
My Divine Tree System

Mikeal was born a prince of Emedia nation, in a world where magic is condemned as a weapon of evil. An incident happened causing him to unleash his magic. This however was frowned upon and as such led to dire consequences. Mikeal was banished from the palace and sent on exile to the most perilous place on the planet, to serve as the lord of the region. Using the function of his Divine tree system, Mikeal had access to perks that others could not. He could perform miraculous events that would otherwise be deemed impossible. Slowly but surely, he builds his forces while in exile, ready to come back stronger than ever.

CatasOR8 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
150 Chs

A Name That Should Not Be Spoken

"How dare you! You damn dumb bitch! How dare you ruin my perfect plan". Yelled the leader of the assassin, furiously.

"You! Go and bring her to me". He ordered the assassin that was by his side.

There was a reason why the assassins wanted to wait for the drinks to be chugged down before they took action. The drink has been induced with pills meant to weaken the body.

They can't use poisons for various reasons so they decided to stick to the kind that greatly weakens the body. Once they drink it and are weakened, the assassin will have more room to control the crowd.

They will be able to keep them in check as well as time their escape. The guards will be too busy trying to organize the weakened masses as well as keep them in check.

They will be too busy having their hands full, giving them an opening to make a run for it. But now that plan has been thrown out the window, and their opportunities thinned down.

All because of what? Because a single brat comes barging in at the wrong time!

Ain't no way the leader is going to take this sliding down.

Now that it has come to this, they are just going to have to finish the job. They have the king hostage already so things should be able to flow the way they want it to.

That is... As long as they keep the king's presence under their threat.

"Stop right there". He commanded, storming the room as soon as the assassin had laid his hands on Hstoria to drag her away.

"Another dumb kid! Silence him already". The leader ordered.

One of the assassins ran to Mikeal, to grab him in the same way they were about to do to Historia.

Mikeal surprised them all as he charged at the assassin and instantly overpowered the adult male by having his back touch the ground.

It was so unexpected and none were able to follow his movements to understand what had just happened.

All they saw was how the man reached out his hand in an attempt to catch Mikeal. Then next! They couldn't see his figure, not until they heard a groaning sound and turned their eyes in the direction it came from, only to see the man lying flat on the ground with his head facing the ceiling and Mikeal standing by his side.

He surprised them all by showing that he wasn't just some abandoned kid left to survive alone.

Matter of fact, Mikeal's daily routine involved battling with the adult tiger. They would manhandle themselves, rolling each other on the floor to see who dominates the other.

Such exercise had greatly improved his physical ability greatly. That and the fact that Mikeal isn't normal. The likes of ordinary humans could never hope to compete against him in a one-on-one.

"Hello Father! You appear to be in a pinch right now". He says, his gaze strangely directed forward, at where the most important figure of them all was being held captive.

"What do you say... Would you kneel and grovel before my feet to save you and your nobles". Mikeal mocked with a smug.

His thoughts briefly wandered to the past, to a time when he had met his father. "You are a curse! You killed your mother and will bring about the eventual death of the kingdom! Disappear".

He gritted his teeth at the sight of the expression he made when he said those words to him.

"How ironic this is, don't you think so father?". He questioned a tone ridiculing his father's disposition.

"What the hell have you been yapping all this while kid! Do as we say or we start murdering everyone in here". The assasin leader threatened, this time with the blade closer to the king's throat.

"Go ahead, do just that. I will be more than happy to help you out". Mikeal exclaimed, leaving them all in shock.


"You be quiet". He shunned as Historia called out his name.

"Wait! Mikeal?!". One of the hostages retorted.

"Mikeal! Mikeal! Mikeal!". They murmured, his name passing by every mouth as a form of remembrance to where they had heard of that ill omen name.

"Mikeal as in the cursed prince of the northern palace". One of the hostages yelled out.

Soon enough it escalated around, every individual getting frightened at the sound of the name and awareness that the owner of said name was in their midst.

"You all stay silent and composed if you don't want to see any bloodshed".

The assassins were about to lose control of the situation. The name Mikeal has brought about fear and induced a reason for panic.

However, with the assassin's leader making it known to them what position they are in, the murmur dies down and their fear is contained... Though not completely.

'What the hell is with this kid?! Having them all frightened just at the mention of his name'. Thought the assassin leader.

Fear crept up on the face of the assasin leader! Despair became his desolate comfort as he too came to realise what that name meant, what it stood for in the mind of every Emedia citizen.

"Oh! So you know me". Mikeal says, his finger pointing at the assasin leader. "Then you must know I have every reason to murder you all". He added.

"This is a good chance for me if I do say. I can just take out my vengeance on you all and then blame it on the assassins. No one would think to blame me since I will shed a crocodile tear for everybody that falls by my hand". He retorted, a sadistic smile forming on his face.

"Yo~ you wouldn't! I have your father hostage so you wouldn't". The assasin leader exclaimed, unable to hide his fear and panic.

"Father you say?! You call that man my father?!". He laughed, and snickered, sending shivers down their spine.

"Fine, go ahead. Do me the honour of killing him. Spare me the sin of tainting my hands with the blood of the man that brought me into the world. Do it". He urged with confidence and authority in his tone.