
My_Divine Diary

An accident gave Su Hao the ability to reincarnate infinitely. But who can tell him why he cannot live to be five years old every time he reincarnates? The world is dangerous and unfriendly to children. Su Hao set his first small goal-adulthood. “How can I not even be an adult!” … Su Hao has reincarnated time and time again in millions of years. After acquiring enough knowledge, he found a way to become a god. This is a mortal’s path to becoming a god. Maybe…you can too!

unknown_writer_109 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
98 Chs

Ch-53 Murder Ghost

After everyone returned to the Chashan Post, they assumed nothing had happened, and went back to their respective houses.

  Su Hao and Wu Yuntian sat opposite each other on the stone table in the courtyard and talked to each other about what happened this year.

  Su Hao said three sentences. The first sentence said that the teachers of the Martial Arts Academy were very good, the second sentence said that the students were very kind, and the third sentence said that he had learned a lot and was promoted to the master.

  Wu Yuntian just said, Chashan Post is the same as before.

  Then both father and son can see the story that happened to each other from simple expressions, which is very tacit understanding.

   After a moment of silence, Su Hao opened his giant package and introduced his gifts to Wu Yuntian one by one.

  Wu Yuntian listened carefully and didn't speak. After Su Hao's introduction, he didn't even ask Su Hao where he got so much money. After buying so many things, he moved all these things into the house.

  After Wu Yuntian came out again, Su Hao asked, "Father, is there any eyebrow for the enhancement wave of blood energy?"

  Wu Yuntian frowned, nodded and shook his head and said: "It feels a little bit, but there is no way to have the random control effect you described."

  Su Hao can understand that without the support of system data, it is not so difficult for a person to accurately find that kind of trace special substance in the body.

   And the reason why he successfully discovered the special substance of blood gas enhancement wave was that the system collected a large amount of data, and after processing it, directly presented the result to Su Hao.

  Even if it was him, he didn't know how to help Wu Yuntian. He couldn't show the data of Pinball Space in front of others.

  Su Hao nodded and said: "Come slowly, it feels like a good start."

   Suddenly thought of something, Su Hao said again: "Father, do you know the 'beast pattern'?"

  Wu Yuntian shook his head and said: "I know, but I only know that it is related to the promotion of the master, and I don't understand the others."

  Su Hao said: "The animal pattern is indeed the key to promotion to the master. As long as the animal pattern is successfully engraved into the body and a new blood circulation network is constructed, it is enough. So as long as there is a corresponding animal pattern, your father can also be promoted to the master.

  But the animal patterns in my body cannot be given to you, because my animal patterns are too complicated, and there are regulations in the academy that it is not allowed to teach them privately. I also promised the teacher. So I will help you later..."

  Wu Yuntian did not wait for Su Hao to finish, but interrupted directly: "I understand!"

   said again: "Even if there are beast patterns now, I cannot be promoted to Grand Master."

  Su Hao wondered: "Why?"

  Wu Yuntian sighed and said: "My blood strength is stuck at the last bottleneck and has not reached the limit of my body, so it is far from reaching the minimum requirements for promotion to a master."

  Su Hao thoughtfully said: "Is that so?"

  Wu Yuntian smiled bitterly: "You haven't seen the so-called blood gas bottleneck since you were a child, of course you can't feel it. My former teacher told us that if you want to be promoted to a master, you must condense your blood gas to the limit of your body to have a chance of success."

Then he looked at Su Hao and said: "The blood energy enhancement wave you told me gave me a bit of eyebrows, and it also gave me the possibility of breaking through the blood energy bottleneck. If not, I am afraid I will be stuck here in this life and cannot make an inch. "

  Su Hao felt Wu Yuntian's helplessness and fell into deep thought.

  He doesn't think he is a genius, so if he can master the strengthening wave of blood qi, then others can also.

  So Su Hao added a long-term task in the log: to simplify the road to the promotion of warriors.

  Thinking about it, and then add another: Cracking the special secrets of runes.

  If these two tasks can be completed, then Su Hao will be able to use his own power to change the entire world.

  Warriors no longer shut out ordinary people, the transformation of blood energy is no longer as difficult as climbing, and the marking of beast patterns will no longer be a secret.

  If a large number of master martial artists emerge in this world, the situation of this world human race will become better.

