
My Death System In The Apocalypse

Baladan Thatcher was a street punk who lived by the golden rule. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” His father is a deadbeat drunkard while his mother is a teacher at a kindergarten and a part timer at a orphanage. Even though Baladan is a punk who returns favors in full he was still a smart kid, he was even smart enough to get into a private school! That wasn’t the only thing special about him, ever since he was young he could see when someone was about to die. He could even effect the the time of death to a certain extent, the first time he used that ability was on accident against his own father. Ever since then he had ignored his ability trying to push it away only accidentally using it when he looks at people. That was until the sudden changes to the weather! The world didn’t know how or why but it was thrown into chaos with the changing weather! One moment it could be bright and Sunny, the next it could be hailing! Due to this they spent 2 whole years adjust to the circumstances before people were allowed back at school and work. Unluckily the day they came back the System activated sending the world through hell once more. Along with giving people who survived the sudden descent of mana onto the world powers never before seen! Now Baladan and his people must survive in the apocalypse and learn what is truly going on with the world! Unless I say otherwise none of the art I post is mine, I mainly use AI art to generate my images but may pull some off the internet if I can't make the image I am looking for! (To pronounce his name it’s Bal as in balance-uh-don so Bal-uh-don) (The system of power I am using is a mixture using mainly Sorcery from “I Am The Sorcerer King” and it’s Aura system mixed in with books like “Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner In The Apocalypse” (Blood Warlock is for the system basically) and “The Witch Hunter System” (Is for the Aura) I don’t claim to own the ideas for the system or powers/spells used in the book but this is still an original story I made up just using powers I have enjoyed in different books!) I hope you enjoy ^^

Killerspider · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs

Time To Clean Up!

Baladan looked around for any source of light in the cavern. Strangely enough the moment he entered in this place he felt, safe. For some reason he had a sense of security in this place.

He even started to adjust a little as his eyes started to focus the same green energy that had been sucked into his body filled his eyes letting him see clearly in this pitch black cave.

Bal: 'How about instead of looking for trouble I prepare myself first… what did it say before? Something about a system?'

The moment his mind thought about the system 2 panels appeared in front of him. One on his left side while the other is on his right. One was shimmering with light blue translucent energy while the other had a green energy.

He leaned in a little reading the left system panel then the right one.

[Blue System Panel]

Name: Baladan Thatcher

Level: 0

Race: ???

Innate Ability: Time Of Death, Steal Time, Consume Death.

Ability: Requirement level 1

Title: None


Strength: 10

Agility: 8

Health: 10 (10)

Stamina: 9 (9)

Mana: 5 (5)

Death Energy (DE): 30 (30)

Reading through the panel he frowned slightly, he could guess what all of this could mean but still decided to read the other panel just in case.

The moment he looked over to the other panel something unexpected happened, the blue panel shifted through the air and collided with the green system panel. He watched as both panels began to combine and adapt to each other before a new teal colored system appeared before him.

To his surprise everything was basically the same besides one thing. He now had a title that was already equipped to him.

Title: Surrounded By Death

[Surrounded By Death]- When equipped undead creatures will ignore your existence unless provoked. Upon the death of a undead within an area of 12 feet around you, you absorb their death energy.

Side Effect- Once equipped the host may travel to Shoel at any time.

Bal: 'So that is what was happening with those creatures?'

(He doesn't know the name of the Shadow Corpses yet because he hadn't personally killed one and got the exp)

With that in mind he began to tap on the panel to read the details about his abilities.

[Time Of Death]- Due to your affinity with death you can see when a mortal would either die by natural means or unnatural means. (Upgradable)

[Steal Time]- Using your affinity with death you can affect another beings time with a touch. Depending on the amount of Death Energy used you can steal the time of others adding it to your own. (Upgradable)

[Consume Death]- Beings such as ghosts who have no real form can be directly consumed. Once consumed the being will be sent to Shoel where they will spend all of eternity. The more ghosts and beings such as spirits the host consumes the more Death Energy he will have.

Bal: "H-How would I even eat a ghost!? I've never even seen a ghost before let alone thinking about eating one! Are you trying to tell me just to go up to one and suck in the air really hard!? I would look like a damn fool if I did something like that!"

Baladan face palmed as he looked at the status screen. Something that caught his eyes was now instead of the normal empty space at the top of the screen there was the name "Death System" in bold.

Bal: "Well, I guess I'll try it once if I come across something like that… let's hope no one is with me at the time. Anyways how do I get back?"

At the thought of leaving another screen popped up in front of him.

[Would you like to leave Shoel?]

[Yes] [No]

Baladan immediately pressed yes, his body instantly disappeared from the space before making him wake up right beside Rosa sitting outside of the cafeteria entrance.

Bal: "Sorry about that… I guess I was a little tired after all that. Thanks for watching over me I won't forget that"

Rosa immediately blushed to the point her face went red like a tomato. The thoughts of her prince filled her head as many wild thoughts went by.

Rosa: 'Oh My God!!! Everything is worth it! This whole system thing killing people everything! I don't care anymore all I want is my prince to thank me more!'

