
My Divine Tree System

Mikeal was born a prince of Emedia nation, in a world where magic is condemned as a weapon of evil. An incident happened causing him to unleash his magic. This however was frowned upon and as such led to dire consequences. Mikeal was banished from the palace and sent on exile to the most perilous place on the planet, to serve as the lord of the region. Using the function of his Divine tree system, Mikeal had access to perks that others could not. He could perform miraculous events that would otherwise be deemed impossible. Slowly but surely, he builds his forces while in exile, ready to come back stronger than ever.

CatasOR8 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
150 Chs

Banishment ( Rewritten )


The multitude gathered in the wide open grounds, a clear distinction separating the commoners from the likes of the nobles seated in high places.

The commoners paved the way as the guards served as an escort to he who was bundled in chains. He was obedient, following them to the execution ground that lay ahead.

The two guards brought him to the podium and knelt him down before the nobles seated ahead with the commoners behind him.

The drums were rung and from the building came the highest authority in the kingdom dressed in his kingly garb.

"Today I summon you all here for an issue that has bothered our kingdom greatly". The king addressed his subjects, audibly.

"Kneeling before nobles and commoners alike is the cursed prince with the tainted blood".

The expressions from the commoners were predictable. Horrors and murmurs filled the grounds, questions and anticipation became their calling.

"His cursed blood has beclouded our kingdom, his existence threatening all that we have built into oblivion. For that reason, I gather you all here so that in your presence we can pass judgment on his nefarious fate and maintain the peace we fought to keep".

He paused, his eyes capturing their reactions along with that of Mikeal's.

"I hereby declare by the power vested on me by my ancestors, our ancestral rulers that Mikeal the cursed prince shall henceforth be banished to the northern border of Emedia. There he shall serve the rest of his life as the lord of Eworin".

"Thus concludes my command. If there are any dissatisfied by my decision, you are permitted to speak or forever hold your peace".

The king looked to the grand duke who was seated by his side for comment.

After the bold decision of the king, the grand duke himself lost any leisure to go against his authority.

It wasn't because he couldn't, but rather he had no reason to.

Sending the cursed prince to the northern border, to Eworin land. That is a punishment worse than death itself. Hence no reason for the grand duke or any other officials to voice out.

Having heard no vocal retaliation from the nobles and commoners alike, the king exited the scene leaving the guards to carry out his will.


A horse carriage was parked at the entrance of the opened gate. Three guards, one on foot while the two guards were on horses walked toward the carriage.

"Now departing to the prince's place of exile.

The man announced as he got on the carriage and took to the driver's seat. He took the rope to control the two horses to start moving.

The two guards on horses followed the moving carriage side by side.

Inside the horse carriage are two individuals with one creature.

One is Mikeal, the main reason for the carriage's departure. The other is a lady in a maid's outfit sitting opposite Mikeal. And the last one is Siveth the fully grown tiger.

Siveth lay beside Mikeal with her head on his lap and her eyes shut.

The presumed maid had an uncanny beauty, the kind that had a hidden danger behind that innocent cuteness. She had a fleshy-shaped figure, plump thighs and an average-sized chest with a well-curved waist.

"And who are you supposed to be". Mikeal interrogated.

She looked so innocent and obviously scared of the silent tiger, knowing what she was capable of.

"I~ I am the maid assigned to you by his majesty". She responded, her voice cracking out of fear and shyness.

"A maid?!". He repeated, a laugh forming on his face.

"Never was a maid sent to me while I was abandoned in the northern palace, but he would send a maid while he sends me to my doom".

Mikeal was triggered. All he could do was laugh at the irony.

"I will give you one chance maid, get off this carriage while you still can. Stay away from me while the opportunity is available to you". He commanded.

"Your Highness I!".

"Never again are you to refer me by that title".

Mikeal shut her off with disgust. The mere mention of the title brought a bad taste to his mouth and he abhors it greatly.


"Siveth". Mikeal called to the cat who stood her head off his lap.

At the same time, the carriage halted its track.

"Something is wrong". Says Mikeal, taking notice of Siveth's change in attitude.

"Your Highness stay here while I go check it out". She proposed, hurrying out of the carriage before she was talked to by Mikeal.

She got out and shut the door behind her, leaving Mikeal where she assumed he would be safe.

Mikeal however was not one to stay quietly locked in after what just happened. He had a bad premonition owning to Siveth's action.

He got out of the carriage with Siveth acting as his entourage.

"Your Highness, stay back". She urged, guarding Mikeal with a dagger in both hands.

There is the question of how she got those daggers, but that can wait. More importantly, are the five men in black with weapons and a threatening demeanour.

He looked at the ground and saw the immobile bodies of the two escorts along with the driver.

They have no marks on them yet are down.

'Assassins'. Mikeal assumed from how silently the escorts were taken out.

"I have just one question for you. Who sent you".

Mikeal was calm almost as though he had expected something like this to happen. A lot wants him dead so it is only natural that they would take advantage of the chance they are given.

If he is to die, he should at least know at the hands of whom.

"Oh, would you look at that. Trying to act cool even in the face of death. Fine, I will entertain your coolness". Says the leader.

"We were sent here by none other than the king of Emedia nation, by your father". He declared.

"The king! No, your Highness, the king wouldn't".

"Shut up". He interrupted the maid.

His father! His supposed flesh and blood want him dead! The same man that brought him into this world!

Mikeal was devastated. Never in his life had he felt this way, not even when his father slapped him when he cast him out of his sight.

During those times, not once had he truly loathed his father. Because he believed, he knew the reasons why he was like that.

"A cursed child!". He thought, outwardly.

Right now is the most sad he had ever been, this is the time he had truly ever felt alone. A time when truly, he knows all his lost.

His loneliness gave rise to something, his resignation to keep on going served as an anchor to his awakening.