


Current age; x years old

Hey diary.

I'm Polixy, a girl with a lot of friends but still is in need for a true one. Writing in a diary has been a habit of mine for a long time. But it's my first time writing one like this. Well not actually writing, it's typing I guess anyway here I'm planning to show bits or parts of my life from those diaries I wrote by mentioning how old I was when that part was happening. Well there's nothing much I want to know by this just things that everyone of us wonder like "Is my life fun?", "Is it meaningful?", "Am I successful?", "Am I living my life right?", "Who am I?". But I'll have to live to find out the answers and I want you to join me in finding that, my diary.

But before all that I'll have to name you since I don't want to keep calling you diary. 'Mea', I'll name you that. So Mea as I've said I've had a lot of diaries before but I guess you are somewhat special. Well your name is special too.

As far as I remember most of the experiences I've written in them are kind of sad or depressing. Maybe because I have people around me with whom I could share my happiness but not my problems or discomforts. I've always controlled myself from sharing my problems with others as it may be seen as my weakness. So let's say these diaries are my comfort zone where I share everything. Even if there were sad memories I've also had my share of happy ones too.

I get a new diary each time I run out of pages but I guess there won't be a case like that with you since you aren't written on papers. We're going to be in touch for a long time and I hope you're ready to be my witness throughout the end Mea.


“It is strange how we hold on to the pieces of the past while we wait for our futures.” ― Ally Condie, Matched

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