Her mind started to wonder as she tried her best to hide her expression. It didn't take long for the thoughts to disappear though as Baladan stood up.

Stamina: 4 (9)

He took a quick look at his status before peaking into the cafeteria through the windows on the door.

Inside there had been 4 Shadow Corpses wondering in the dinning area. He couldn't see into the kitchen from there making him unable to know for sure if there are more then just those 4.

Bal: "How is everyone feeling?"

He whispered to the group of 5, with them having rested for a bit he wanted to check in to see if they have recovered enough yet.

???: "I'm fine now, I only got bruised up a bit. I don't know which bastard it was who decided to stomp on my legs and back on their way out but if I find them I'll use them as a doormat!"

The one talking was a 18 year old women, she had blonde hair, green eyes, with the same school uniform as Rosa on she sat next to a 19 year old man with black hair, blue eyes, a frown on his face, the same uniform but it was slightly dirtied with blood staining his left arm.

Aria: "My name is Aria Howard, this is Tony Miller. We live close to each other so we usually go to school together… at least when we were able to go to school back then"

Tony didn't say a word as he examined the other hurt student.

The last one was also a man hurt more then the rest. Unfortunately for him he was near the front until he was pushed down and trampled by almost the whole group besides the ones in front of him.

He had longer hair then the others, it was brown in color, his eyes were blue, and he had a beanie on his head.

It was even worse when he was in the massive group of scared students someone had shattered a window trying to escape. His luck was so bad that someone stepped on a shard of glass as they ran sending it flying back to stab into his leg while being dragged out of the group.

Bal: "Let's get you checked out first, I'm not the best at medicine but I'm sure we can find something to bandage up that wound"

He first looked through his pockets seeing if he had anything like a cloth on him before reaching for his sleeve. He instantly tore the sleeve off his left arm before getting on one knee before the man.

Bal: "I'll need to pull out the glass. You must be very still ok, if you want to be healed then I can't let this glass shard break inside your leg or we will have to find someone who actually knows medicine"

The student didn't say anything only nodding his head as he clutched his leg with both hands readying himself. The man was obviously terrified but he was more terrified of being left behind or turning into one of those things!

Baladan used one hand to pin his leg before stuffing his mouth with the ripped sleeve.

Bal: "Try not to get that too wet, it's also your bandage"

Using his full body weight he laid on the man's legs before grabbing the glass shard and slowly pulling on it. The man almost dropped the gag and screamed before Rosa cupped his mouth with her hand forcing him to be quiet as Baladan successfully pulled the shard out.

His next move was to tear off the soaked bloody pant leg only up to the wound on his thigh. He quickly took the "bandage" back and wrapped it right around his leg.

Bal: "There that should be good for now. However I need to know who is well enough to come in to help fight? It won't be as easy for us to kill without that desk"

The hall was silent, not many people had been in this area besides the staff who was preparing lunch for the school. This made it quite peaceful but also very terrifying, it feels like a creature could just come out of no where and get them at any time.

Rosa: "I'll go with you no matter what to help but… I don't know if we will be able to get all four with you having no weapon and me having this little knife…"

Baladan pondered what to do, he was thinking to himself as he looked into the cafeteria again. The same 4 Shadow Corpses had been wondering the room but one thing caught his eye.

The moment he saw it his eyes went wide, a smirk appeared on his face as a thought ran through his mind.

Bal: 'I guess it wouldn't be a zombie apocalypse without someone running around with a fire axe huh?'

Inside a case hanging on the wall was a fire axe right beside the fire alarm and a fire extinguisher.

Bal: "I think we can make it but you won't like what I'm about to do…"

Rosa and the others looked at him with a questioning gaze.

Bal: "You know that there is a fire axe hanging on the wall next to the fire alarm in there right?"

At those words the dots connected, the 3 of the injured didn't know whether to be happy or terrified at how happy he looks to see a weapon he could use.

Bal: "Here is the plan I got, Rosa you will draw those that you can away. Don't get into close combat if you can, just run around them. If any of you are able I would like you to do the same, help her distract while I grab the axe"

Rosa immediately nodded, she wholeheartedly trusted the man of her dreams. If he told her to run into a horde of those things she would.

Aria: "I-I can go! Since this is for our survival I will do my best…"

Tony: "No. I'll go, the bruises have stopped hurting so much and all I did was get my arm cut up a little. This will be a experiment as well, let's see if they are attracted to blood more or not"

Bal: "Ok, Aria you stay on standby. Watch over our friend here and if you see the other two having a hard time come in and help distract if I haven't already grabbed the axe"

Aria nodded her head moving closer to the injured man as Rosa, Tony, and Baladan get prepared to move.

Rosa: 'I love you my prince! I will do anything for you!'

Tony: 'Just keep moving, don't stop for a second. You saw it, they are slow! Don't let them grab you and you are fine! You can do it! Oh man if I make it out I'm totally going to tell Aria my feelings…'

Bal: 'Here goes nothing huh… this time, I'll make sure to kill them all!'