
Chapter Three: Rumors

People came running and gingerly sneaking into the forest, I remain pushed back and silent in my tree cubbyhole. But, a vulture had circled the spot I was in, and landed on a branch, I was spotted by a Dejo Vulture. And I heard dashing coming to the tree, I slid out and had shushed Syril, he nodded and kept on hiding. I quickly, and somehow quietly dashed my way through the forest, I saw a flash of red and I had quickly dodged before the sparkly goo had hit my side, I took a quick turn and ran a circle so the person was in front of me instead of behind. I hid somewhere in dark cave. After what felt like forever, the whistle rang again. I had stumbled into the person who almost caught me, he smiled "Hey, you're pretty quick on your feet, At the last second I noticed you had went a circle." My face had flustered a deep red "Thanks-" The dude had nodded and jogged off, I found Syril still in his hiding place, I shook the rose bush playfully "Hey! You did good, come out!" Syril's eyes had to focus and he grunted before wiggling out the bush, and shaking off leaves, then he took a rose and sets in my palms "Because a rose can never compare how precious you are." My face, was now red. He grinned and chuckled "Aaah, cute." We walked out the forest. I was lost in my own world, keeping that compliment as I felt the gentle petals of the rose. Then, I set it gently in my coat pocket. Ms. Blade had happily set us off to the next class I pat Syril "I promise i'll see you later, maybe meet me in the library - ok?" He nodded and hugged me, then went off. I smiled and changed back to my sweater, and had met up with Newt in meditation class. We walked to a different section of the school, "Someone thankfully gave me a map around this school, it's larger than I thought." He gave it to me, I scanned over the place. We actually have to go to the backside of the school, where blossom and cherry trees laid and ponds had been placed, seems reasonable. Newt's cheeta had caught the scent of the fresh rose, and he had gently taken it out of my pocket and Newt huffed, taking the rose "I can bet on who gave you this." He grinned at me, I shush him "Don't even." I had quickly taken the rose and set it safely in my hoodie.

We made it outside of school again, our teacher was a young, short, woman. Her Dejo was a panda, named Po, after the actual panda. She was chilling out in a tree, eating cherries. I sat, and the teacher, Ms. Rome, apparently Dr. Rome's wife had told us to take a seat anywhere we'd like. Newt sat by me, and his cheeta had already fallen asleep. Once other people came in, we started.

"Close your eyes, and take in all of nature's noises given to you, take slow, steady breathes. Calm down, relax with the green grass at your feet." Ms. Rome had instructed, and I did as so. Once we were on our own. A few People's Dejos was purring, like a small cat next to me.

I relax my body, we laid flat on the ground. I took in the pouring water in a pond, the humming of a hummingbird and the gentle petals that floated by, then - suddenly, I felt a rush of wind from over the clouds and a sudden roar. I flinch awake, that was probably nothing. I tried relaxing again, no problem. After what felt like such a short time, was actually a few hours. The class was over, "I'll see you tomorrow, students." Ms. Rome said, I started walking out but Ms. Rome had called me back, so I started back to her, she smiled "My husband was talking about you and Syril, you don't have a Dejo yet, am I correct?" I nodded "Right, did you feel anything while we connected with nature?" I thought about the rushing wind, far from the ground and that must've been in the sky, that thunderous roar. "Yes." I said, she smiled "That's amazing, what did you feel?" I look down "Yes, rushing wind, and a roar." The teacher thought, "Interesting.. oh! Also, you dropped this rose, I put it in some water for you..if you don't mind." She gave me the rose, but it was in a half plastic half glass tube, with small pebbles at the bottom as the rose was set in some water. The top had breathable poke holes for the rose to stay alive longer, and at the bottom, along the tube, was a golden patterns. I smile "I don't at all, thanks." I use some string and set it through two holes from the poke holes and tie a knot. I went back into the school and used the map Newt gave me and went into the library, and found Syril nose-deep within a book. I ran over to him and set the rose on the table. "Hey! Whatcha reading?" Syril smiled "I found this history book and it says that dragons and white tigers used to be here, as Dejos. But they got wiped out, isn't that interesting?" I thought about it, then huffed "Yeah, that is, actually. Why would-" I got cut off by some Jock, he slammed his hands on the table "Ew - why are you reading? Boys shouldn't read, and what are ya'll doing here anyways?" I glare "Anyone can read, and what are YOU doing here anyway?" I shot back, his face became red "I- I was waiting for people, shut up. Also, where's your Dejos? I expected them to be some type of inch-worm." He chuckled at his comeback, we pause and Syril had closed the book, The guy grinned "Ohhh - I see. You're the two Adlos the rumors been talking about." I flinch, rumors? Goin' around that quickly? Geez..

Suddenly, a woman had slapped the dude upside the head "Back off these people's asses, Darold. You already got detention for bullying in the last class. That's why you're in here." I stifled my snickering, that's when I quickly took my rose and set it in my book-bag and grabbed Syril's hand then tugged him along and out of here.