  He has acquired a lot of unimaginable knowledge from this world, so he is grateful. And this is what Su Hao thought of, the best way to give back to the world.

  "My knowledge reserve is not enough. What I need most now is to learn more animal patterns and blood-qi theory."

  It is not a simple thing to study a thing thoroughly, break it down into simple steps, and compile a set of teaching materials that everyone understands. In addition to the imagination of Pegasus and the stars, what is most needed is profound knowledge.


  After three days at Chashan Post, Su Hao said goodbye to Wu Yuntian, returned to Lingyun Town alone, and lived in the dormitory of Lingyun Martial Arts Academy.

  At this time, the Lingyun Martial Artist Academy became deserted, and the teachers were all on vacation. It is said that they went to the field to explore as a group, and none of them were seen. Only a few students staying in school and the old man in the Lingyun library were the only ones who could see.

  In Su Hao's perception, this old man's blood qi was very strong and powerful, and he steadily reached the level of a high-level master, but it was stronger than a high-level master. But I have never seen the other party go to other places, almost always stayed in Lingyun Library.

  "Don't you need to go to the toilet?" Su Hao asked a question, and then left it behind.

  The atmosphere of the college is exactly what Su Hao wants. He likes to read and study in this quiet environment.

  What Su Hao did not expect was that he actually saw Xiaomei in Lingyun Library, the little girl who was scared to cry by him in the library, Xiaomei who was addicted to books.

  Unexpectedly, Xiaomei also stayed in school.

   But they are strangers, at most familiar strangers, Su Hao didn't plan to bother, just read the book by himself.

  Time is in a hurry.

  In the first half of the month, Su Hao stepped up to replenish his blood, striving to fill up the rune network in his body as soon as possible, while staying in Lingyun Library to read.

After half a month, Su Hao gnawed all the useful materials in the library. He began to stroll around other library in Lingyun Town. When he encountered useful ones, he bought them and brought them back to Lingyun Library for reading. After reading them, he put the book directly. Entering Lingyun Library, as a supplementary library.

  If you can't afford it, quickly flip through it and record it all in the pinball space, and then watch it slowly when you return.

  Because of this, he was blocked by the owner of the library several times.

  So Su Hao thought of a compromise. He couldn't afford it, but he could rent it for ten minutes for ten copper yuan and return it after ten minutes.

  For the bookstore owner, ten copper yuan is almost nothing, so he agreed to Su Hao's proposal.

  In this way, Su Hao successfully used ten copper dollars to prostitute a book, and both sides felt that it was not a loss.

  Suddenly one evening, Su Hao, who walked out of the library, heard something that almost everyone was discussing on the street.

   "Be careful at night, I heard that five people were missing again last night!"

   "It's terrible. A few days ago, someone from the north of the city went missing for no reason. It was the south of the city last night. I don't know if it will be our turn."

  "What nonsense are you talking about? Do you think you died fast enough?"

   "It is said that the murderer did it, but is it possible that some fierce beast sneaked into the city to eat people?"

"Most likely!"

  "Since seven days ago, people have disappeared every day. It is definitely not accidental."

   "Don't worry! Our guards in Lingyun Town have already started investigating. No matter who did it, it will be picked up soon. What the **** is it!"


  Su Hao listened all the way, and couldn't help frowning; "A murderer? Could it be that some fierce beast has come in!"

  Thinking for a while, Su Hao quickly left the matter behind. No matter what happened, he would not have his turn to worry about. There is also the guards!

  The guards of Lingyun Town are not many, but they are the most powerful organization in Lingyun Town. Ordinary players are all high-level elite martial artists, and the team leader is at least a grandmaster martial artist, and there are even higher positions. The guard team leader is a grandmaster martial artist.

   "Reading is the most important thing."

  Recently, he has read a lot of books. He has a better understanding of the powerful beasts in the wild. He understands that it is not easy to get a complete animal print.

It is not what he imagined. Killing a fierce beast at will can get a complete beast pattern, but by massacring a large number of fierce beasts of the same kind, obtaining the incomplete initial beast pattern from the body of each fierce beast, and then through comparison, Finally, a complete animal print was obtained.

  Su Hao walked to the college with a copy of "Martial Artist A Qiang Field Exploration Biography". This book plus another "Exploration of the Mystery of the Fierce Beast" recorded in Pinball Space was enough for him to read for one day.



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