settlement, so Aslan was made the guardian of the subdomain. Aliya was very much elated to be a challenger in the domain. She even waited for the day when she would be able to challenge strong opponents.

As the meeting reached it's conclusion, everyone had their work cut out for them. Everyone had to work a lot in the upcoming days to finish the process of setting up these subdomains and also meanwhile explore the forest by capturing more monsters and collecting resources.