

It was 29 July next day was going to be summer festival. Nana really liked summer festival she always went with Momo and shoyo. So she was excited. This year she wanted to go with koutaro as a couple , she always asked yumma if he will go with her but he always refused making an excuse but in truth he was going with another girl so he always refused her.

Ushiwaka was in meeting room it was going to start in 10 minutes . Everyone was sitting there with serious expression. Suddenly somebody's phone rang . Everyone was starting to panic and were looking at each other asking whose phone was ringing. But when they saw their boss' phone was ringing they were shocked. It was the first time his phone was ringing before meeting.

"Hello? koutaro kun" a sweet was came from the other " yeah? " he asked in a gentle voice " umm I wanted to ask if you will go to the summer festival with me tomorrow?" she asked "just the two of us? " he asked " no , Momo will be with us" she said "okay I'll go with you" he said " ohh then I'll buy a yukata for you too, is that okay with you? " she asked "yeah" he replied in a gentle tone " okay then I'll go with Momo now bye bye " she said " bye" he replied and hing up .

Everyone in the meeting room was dumbfounded. Their boss was talking in a gentle voice and was smiling this whole time. "Mr takahiro cancel all my tommorows evening meetings " he said in a cold voice then he called Jun . " hey big brother " a cheery voice said " Jun I want you to go with nana take care of her she is going to shopping with her friend" he said in a cold voice "ohh with sister-in-law , okay I'll go now" he said and hung up call .

The voice on the other side was loud so everyone in the room heard their conversation. They heard second boss saying sister-in-law they thought the first call must be from their boss lady that's why their boss was smiling and talking gently.

Nana called Momo , they decided to go and buy yukata. She was about to go when the doorbell rang . She opened the door "brother jun what are you doing here?" she asked in a sweet voice "ohh sister-in-law law brother told me to accompany you and your friend" he said "Okay let's go then" she said with a smile.

They sat in the car " ohh brother jun first we are going to pick up my friend" she said "okay no problem" he said. Nana told him the the way to Momo's house.

They reached the house, nana got out of the car and called Momo "hello Momo were in front of your house" she said "okay I'm coming" Momo replied. In few seconds Momo came out. When she saw her friend standing she run towards her "nana" she hugged her. "let's go" nana said. Both of them sat in the car .

When Momo sat in the car she saw an unfamiliar face "nana who is he?" she asked pointing her finger towards jun " oh he is koutaro's little brother" she said. Jun heard them talking . " Hello there you must be sister Nana's friend it's nice to meet you I'm Ushiwaka jun" he said but momo ignored him started talking to nana. He was pissed by this kind of attitude of her so he decided to get revenge "sister nana I didn't thought your friend is a middle school kid " he said he knew she was in same university cause Momo was the only friend of nana she told her on their way to Momo's house. "hey I'm not a middle schooler and not a kid I'm 21 and an University student" she said and started sulking. " ohh you are ? sorry you are so small so I thought you must be a middle schooler" he said in a teasing voice " hey , who are you calling a little kid ?" she said nana just sighed and didn't said anything . After that they were silent.

They reached the mall , Jun parked the car and they went inside the yukata shop. "You guys are going to tommorows summer festival?" Jun asked " yeah , are you going too? " nana asked "well I wanted to go but my friends are busy so I can't" he said " ha why are you lying , maybe you just don't have friends" Momo said in a mocking tone " Hey I have friends , they are just all busy " he glared at Momo both of them were glaring at each other .

" Why don't you come with us?" nana asked Momo was stunned but Jun was happy " really ? I can come?" he asked "yeah" she said with a smile "ohh my sister-in-law is so kind I will surely go" he said and hugged nana.

Then they bought yukata's for them and left the mall.