
My Disciples All Have The Potential To Be Emperors

As everyone knows, there is one force in the Southern Region that must never be provoked—the Cottage. Its first disciple is the Sword Saint of Qingyun in the Southern Region, who has mastered the way of the sword to perfection. The second disciple is the Eternal Empress, who ruled an era. The third disciple is the greatest scholar of the present age, a literary genius descended from the stars. The fourth disciple is the reincarnation of a demon god, who suppresses the Nine Netherworlds. ... Lu Changsheng: Me? I'm nothing special, just their master.

Xtremey_fun · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
65 Chs

Chapter 13: The Nine Hades Palace

According to legend, after death, every soul will enter the Nine Hades Palace and wash away their past memories in the water of the Yellow River Spring, enabling them to reincarnate. Here, the sky is gloomy, and the surrounding air is visibly murky. Lu Changsheng looks around, and in front of him is a yellow river. Above the river is a bridge, where countless white ghosts are currently crossing. Beyond the bridge stands a massive doorframe with two giant characters inscribed on it: "Hades Palace."

"Who dares to trespass into my Nine Hades Palace?" Suddenly, a roar echoes from the sky, spreading throughout the entire space. Lu Changsheng gazes at the figure in the sky emitting an aura of death. "Who are you?" one of the figures asks, "And why have you come to our Hades Palace?"

Normally, no living beings would come to the Hades Palace; those who do are usually deceased individuals from the mortal realm. However, those who can enter the Nine Hades Palace are all formidable individuals. Lu Changsheng replies confidently, "It's nothing major, I just want to borrow some water from your Yellow Spring River."

The figure's expression changes instantly, and they sternly refuse, stating that the water of the Yellow Spring River is one of the treasures of the Nine Hades Palace and cannot be lent out. Seeing no other option, Lu Changsheng prepares to demonstrate his strength. He brandishes his wooden sword, emanating a fierce sword intent from within.

The figures tense up, preparing to face Lu Changsheng's thunderous strike. But before they can act, Lu Changsheng calmly says, "Alright, come at me one by one."

Confused by his words, they pause in their tracks, unsure of how to respond. Lu Changsheng questions their sense of honor, reminding them that as the caretakers of the Nine Hades Palace, resorting to group violence is unbecoming. The figures exchange uncertain glances, realizing the hypocrisy of their actions.

Ignoring Lu Changsheng's words, they decide to attack him together, intending to capture him alive and subject him to the torment of the Nine Hades Purgatory. As they charge towards him with their artifacts, Lu Changsheng's expression hardens. He raises his wooden sword and strikes forward.

In an instant, the void shatters, and the space of the Nine Hades Palace fractures like glass, resounding with deafening crashes. The previously calm waters of the Yellow River Spring begin to boil as if reaching a boiling point. The figures' faces pale in shock.

"Dao Realm!"

"The Dao of the Sword! How could anyone comprehend the Dao in this realm?"

"Quick, use blood to sacrifice the artifact!"

With these words, they each strike their chests, spraying blood onto an ancient and heavy door. On the front of the door is a fierce ghostly face with sharp teeth, known as the "Luosheng Gate."

As soon as the words fell, the door swelled slightly, transforming into a towering giant gate that descended, blocking the terrifying sword qi.


The sword that shattered the void directly slashed onto the Luosheng Gate!

The aftermath of their collision seemed to sweep through the entire Nine Hades Yellow Springs. The bridge over the Yellow River Spring began to crack, and even the ancient doorframe collapsed under the impact.

However, it was just a moment; the Luosheng Gate emitted a groaning sound under the strain.

Cracks, like ravines, began to spread wildly in all directions!

At this moment, the figures spurted blood from their mouths. The Luosheng Gate was connected to them, and now, with the gate heavily damaged, they could no longer fight.

As the sword qi dissipated, the Luosheng Gate quickly shrank, riddled with countless cracks, and was retrieved by the figures.

"Who exactly are you?" The figures' forms became visible.

They were all elderly, draped in gray cloaks and holding scepters with a sphere-like object above them, emitting a faint green light.

"Why, tell you so you can seek revenge on me later? But tell me, will you lend it or not?" Lu Changsheng's patience was wearing thin.

The six elders exchanged glances, sighing in resignation before nodding in agreement.

"Come with us, sir."

They didn't want to confront him further. If more swords were to come, the Nine Hades Palace would surely collapse, throwing the cycle of reincarnation in this realm into chaos.

Arriving at a side hall, a somewhat ethereal figure stood within.

After the Yellow Spring Envoys bowed to the figure, they left.

The figure turned around, revealing a young and effeminate man.

"I know why you're here. No one in this Nine Hades Palace is your match. The water of the Yellow Spring River can be lent to you, but I have a condition."

"Tell me," Lu Changsheng replied.

The man spoke, "In the future, find a Hades King for this Nine Hades Palace to guard it. The Hades King cultivates, reincarnates, and currently, we don't know their whereabouts. If the Nine Hades Palace remains without a Hades King for long, it will surely fall into chaos."

Lu Changsheng pondered for a moment and agreed.

He could just throw that kid, Qiu Bai, in here to be the so-called Hades King.

Seeing Lu Changsheng nod, the man waved his hand, and the water of the Yellow Spring River floated up, converging into a yellow bead that fell before Lu Changsheng.

After receiving it, Lu Changsheng nodded at the man and turned to leave.

Watching Lu Changsheng's departing figure, the man couldn't help but wonder, "The collapse of the Heavenly Dao in this realm and the closure of the path to ascension... How could anyone comprehend the Dao here? Could it be they came from outside?"

But after some thought, he shook his head. No one from outside would have any interest in this place.


As Lu Changsheng left the side hall, he directly tore through the space with a sword and flew towards the outside world. However, as Lu Changsheng left, on the other side of the Yellow Spring River, a phantom entity swiftly followed him, as if it couldn't bear to let him go.