
My Disastrous Life in Dxd

A guy gets reincarnated with Saiki powers ----- This is somewhat a crackfic so don't take anything here seriously as I am dumb

Mko · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter 4

The woman picked up the Saiki

and began walking towards the exit of the forest.

(4 months later)

It has been 4 months since Saiki got kidnapped-I mean 'Saved'

He figured out the name of the woman who saved him.


He also figured out that he was in a forest near Kuoh.

Lucy, after picking him up, went to the police where they searched for the baby's (Saiki) parents.

However, they found nothing, so it was decided that Saiki would go to an orphanage.

However, the woman (Lucy) decided to adopt Saiki on the spot.

Her reason? Saiki is a cute baby.

(A/N: I know adoption doesn't work like that, but it is my fanfic. I do what I want.

_ (• •)_/)

And so the woman (Lucy) took Saiki to his new home.

(POV's Saiki)

It has been 4 months since I got taken to that woman's (Lucy) house.

And I figured out some things.

That woman is an Airhead, not on Nendou level though.

I wonder if all her IQ went into her chest.

She has no idea how to raise a baby.

I starved a lot until she figured out I needed milk after searching online.

which was followed by her trying to breastfeed me, which failed miserably.

Sigh, she almost suffocated me with her breasts.

She went to buy milk. However, she forgot that she left the baby alone.

If it was an ordinary baby, a lot of things could have gone wrong.

Thankfully, I am not an ordinary baby.

That was not the only thing that happened during those 4 months.

One of my abilities got unlocked:


(A/N: I don't know if there is an order in which Saiki's abilities are unlocked as he grows up, so I chose something random. If there is an order, do tell me and I will fix it.)

I have been experimenting with my current abilities.

I was trying to master teleportation.

At first, I started with something simple, like teleporting to the next room.

With the help of Saiki memories, I was able to control Teleport to a certain extent.

As for telepathy...

[I wonder if Kuu-Kun is hungry] She gave me the same nickname Saiki had


Telepathy is extremely unstable.

It works randomly.

I did make small progress in controlling it, but it is still unstable.

Thankfully, this woman is an airhead and didn't notice me trying to use Hypnosis on her.

for training course, of course

I was only able to use hypnosis on a small object. I assumed that the ability would get stronger as I grew up.

*Growl* Suddenly, a growl came, cutting me off my train of thoughts.

I'm hungry.

The problem is, this woman has no idea when the baby is supposed to be fed.

She only comes to me when I cry, then she checks if I need a change of my diaper-*cough*-pants

or if I'm hungry.

or just being plain annoying, like all babies.

Hehehe I have the perfect solution.


I didn't actually cry, I just used telepathy to transmit my crying to Lucy's mind.

I could just cry.

but I don't want to.

Even if I pee my diapers-*cough*-pants, I still have my pride. I will not cry.

"Kuu-Kun," said Lucy as she quickly slammed the door open.

She quickly checked my diap-my pants. GOD DAMN IT!

Of course, I didn't pee my pants.

I am just hangry.

Which she seems to realize after panicking for 4 minutes.

She does this every time I cry.

Finally, she brought my baby bottle, which was filled with milk.

to me

Sigh, I can finally eat

Looking at her face, she put her hands on her face.

"Boo," said the woman (Lucy) as she took the hands that were hiding the silly smile on her face.




I gave her the most deadpan look a baby can give.

Am I supposed to laugh?

Why are your eyes so teary?

Oi woman (Lucy) don't cry

"Wahh Kuu-Kun hates me *Sob*," she said as tears began to come out of her eyes.

How did she get to this conclusion?


so troublesome.


I pretended to laugh

Instantly, she stopped crying and looked at me.

"HEHEH Kuu-Kun laughed Hehe"

Why am I getting the chills?

This woman is scary.

*Ring Ring* (A/N: Yes, this is a sound effect, shut up)

Thankfully, it seemed that someone called because the phone started ringing.

Thank you to whoever called

You saved my life.


(A/N: Another short chapter I am still planning the plot, so the next few chapters might be short.

It has also been a while since I watched Dxd or read the LN, so I forgot some stuff. So yeah, thanks for understanding.)