
My_Divine Diary

An accident gave Su Hao the ability to reincarnate infinitely. But who can tell him why he cannot live to be five years old every time he reincarnates? The world is dangerous and unfriendly to children. Su Hao set his first small goal-adulthood. “How can I not even be an adult!” … Su Hao has reincarnated time and time again in millions of years. After acquiring enough knowledge, he found a way to become a god. This is a mortal’s path to becoming a god. Maybe…you can too!

unknown_writer_109 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
98 Chs

Ch-44 The Power of the Grand Master

"No wonder you can pick all the students from the entire academy. It turns out that you are already the pinnacle of a high-level elite warrior. I thought you were a fighting genius, or underestimated you." Old Liu shook his head and laughed.

  Su Hao modestly said: "My father teaches well."

  Old Liu nodded and didn't go into further details. Since Su Hao has reached this point, then he can teach him how to advance to the Grand Master Martial Artist. As for whether he can successfully advance, it depends on Su Hao himself.

  Old Liu pondered for a moment, then slowly said: "Xiang Wu, has your father mentioned to you what a master martial artist is?"

  Su Hao shook his head and said: "My father is a high-level elite warrior, so he never told me about a grandmaster warrior. And I searched through the information in Lingyun Library, and there was no information about grandmaster level and above."

  Old Liu took it for granted: "This is of course. Grandmaster-level warriors all belong to the high-end human race knowledge, which will not be easily passed on. The successful advancement of grandmaster martial artists generally depends on the inheritance of the family."

  Su Hao was startled, and suddenly understood that the knowledge of this world is mastered by the upper-class clans, and ordinary people can't access this knowledge at all. Su Hao hesitated: "Then Teacher Liu teaches me, will there be a problem?"

Old Liu smiled and said: "The family inheritance is not absolute. There are other ways, such as the Martial Arts Academy. Since you are a student of the Academy, after reaching a certain level, you can smoothly learn higher-level knowledge. This is a matter of course. We The purpose of the academy's existence is also the same, to select talents and create more powerful people for the human race.

  If the inheritance of knowledge relies on the big clan, then the human clan will not have a firm foothold in this world, and it would have been annihilated by the fierce beast. "

  Su Hao is clear.

  Old Liu said again: "You may not know that from the perspective of the human body, the cultivation of a high-level elite warrior has come to an end, and there is no way up."

  Su Hao analyzed the meaning of this sentence, but to no avail: "The angle of the human body?"

  Lao Liu said that there is no way up, but grandmaster warriors, grandmaster warriors, and ancestor warriors all actually exist, so the key point of Lao Liu must be the words "the angle of the human body".

  Old Liu nodded and said: "Yes, from the human body perspective, our human race is a high-level elite warrior, and it is already the strongest state that can be achieved."

Old Liu was very satisfied with Su Hao's puzzled expression, indicating that Su Hao understood the meaning of his words. He slowly said: "Human races are different from fierce beasts. The strength of the human race depends on wisdom, not the body. Human race All of his body structure serves a clever brain, giving up strong power.

  And this smart brain is the key to our survival from ancient times to the present. However, even with a clever brain and no powerful power, we still can't defeat the powerful beasts. We can only hide XZ and struggle for survival. "

  Su Hao nodded, agreeing. Intelligence is indeed the root of human race.

   Just listen to Old Liu You said: "The fierce beast does not need a smart brain. The whole body serves to gain powerful power, so their power can become stronger and stronger as the body grows.

  There are even some powerful beasts that can grow up indefinitely, without opponents, until they can't find enough food and starve to death. "

  "In order to gain powerful strength and improve the living conditions of the human race. Our ancestors started a long experiment.

   First discovered the cultivation methods of ordinary warriors, and then broke through to elite warriors. Our ancestors have been trapped in the elite warrior stage for nearly a thousand years. They found that the elite martial artist seemed to be the culmination that the human race could reach. "

  Su Hao curiously asked: "What happened later?"

Old Liu proudly said: "Later, our human race came out of an amazingly talented generation who was abruptly above the elite warriors and opened a road to the sky. Xiangwu, you must remember that he is our human race. The emperor-Wu Zongzu."

  Su Hao's eyes are radiant with respect: "Human Emperor Wu Zongzu?"

  Old Liu Dao: "Yes, so the highest state of our martial artist is named after him, called the ancestor martial artist. Everyone will never forget his existence."

Old Liu Dao: "After reaching a high-level elite warrior, the emperor entered the dangerous wilderness alone, hunted a large number of beasts, and studied the mysteries of the beasts. Why can the beasts grow infinitely, but only Isn't the human race? Ten years later, he broke through to the master level and returned to the human gathering place."

  Su Hao can imagine that kind of scene, the son of Wu Zongzu's proper world.

"Everyone is crazy! The bottleneck that has stuck the human race for nearly a thousand years was broken by one person. Later, the human emperor began to teach the human race to break through the grandmaster level free of charge. After this method was spread, he entered alone again Wilderness, there is no news ever since.

  However, in just a few years, everyone remembered him and respected him as the emperor. After countless years, the human race broke through to the Taishi level, the ancestor level. One day in the future, it will inevitably be able to break through to a higher level. "

  Said this, Lao Liu sighed and said: "I may not see the scene at that time."

  Su Hao smiled and said, "Mr. Liu, don't be discouraged, maybe you are the one who breaks through!"

  Old Liu was amused by Su Hao. He stretched out his hand and stroked his bright bald head with a smile: "I have difficulties to break through the Taishi level, let alone the ancestor level."

   "Back to the topic, the next thing I want to hand to you is a way to break through to the master level."

  Su Hao immediately sat in distress, maintaining his consistent awe of knowledge.

  Lao Liu stretched out his palm and squeezed it forcefully, the whole arm was bruised, and a fierce breath spread out around him, even slightly raising Su Hao's short hair backwards.

  Su Hao was shocked by this momentum, and when facing Lao Liu again, it was like facing a wild beast, irresistible.

  The pure momentum has reached such a level.

Old Liu said: "This is the power of the Grand Master. It is surging and violent. Compared with the Elite, there is an essential difference. If you regard the power of the Elite as a bucket of water, then the power of the Grandmaster is the rushing river. ."

  Su Hao's eyes widened: "Is the gap so big?"

  Lao Liu loosened his palm and said with a smile: "It's bigger than you think."

   Fearing that Su Hao would not believe him, he stood up and hooked his hands to Su Hao: "You hit me with all your strength and feel the gap between the master and the elite for yourself."

  Su Hao does not doubt that he has him, and nodded and stood opposite Old Liu: "I'm coming, Teacher Liu, be careful."

  The blood qi of the elites in the body burst out with all strength, and the blood qi in the nine palaces rushed out, covering the whole body.

  Su Hao put out a fist-friendly posture, and shouted in a low voice.

   "Cross-cut strong punch!"

  The "cross-cut" technique of gathering power from the whole body combined with the "rigid punch" technique of punching and bursting, Su Hao hit the strongest punch so far.


   There was a muffled sound.

  Old Liu caught Su Hao's punch with his chest.

  Lao Liu only felt that an unexpected force came, and he was beaten by a punch, making him "pound" back five or six steps.

  The self-confidence on her face has disappeared at will, her eyes rounded again, and she coughed and coughed over her chest. He couldn't talk: "Xiang Wu, are you sure you are a high-level elite? You didn't lie to me?"

  Su Hao shook his painful fist and said in amazement: "Yes, my father told me that this is a high-level elite!"



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